Haggai 2:1-9 Building Project

The remnant of the Israel has been working on rebuilding the Temple of the Lord for many years. This building project is far inferior to that which Solomon built.
God knows the hearts of the people. He has seen their dedication to Him in their turning away from their own comforts in order to address God’s House. For over a month and a half, they have poured everything they have into rebuilding God’s Temple.
This new temple cannot hold a candle to the grandeur of the previous one. God KNOWS this and so do those who were alive to see the original one that Solomon built. Those who have seen both might call this one ‘a cheap imitation’. God KNOWS their hearts in this aspect too and He addresses it before it ‘festers’ into resentment.
God first acknowledges the difference. He didn’t try and hide it. He wasn’t about to pretend this second one offered the same grandeur and beauty of the first. He tells His people that this comparison is NOT important. God promised that His presence would FILL this one with His presence as surely as He had in the first Temple.
This prophecy reminds me of the story of the widow who gave ALL she had in the offering. The story has her presenting her offering in the Temple while Jesus is watching what was going on in the Temple. This woman didn’t have the resources to make a big donation. She brought less than ANYONE else, but what she gave was more valuable than ALL of what the others brought.
The widow in the story brough ALL she had to live on. She gave it out of a pure love for God, and Jesus saw that. Jesus didn’t need to ask her about her circumstances. I don’t know if she even heard the discourse going on between Jesus and His disciples. Yet, she WAS seen by God, and no doubt HE took care of her from that moment on.
The people working on the rebuilding of God’s Temple didn’t have the resources Solomon had when he made the original Temple. They didn’t even have the resources that those who contributed to the building of the Tent of Meetings. This group was working with what Cyrus had appointed for them and what was left after the neighbors plundered them. In short, they were poor. Whereas Solomon had the wealth of the world at his beck and call, this group relied on the generosity of Cyrus and Darius.
THEIR lack did NOT translate into a lessening of His involvement in their lives. It also didn’t mean that He was dissatisfied with what they build. They gave of their WHOLE HEART in doing this work for Him. His glory would fill this Temple as fully ad it had the previous one.
God wasn’t looking at the outside of this building. He was looking at the heart the people were putting into this building project. That is how He looks at each of us too. He doesn’t care how much money you have, only what we do with the money He gives us. He looks at where we put our trust and our worship. If it is in Him, we KNOW we are safe, no matter what the world throws at us. If our trust/faith is in ANYTHING but Him, what we do have will run through our fingers like water. HE is the ONLY One wh can save.
God also promised this group of people that He would “shake the nations” and bring money back into the hands of the people. ALL the silver and gold ultimately belong to Him; and He can distribute it as HE sees fit! He takes care of His people.
Thank You Father God for taking care of me and my family. We don’t have enormous wealth to put our trust in. What I do have, I praise You for the gift and use it the best way I can for Your Kingdom. I also KNOW NOT to put my trust in it! YOU are my source, strength, and salvation. Money CANNOT buy ANY of these; no matter how big the ‘pile’ is.
Thank You too Father that You don’t look at the ‘outside’ of me and declare me unworthy of Your presence. I don’t like my ‘shape’ but I am MORE than happy that I’m here for Your benefit and the benefit of my family. Use me however You choose Father. I’m in Your hands. And THANK YOU for Your presence in me.