Happy New Year!

I want to start off by apologizing again for being inconsistent in my posts during this month. The Christmas season has increased the demands on my time, including a LOT of child care. This weekend is another high capacity home time. I find myself entertaining everyone and running out of time to sit and think. Top that off with more noise than a schoolyard at recess.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE having the kids over. But I am once again in need of your forgiveness as I will be missing posting bible study time. I started working on our next reading, but it is bed time already and I am going to have to focus on that for the rest of the night. I will most likely be facing the same thing for the next two nights. I’m hoping to be back up and running Monday night but can’t be sure.
I love sharing with you all but until I can find quiet time, I will be taking a break. I’ll be back strong in the new year. Thank you for your patience and Happy New Year!