Isaiah 14:28-32 Philistia’s Turn

Isaiah is prophesying against all the nations that have caused Israel trouble. It is Philistia’s turn today. God says they won’t even have a remnant left in the end.
The Philistines had been a problem for Israel from the beginning of their time in the Promised Land. Our most memorable time with them was when David defeated their giant/champion, Goliath. They were also the nation that captured the Ark from the sons of Eli. They couldn’t get rid of the Ark fast enough afterwards. Whatever the reasons, Israel and Philistia bumped up against one another fairly often. But they were not of the conquering force that took down Israel or Judah.
God says enough! Philistia became another ‘casualty’ of Babylonian invasion. But they got to see Israel fall first. God tells them not to gloat over Israel’s demise, for He will see that Philistia receives the same fate.
I was curious about the snake references and what they could mean. My bible helps wasn’t much help this time. They say it depends on who you believe is being referenced as the rod. It feels like the rod would be Israel, but I don’t see them being referenced as a snake anywhere else. But we are told about the remnant of Israel being a “root.” That same source is referenced here too. If it is Assyria, they were replaced by Babylon. And we see MANY references to them regarding being snakes.
Whatever the source of Philistia’s trouble, it is severe. God says there won’t even be a remnant left of Philistia. Those that are against Philistia will have safety and plenty. Even their poor will be satisfied. While Philistia will suffer such famine that none will survive. I’m wondering if this famine was a result or a part of the conquering that Babylon accomplished.
However God accomplished His work against Philistia, He kept His mountain a safe place. A place of refuge for His people. A place that His remnant would return to Him. And that return wouldn’t be until they returned to Him in the place where they were first. Even the prodigal son had to make a decision to return to his father. His father didn’t go out and get him. He patiently waited. God was doing the same.
God is still doing the same. When we fall, He waits for us to turn back to Him. He calls out to us, telling us that He still loves us and all we need to do is to turn back to Him. Our future is MUCH different than Philistia’s.
Father God, thank You for watching over me. Thank You for not turning away from me when I fail. Thank You for always being there, calling me back. THANK YOU for welcoming me back too! I LOVE You Father!!! I pray there are fewer times I fail with each day.