Gift of a Name & Home

These two gifts are for the end of our walk. Jesus promises us a new home with Him in Heaven that He created just for us. And God promises us a new name known only to us and Him.
These are the last ‘gifts’ that I want to examine during this season. It’s Christmas day for me so it feels right ‘unpacking’ the last of the gifts. This isn’t the last day of this advent journey though because I have one more thing I want to touch on tomorrow. I’m leaving it as a surprise, but I will tell you that it is what holds EVERYTHING else together.
I first learned of God giving each of us a new name while attending a woman’s retreat. During this retreat, the speaker was praying for us to each know and understand our new name. I didn’t receive a revelation of what mine will be. Those who said they did were told not to share it with anyone because it was a private thing between the person and God. All these years later, looking at the scripture regarding receiving a new name, I don’t think we get that name until we reach Heaven. I feel like it is something He whispers into our heart when we see Him face to face.
God first started speaking of a “new name” in Isaiah. In each of the three times Isaiah gives the word of God regarding a “new name”, he is referring to those who follow the Lord and don’t turn away (Isaiah 56:5; Isaiah 62:2; Isaiah 65:15). They don’t get their new name as they begin following Him but after they have been faithful. I would say faithful until the end. These are overcomers or faithful servants.
There are two instances in Revelation where a new name is also mentioned. These two are for those who overcome. Those who are faithful until the end (Revelation 2:17; Revelation 3:12). In these scriptures the overcomers of specific churches are identified as the recipients of the new name. I have learned over the years that the messages directed to the churches were not ONLY for their benefit but of all mankind. The churches are given lessons that we ALL need to learn and live by. Those who overcome the identified problem receive the reward. This, to me, means that I will receive a new name from His hand also.
The name portion of this gift precedes receiving the place/room/home prepared for each of us. Jesus told His disciples explicitly that HE was preparing a place for them in His Father’s house. We have no ability to use it while still on earth. It is in Jesus’ Father’s house. Jesus is speaking with His disciples near the end of His life before the cross. He wants His disciples to KNOW that they will be cared for throughout eternity. He gave them blessings in the present life and the afterlife. This won’t be a “Motel 6” where they just keep the light on for weary travelers. It is a specially prepared place for each of us. One He created with His own hands for each of us. This too is held for the end of our time on earth; when we have overcome the world.
Father God, thank You for the promises that speak of eternity. There is SO MUCH MORE to come in Your home but these two parts I know I have to look forward to. I have no idea what kinds of ‘rewards’ You have for me some day. The only one I really want is to hear You say “Well done my good and faithful servant.” THAT is the BEST reward I could EVER hope for; pleasing my Father! I also want to hear “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). I PRAY that I serve You always and those whom You love too.