Hosea 6:1-7:16 Unrepentant

Hosea starts with a ‘repentance plea’ from the people with expectation of forgiveness. But the people AREN’T repentant. They just pretend to get out of trouble.
When I first started reading our text, I thought that the people were repenting and that God was going to answer their prayer for help. We ALL know how God keeps His ‘ear to the ground’ for a repentant heart. God welcomes us with open arms when we TRULY repent.
But this isn’t a repentant heart crying out here. It is a people pretending; going through the motions. They want their trouble lifted but don’t want to have to actually change. God says “I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings” (verse 6). This “knowledge” isn’t ‘book learning’ but ‘relationship building’. He wants us to KNOW HIM rather than know about Him. He wants relationship instead of religion.
I’m reading another book. It has nothing to do with scripture or God. It’s simply a ‘for fun’ book for me. One of the characters said something that I feel is appropriate to our passage. He said “Apologies only work the first time”…”When you apologize for something and then you turn around and go out and do it again, it kind of makes the apology feel like it didn’t mean anything. Like it was just a bunch of empty words you strung together to make the situation better or go away.” The other character argued that she did mean the words and they weren’t empty. “I didn’t say they were empty. They just feel that way.”
I bet that’s how God feels when we say we are sorry then turn around and do the same thing again. But this time, God KNEW the repentance was merely words. He saw through their pretense. He knew their hearts, even better than they did. And their hearts were STILL unrepentant and SCREAMED OUT for discipline. That was the ONLY thing that would make the words real. When they recognized the truth of their own sin and what it had cost them.
Sometimes we even ‘fool ourselves’ with our apologies. Or at least we think we do. In my worst eating disorder time, I don’t know how many ‘promises’ or apologies I made for my behavior. I meant them but I didn’t keep them. Down deep in my heart I probably knew they were empty. The drives and compulsions were SO STRONG that I was ensnared in them. Until those bonds were broken, no promise to change was truly real.
Was this what Israel and Judah were experiencing? Were they so bound up with superstition and their idols that they couldn’t see a way out? Or were they ‘enjoying’ the ‘rewards’ of where they were at and didn’t want to change? Did they pretend to repent to look good to others? If I’m honest, I was ‘enjoying’ some of the ‘rewards’ too. Having people complement me on my success. Being able to wear VERY small sizes. THINKING that I looked good. All the while, killing myself from the inside out. Just like Israel and Judah were.
PRAISE GOD! HE GOT OUR ATTENTION!!! It took God grabbing hold of Israel and Judah (and me) before change would come. But He NEVER gives up on His children. The discipline is as hard as it has to be to correct the issue. The choice is up to each of us as to when to listen. Mine took spiritual bondage breaking along with discipline. I’m SO GLAD He got through to me!!! And I’m pretty sure my family is too.
Father God, THANK YOU FOR NEVER GIVING UP ON YOUR CHILDREN! You bring about a right repentance when we let You have Your work in our lives. It took a while for me but You didn’t quit. I’m SO GRATEFUL that You protected my physical health when my mental health was in such a mess. Thank You for restoring my mental health too. I PRAY I never make ‘pie crust promises’ again with You. I want my WHOLE HEART to be Yours. No hidden rooms. No off limit sections. No dark corners. Show me where You would have me walk each day.
Thank You for the favor You gave me today in the dealings I had to complete. Continue working on my behalf please with the issues I’m fighting. I don’t know HOW You can accomplish it, but PLEASE bring peace back into our neighborhood. I leave it all in Your hands. Protect my animals during this time of conflict and let NO ONE harm them.