Haggai 1:1-11 Refocus

The captives have returned but their focus is on themselves. God says to refocus their efforts on rebuilding HIS house and then He will bless theirs.
Zerubbabel had received an order from Cyrus to bring the remnant of Judah home. They were to rebuild what had been lost, starting with the House of the Lord. The neighbors were NOT happy with this and they put up opposition. The people bowed to that opposition. They turned from building God’s House to building their own.
Cyrus command for the people of Judah who returned was first and foremost to rebuild the House of their God. For 14 years the people worked on the Temple but they faced resistance. Cyrus intervened on several occasions, including redirecting more money to the task and telling the opposition to stand down. After Cyrus’ death opposition resurfaced and the people finally stopped work all together. For two years they focused on their own needs and left God’s House standing half done.
God was NOT pleased with their turning away. He was to be their priority. And He made His displeasure known. During the time of ‘half-building’ and complete stoppage, He worked to get their attention. How could they not have noticed His hand at work in this?
Whatever the people did, it wasn’t quite enough. The plantings didn’t bring in the harvest expected. The harvest didn’t go as far as was needed. Mildew and blight plagued them at every turn. What they did earn didn’t meet their needs. Even their cloths couldn’t keep them warm. EVERY area of their lives were plagued with ‘shortfalls’.
God finally decides to tell them straight up ‘why’ this is happening because they don’t seem to be getting His message on their own. He sends Haggai to explain it to them. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? The reason all your efforts fall short is because you are focusing on yourselves and your comforts instead of on God. YOUR houses go up while HIS still lies half done. Get HIS done FIRST and He will take care of your needs.”
Jesus said the same thing to His disciples. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Jesus was speaking to His disciples about being concerned or worried about all their material needs. “God KNOWS your needs. Put HIM first and He will ‘worry’ about them for you.”
God didn’t just tell the people to refocus their attention and get to work. He MADE a way for it to happen. In Ezra 6, God caused King Darius to decree support for the completion of this work. God caused Darius to become curious about what was going on in Judah and to search the archives for documentation describing it. Darius found, no doubt with God’s help, Cyrus’ decree for the rebuilding of God’s House. Darius adds his support to the project. In fact, Darius went so far as to say that ANYONE who tried to stop this project would have a beam of his own house removed and impaled on it! THAT is some STRONG support.
God doesn’t always tell us up front what His plans are. He OFTEN doesn’t fill us in on the details. But we can be CERTAIN that HE has everything well in hand. In fact, He plans in advance for what we are going to face. He puts things in motion that we haven’t even considered so that, when the time comes, they are there for us. Sometimes He waits for us to make the commitment and then He moves Heaven and earth to make the ‘resources’ available for the task. He NEVER calls us to do a task without being willing to give the support needed to complete it. This includes working on our hearts in the process.
Father God, THANK YOU for ALWAYS making a way when my focus is on YOU. Even in our time together, I have found that You ALWAYS bring about circumstances to give me time to spend with You. You have blessed my morning times lately to give me quiet time with You. Even on the busiest day, You seem to somehow work it out that I can carve out some space for the two of us.
Father God, I’m asking now for Your help with my hands. I’m AMAZED how they don’t hurt during our time together but they begin, and continue, to hurt the rest of the day once we conclude. I NEED my hands to be strong to care for my husband. Yes. I know that I use them for my own needs and diversions, but their health is essential to ALL of my activities. Please restore them and remove the pain in my arms. Thank You in advance for meeting my needs.