Gifts for His Body

We have seen that God gives us natural gifts, talents. Those talents are also gifts He gives us for use in His body of believers. Do all that you do to the glory of Christ Jesus.
We looked at the gifts that God gives to everyone during their time of development. How these gifts can be DNA based but also need ‘training’ to come to fruition. God can, and does, use these gifts for the ‘health’ of His body of believers. There are MANY different gifts/talents that are employed in the workings of a healthy body/church. Some of these talents are seen by all while others are almost invisible to the majority. Ephesians 4:11-12 identify some of the more obvious leadership gifts while Romans 12:3-8 looks at the ‘supporting structure’ of the body and the gifts used there.
If you were to ask anyone what the most significant role is in the church, most would say Pastor. Even those who have never attended a church in their lives have heard of this office. In the Catholic church, it is the Priest or the Pope. EVERYONE has heard of these offices. But those in this office could not function if it were not for God’s gifts to them and those supporting them in their role. I’m not speaking strictly of financial support but of other roles in the body which make it possible for the church to function. Let’s take a look at some of those gifts, talents, and roles.
I want to start at the bottom and work my way up. I believe that those in the ‘lower ranks’ are overlooked quite frequently. I want to shine a light on them and thank God for their service. The lowliest of these roles would be the janitor/custodian. This is the person who is almost never seen but without whose service we would ALL notice and be appalled at the conditions of the church. Think about the last time you visited the restroom, even in your own home. If NO ONE ever cleaned the toilet, washed the floors, wiped the counters, replaced the soap, replenished the toilet paper, would you go back to that place again? If you are like most people, the answer would be NO. These things aren’t essential for the sharing of the gospel but their neglect drives people away. Another role of the janitor/custodian is cleaning the rest of the building. The classrooms where the children meet definitely need sweeping and washing down to keep them safe and usable. Carpets need vacuumed, floors swept and mopped, windows washed, seats wiped down, and all the other thousand little things that keep the body of believers able to walk in and sit at ease. This includes adjusting heating and air conditioning too for many churches. Someone has to do it, but most would refuse if asked.
God gives the janitor/custodian the gift of service. This person’s heart is motivated by seeing to it that the unnoticed needs are met. They may not ‘sing for joy’ at the thought of taking out the trash or cleaning the toilet, but they are able to see the needs others don’t and willingly take on the role. Often times, they receive no recognition or thanks for their service from most of the members of the body. Depending on the size of the church and its resources, they may not even be paid for their work. The fact that these tasks are done and people feel welcome and at ease may be their only reward here on earth. I will GUARANTEE you that God sees them and their hearts though.
Another often overlooked area of service is that of child care worker. These are the nurturing souls that offer up their time to tend to the babies and toddlers while their parents attend the worship and teaching sessions. I will promise you that the parents notice those who serve in this office because of their gifting and those who do so out of obligation or pressure. Those who have a heart towards children make both the parents and the children feel welcome and safe. They nurture the children while in their care and genuinely enjoy being with the children. The rest of the body would also notice if this group were absent.
The next group I want to point out are the Sunday School teachers. This group is given the gift of being able to explain complex ideas, motivate their students to participate, recognize when a specific student needs encouragement, organize the lesson and or activities for the day, and bring it all together with a smile. This gift is needed for EVERY age range of ‘student’. From the Children’s Church leaders to the pre-school class teacher to the adult teachers, they all need God’s gifts to bring out His word to those they serve. And let’s not forget about their helpers! The ones who come into the classroom simply to help wherever help is needed. These are those who serve so others can ‘sit at the feet of Jesus’ and learn of Him.
Another unnoticed area is that of caring for the church’s financial and clerical needs. Someone who is in this role would be gifted with organizational skills and attention to detail. They would be excited to see the books balanced. Having all the bills paid on time brings them a sense of peace. The church bulletin in another area they would manage. Finding the right mix of guiding information, motivation, important notices, and humor falls in their laps every week. They keep us looking every week to see what is going on in the body. They track, and keep the body informed of, special events; maybe even track the birthdays and send out greeting for each. They are often the ones who keep the songs on the projector organized and in order for the service. Where would we be if we couldn’t see the words!
Another crucial gift in the body is that of giving. We are all told to support our church body, but there are those who give beyond the offering plate. They are the ones who help finance special projects or sponsor a child for a youth retreat. Their heart is invested in using the finances God has provided them to help others. When they do this as a gift to God, they go unnoticed. They don’t raise a plaque in their honor or raise their hand and call attention to their acts. They simply see a need and meet it with as little fuss as possible. They may see a child without shoes and provide some for him. Their gifts don’t always have to be money though. A LOT of the gifts of giving are gifts of time or natural supports. The person who brings a meal to one who is ill is giving a gift from his/her own gifting. The one who visits a member of the church who is in the hospital is operating in this gifting too. The world is a MUCH nicer place because of their hearts of giving.
We are coming to the leadership part of the body now. These are the people who are more clearly seen but the depth or cost of their service isn’t. The pastor who spends hours studying and preparing what is to be set before the body. The music minister who brings the team together for practice and works out the order of this portion of service. The evangelist who travels from church to church bringing a special word that God has laid on his heart. The missionary who leaves their home and goes to serve in an area where the need is great. All these people devote MANY hours, if not years to bringing the word of God to those they are called to serve. They put bringing the word of the Lord before all else in their lives; often above even their own family. NONE of them could fill this role without the gifts of God giving them the tools they need for their task.
I know there are MANY other gifted individuals I didn’t point out today. God gives us each gifts that help His body. That keep us whole, as a family. Without these gifts we would not grow in Him. We would be a disjointed mass of people who happen to occupy the same space. His presence and gifts is what makes us a body; a family. So, whatever you do, do it to the glory of God and it is a gift from you to others because of His gifts to you.
Father God, THANK YOU for ALL Your gifts to the body of believers everywhere. Together we are ALL one body. We don’t hold ourselves together; YOU do. You put the right people in the right places to bring unity in our groups. Thank You for the roles You have allowed me to serve in over my lifetime. Thank You that You can STILL use me to serve Your body, even though I can’t physically attend a church. You don’t exclude me or leave me empty. You fill my heart’s desire to serve others in ways I never imagined before. Even the little things, like driving someone to where they need to be, is a gift for me to give to another because of You. You have blessed me and my heart’s desire is to pass it on. THANK YOU for ALL who have ‘passed it on’ to me too.