Isaiah 1:21-31 Last Bastion

Jerusalem was the last bastion of hope for Israel. The last place where one could find faithfulness to God, for it was the city which housed His Temple. But she too fell away.
The one place on earth where the people of God could be sure He would listen to them and meet with them; Jerusalem. But even this city which He said He would place His name on has turned against Him. Her kings and her people went after other gods. During Uzziah, Jotham, and Hezekiah’s reigns there was still a faithful remnant. These kings made sure of it. During Ahaz rule, even the doors of God’s Temple were nailed shut! No one turned to Him in those days. That’s not entirely true; there was ALWAYS a faithful remnant. Isaiah was part of that remnant.
This passage reminds me of the story of Noah and the flood. God was looking for anyone faithful. There was only Noah. God punished the whole face of the earth because it was COVERED in sin! Israel has joined the ranks of the unfaithful. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had made for themselves idols that they bowed down and worshiped; the golden calves.
Judah had remained fairly faithful. The hearts of the people waxed and waned with the heart of her king. The more zealous the king was for the Lord, the stronger the people’s faith and following God. There were VERY FEW who totally ‘cleaned house’ in the name of the Lord. David brought the people to the Lord with all their hearts. As Solomon built the Temple for God, he allowed idol worship in the ‘side door’. With the kingdom’s division, Judah retained the City of David; Jerusalem. Satan already had a foothold in Jerusalem because of Solomon’s giving in to his wives wishes.
Now, the corruption has become SO BAD that God cries out, “ENOUGH!” It’s time to pull down ALL the strongholds and protection He has afforded them over time. It’s time for them to fall on their own pride. God will use other nations to punish the people for their disobedience. It’s time to let them receive the FULL measure of what they have deserved. NOT out of vindictiveness or petty jealousy but out of love and RIGHTEOUS jealousy. One that seeks out good by demanding we stay focused on Him.
God tells the people, through Isaiah, that their prized city is coming down and why. But He doesn’t leave it there! He promises a day when it will all be rebuilt. This includes restoring the form of government God intended for Israel from the beginning. She is the one who wanted the kings in the first place. God KNEW it was coming before they said anything. He even made a remark to Moses when giving him the Law. This is NOT how God planned for Israel to live as His children. It was going to take SOME doing to get them back to where He wanted them to be; a FIRM hand.
This DOES NOT mean that God stopped loving his children or that he gave up on them. It means just the opposite; He will do ANYTHING He needs to do to get His children back in line. And there is a reward for obedience. A restored relationship awaits!
Thank You Father for loving me enough to discipline me! For NEVER giving up on me, no matter how many times I made You angry. I’m holding onto the promise You made here too. I’m looking forward to seeing what You ultimately do with this city; where Jesus will reign supreme! I will be MAGNIFICENT!