Genesis 30 Progeny Pt.3

We continue with Jacob’s progeny. These are the children God blessed Jacob with through four different wives. All of these were born in the land of Haran while with Laban.
We have Leah’s first four in part 1 and both their maid’s in part 2. I hope to make it to Joseph today. We left off with Zilpah having delivered her second child. In our story, she is near the point of death and Leah has to take up nursing Zilpah’s second; hoping that she will recover soon. Leah is also six months pregnant and still nursing Judah. There is also little Gad to think about. He is only 11 months old and is not weaned. Let’s rejoin our story and see where the Spirit takes us today.
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Zilpah lies still and silent on the pallet where she gave birth. Leah sits with the brand new babe and watches Zilpah. Leah knows that she can’t carry the weight of three nursing infants alone; let alone bring a fourth one into the world healthy. She needs help! And a wetnurse is only part of the help she needs.
Leah loves Zilpah. She is more than a maid to her. She is her sister; better than her sister because her real sister is ‘at war’ with her over their husband. Leah regrets using Zilpah in that ‘war’ now. Zilpah has a hard time with delivering Gad, yet Leah offered her to Jacob again when Gad was only two months old. If Leah would have known it might cost Zilpah her life, she would never have done it. There is nothing to do now but to pray.
“Lord God of Jacob. The One who also hears my cries. Touch my servant and let her live. I will never use her in this way again. I ask Your forgiveness and hers. You have blessed me beyond measure; including providing this healthy child. I have no right to complain or even ask for anything more for myself. But I am asking. For both our sakes, allow Zilpah to live and nurse her children. Let her see them grow to be strong men.”
Leah weeps silently for her friend as she encourages her body to respond to the needs of this infant; Jacob’s youngest son. The midwife has done all she can. Zilpah is in God’s hands now.
Leah has Zilpah moved into her tent, along with both the sons she bore in Leah’s name. The midwife sent for one of the other nursing Imas in the camp to help Leah. She too is concerned with the toll nursing so many infants will take on Leah’s body.
Leah doesn’t have a choice. She has to wean Judah, immediately. It’s not like he depends on her for his nutrition. He is well past the age all her other sons were weaned.
Leah readies a new addition to her children’s pallets. She reaches out to Judah and wraps him in a big hug. “You will sleep with your older brothers now.”
He looks at his Ima with tears in his eyes. “Why Ima?”
Leah knows he will not be happy to learn that he must ‘give up his place’ so another can have it. She has to be very careful of the answer she gives so as not to foster jealousy.
“Zilpah, Ima’s friend and special Ima of Gad and the new baby is very sick. Ima has to take care of the babies while Zilpah gets better. These babies are so little that they need Ima’s milk. Zilpah can’t give them any, so I have to give them my milk.” Leah watches Judah’s face for understanding. When he seems to be following along, she has to tell him the hardest part, for him.
“Because Ima has to give milk to Gad and the new baby, there is none left for Judah.” Leah sees Judah stiffen. Now for the second ‘punch’. “Ima needs to be able to nurse the babies in the night, so they must sleep with me. There is not enough room in Ima’s bed left for Judah.” Judah eyes are filled with tears. This is breaking Leah’s heart, but there is no other way. She decides to show him the up side now.
“It is not a bad thing though, because you are so big now. You will be able to go with your brothers and your Abba. You will get to see the sheep. And maybe kiss one like Reuben and Simeon did.” She watches him to see if this will help him with this transition. His lower lip is still quivering and the tears remain pooled in his eyes, but he is making no protest.
Finally, Leah adds what she hopes will tip him over the top into agreeing instead of fighting this decision. “And you will have a ceremony like Reuben, and Simeon, and Levi, and even Dan did. We will celebrate Judah for moving from a ‘nursing infant’ to a ‘young child’!”
Judah wipes his eyes and nose with the back of his arm and nods his head in agreement. Leah wraps him up in her biggest hug possible.
The next morning Jacob, with Dan in tow, comes to pick up his sons personally. When Leah greets them, he sees the toll she is paying. Her skin is pale, she has dark circles under her eyes, and she moves around as if half asleep.
“Abba. Judah is weaned!” announces Reuben. “He slept with us last night.”
Jacob’s eyes widen in surprise and he looks at Judah. “You are big now too” he says with a smile. We need to have a celebration for you. One where you are the guest of honor.”
Jacob looks up at Leah and realizes how much more work this celebration will add to her already overflowing load. He knows that she is caring for Zilpah and the two sons she bore in Leah’s name. He has no love for her, but he does have compassion. Besides all that, she is carrying his child and this is most likely putting a heavy toll on the baby.
Jacob bends down and calls Judah to him. “Judah, I KNOW you are looking forward to your guest of honor ceremony, but it will have to wait a few days.”
Judah’s eyes fill with tears. First his Ima and now his Abba are taking from him. He feels pushed out of place by the new baby.
Before Judah’s tears can start falling, Jacob gives him a gift; the gift of time. “The other boys had to wait until after their ceremony to come with me in the morning, but because your ceremony has to wait, you don’t! You will join your brothers with me today. How does that sound?”
“I haven’t dressed him for the field” protests Leah.
“Simeon and I can do that. Can’t we Simeon” asks Jacob.
“I can and I will” replies Simeon as he heads over to where the robes for the children are stored. He picks one for Judah and brings it over to him. Simeon holds it while Judah puts his arms in. Then Simeon ties the belt around Judah to hold it closed.
“I knew you could do it Simeon” praises Jacob. Jacob then looks at Leah. “I will have someone bring Judah home at the midday meal.”
Jacob, holding Judah’s hand, Levi, holding Dan’s hand, Reuben and Simeon all leave together. Leah stands in the middle of her tent without her oldest children. She only has Zilpah, Gad and ne new baby to care for. At least for a few hours. The wetnurse should be here soon to help with the babies.
Jacob wasn’t ready and waiting with Judah’s first experience, like he was with the rest of the boys. He had to make up the day as he went. He let Judah watch as Reuben and Simeon milked the goats. While they did this, Jacob sent two servants out to bring in several gentle lambs. Judah will meet the lambs today too!
When Jacob sends Judah home for the day, he also sends along a servant to help with Zilpah. The servant is to take Zilpah’s place in Leah’s life until Zilpah is recovered. Leah cries tears of great relief when she is told of this kindness Jacob has done.
It is three days before Zilpah opens her eyes. Leah had been carefully feeding her broth while she lay near death, to help rebuild her strength. When Zilpah’s eyes open, Leah brings her more broth. Conversation is light, but the first thing Zilpah wanted to know was how the baby faired.
“He is beautiful! Strong and healthy and patient with my milk flow”
“Bring him to me please, that I may try and nurse him” begs Zilpah.
Leah does, and Zilpah is able to nurse the newest baby. This is the most satisfied Leah has seen him since he emerged from Zilpah’s womb.
“I am SO HAPPY!” thinks Leah. “My prayers have been answered.”
It takes two more days before Zilpah is ready to rise from her pallet. It will be some time more before she regains all her strength, but she is alive and able to feed the baby. Leah takes over the care of Gad and the wetnurse is released.
This fifth day is also the day that Judah will have his weaning ceremony. Leah made certain to bake her special cakes for Judah. She also sent a servant into town to pick up fresh fruit. THIS is Judah’s favorite. He likes her cakes too, but fruit makes his heart sing!
The ceremony is for Judah, but people stop by Zilpah to tell her that they are happy she is recovering. She sits by Leah for a few hours before having to return to Leah’s tent for more rest.
Judah is pleased to be the center of attention tonight. One of his favorite things to do is to make those around him smile. As a ‘nursing infant’ he didn’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this skill, outside of his own tent. Since going with Abba, and now at his celebration, he was making good use of that skill. His favorite way to make someone smile is simply to smile at them. If that didn’t work, a hug usually got the ‘work’ done. By the time his ceremony concludes, he will have made everyone who came smile, at least once.
The day of circumcision has arrived. Leah is pleased that it didn’t overshadow Judah’s day, or prolong it. Judah has already given up so much. Simeon, ever the caretaker, prepares the new baby for what their Abba is going to do. “It will only hurt for a minute. Then you will belong to God.”
Leah stands with all her children around her. Zilpah sits on a cushion to the side. Leah hands the babe to Jacob and he preforms the circumcision in expert fashion. Afterwards, he turns to Leah for the babe’s name. “His name is Asher” she announces. It is a perfect name in Leah’s mind, for she is TRULY happy to have Zilpah back.
The celebration following the circumcision mirrors all of Jacob’s other children. Food, wine, and fellowship last long into the evening. Leah receives congratulations for providing Jacob with yet another son, as well as inquires into her own upcoming delivery. Zilpah rests on a cushion near Leah in the earlier hours. She is still too weak to last the full day. Rachel and Bilhah allow Dan and Naphtali to play with Leah’s children, so long as they do so in their sight. Levi and Dan have become the best of brothers. But Dan will never replace Simeon in Levi’s heart.
By the time Leah is ready to deliver, Zilpah has resumed nursing both children she bore. Leah will only have to contend with one nursing infant. She helps Zilpah if needed though.
Leah wakes Reuben in the night and sends him for the midwife. By the time she arrives, the rest of the boys have been bundled and taken off to Zilpah’s tent. Leah’s labor is so quick that, by the time the midwife arrives, she is ready to deliver the babe.
“You have done all the work without me” comments the midwife. “All that is left is for you to push the babe free.”
In no time at all, Leah is looking into the eyes of her youngest son. “God has given me my wages because I gave my servant to my husband” (verse 18a) Leah thinks to herself.
Jacob, with Dan, come to pick up Leah’s sons for the day. Jacob also takes time to view his newest son. “Is he healthy” he asks Leah.
“He is strong and healthy.”
Jacob nods. He was afraid that his child would suffer from the strain put on Leah with Zilpah’s illness. He is very relieved that his child came through unscathed.
The time of circumcision arrives. Leah and her children are gathered together. Zilpah stands with Leah and near the two sons she bore Jacob. Rachel and Bilhah look almost ‘lonely’ compared to Leah’s troop. Leah is definitely making comparisons as she waits for Jacob to take their son.
Jacob approaches Leah and she proudly puts their son in his arms. Jacob has eyes only for the babe. Leah isn’t beyond caring, but she gets most of her love from her children. She is accustomed to this kind of dismissal.
Jacob preforms his task, then turns to Leah for the child’s name. “His name is Issachar.”
“Welcome my son Issachar. He is my nineth son” announces Jacob.
There is much congratulations flowing during Issachar’s ceremony. Most of it is going Jacob’s way. “God has truly blessed you! NINE sons!” Some goes to Leah for her work in both giving Jacob so many sons, but for also helping to bring Zilpah back to health.
The wound of still not having children of her own still plagues Rachel. She loves Dan and Naphtali, but her heart’s desire is to give Jacob a son from her own body. “How much longer” she pleads with God. “Will it ever be my time?”
Jacob continues to teach his sons the skills they will need when they are older. He decides that it is time to teach Simeon and Levi their own special lesson. He has been putting it off, hoping that Levi would grow into responsibility. But, because Simeon is always ready to pick up after him, Levi hasn’t felt the need to do any more. Jacob also realizes that Levi started coming with him at an earlier age that any of his other sons. Maybe he was too young. Yet this lesson has to be taught before it is too late.
One morning, Jacob comes to pick up his boys. As they prepare to leave, he turns to Levi and says; “You will stay with your Ima today.”
Levi’s jaw drops as if a ten-pound weight has just been added to it. “Why Abba?”
“Because you have been treating your tasks as if you are still an infant. Infants have no responsibility. You have pushed your responsibilities onto Simeon. So you will be treated as an infant again.”
“But, Abba, I don’t mind” pleads Simeon of Levi’s behalf.
“You are doing Levi no favors in allowing this.” Jacob fixes Simeon with a look that brooks NO argument. “Levi must learn to be responsible for his own work and to do each job well.”
With this, Jacob pushes Levi into Leah’s arms and hustles the rest of his sons out the door. Jacob doesn’t even look back. Levi stands at his Ima’s side, in absolute silence. His heart wants to cry out that his Abba is being unfair. But he had been warned many times to go back and finish what he was told to do. Silent tears begin to make their way down Levi’s face. They are mirrored by tears on Leah’s face, but she quickly wipes them away so Levi won’t see them.
“If Jacob would have come to me with this concern, I could have helped. Now he has shamed Levi in front of his brothers” her heart cries. Leah puts a hand on Levi’s shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. After ensuring that the tears were no longer visible on her face, she kneels down to Levi. She can see the battle he wages. One between despair and determination. She hopes he chooses the second and proves to his Abba that he too, can be dependable.
“We can find things for you to do here to prove to your Abba that you are not an infant, but a young child who knows what responsibility means.”
Levi nods his head. “I am not an infant.” He throws his arms around his Ima and begins to weep in earnest.
Leah lets him cry. This lesson hurt. When he is cried out, Leah moves him back so they can see each other face to face. “It’s time we got to work on that lesson.”
Levi is ready. He gives Leah a weak smile.
Jacob’s servant picks up the boys, except for Levi, for a full week. And during that week, Levi is ready and willing to take on any task Leah has for him. And he completes each one of them to the very best of his abilities.
The first day of the next week, Jacob comes to gather his sons. Levi stands away from the other boys. He is not sure what his Abba will do or say. He will not cry, nor will he beg. He will obey his Abba, no matter what choice he makes. But the waiting hurts.
Jacob calls Levi to him. Jacob’s face shows no trace of softness. “How has your week been? Have you thought about what I said? And are your ready to be responsible for your own tasks?”
“I helped Ima all week. I did ALL my jobs. I was responsible Abba.” Levi hesitated before adding, “You can ask Ima.”
Jacob smiles. “I will take your word for it. I trust you not to lie to me, even if it hurts. Now, can you give me your word that you have learned this lesson well?”
“I give you my word Abba” replies Levi with a solemn look.
Simeon’s heart soars with this news. He knows that Levi has passed Abba’s test. But he must pass his own test. He CANNOT help Levi by doing his tasks for him. Abba has warned him of this. He has no idea what his punishment would be, and he doesn’t want to ever have to learn.
Jacob leaves with all the boys this day. And all have learned well to listen to his directions and corrections.
Issachar is two months old when Jacob comes again to Leah’s bed. He visits her for three nights after all the children are asleep. Leah does not refuse him. She knows her role in the family. And she is more than happy to fill her tent with children.
Leah waits for a morning when he picks up the children to tell him personally. He seemed displeased when she had sent word through Reuben when she was pregnant with Issachar.
Jacob arrives for the children, purposefully choosing this time, hoping to learn if Leah is with child. He does not ask her outright. He waits for her to announce it. As he is gathering the boys, Leah steps next to him.
“I am with child again.”
“This is good” Jacob replies. He gives her a small smile.
Leah thinks she might faint. THIS is the biggest response he has ever given her when she told him she was pregnant. She will not forget this smile. It will be another of the memories she treasures.
On the Sabbath after Simeon’s fifth birthday, Jacob takes with him to sacrifice to the Lord. Reuben has been several times since his fifth birthday. It is Simeon’s turn. Simeon knew a little more what to expect than Reuben had on his first time with his Abba to the altar.
Simeon also gives everything his full attention and carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. His Abba has taught him not to pick up other’s slack, but that doesn’t mean that his heart doesn’t go out to those who are struggling. And he will ALWAYS take up for the one who is wronged. He hopes that Abba’s God won’t ask him to change this. When Abba kills the lamb, Simeon’s heart will weep for it. Reuben didn’t tell Simeon that he wept. This would be something Simeon would learn this day too.
Simeon helped his Abba choose the perfect lamb. Simeon apologized to it as he presented it to his Abba. He kept his hand on it as they walked up to the altar, hoping to lend it comfort.
Simeon’s actions did not go unnoticed by Jacob. He knew Simeon’s heart. He knew what this would cost him. But he also knew what it would gain him. He would, hopefully, understand the calling of Jacob’s God.
“You know that we have to kill the sheep, goats, and cattle that we eat.”
“I know Abba. I still feel for them.”
“As you should, my son. Taking a life is not something to be taken lightly. We do it to survive. But this lamb will be different. His life will mean more.”
“Why Abba? Isn’t all life special.”
“It is Simeon. But this life we return to our God as a symbol of our gratefulness for all that He has given us.”
“Why Abba?”
“Because God created life. He created you in your Ima’s womb. Without His hand, none of us would exist. And He protects us. He gives us food to eat. He brings rain for our fields. He blesses us with health. And we need to tell Him how grateful we are for all his gifts. We need to sit down and spend time with Him.”
“How Abba? I don’t see Him? How will we spend time with Him?”
“We will share a ‘meal’ with Him. Just like we do when we have a celebration. Like when you were weaned. We sat down together and spent time with one another. We will spend time with our God by sharing a special meal with Him. One where HE is the Guest of Honor. One where we give Him our best. One where we focus our whole heart on Him.”
“We will share the roasted lamb? With God?”
“Yes. And we will fix it just like He likes it. Just as your Ima makes you special cakes. We will give this lamb to Him as our gift of love.”
“Is it still ok to be sad for the lamb Abba?”
“It is absolutely ok my son. Reuben even wept for the lamb our first time together. It is not easy to take a life; even for such a special purpose. You are to honor each life we take by using what is surrendered to us with care. Not waste it.”
When the time came for Jacob and Simeon to eat their portion, Simeon said a quiet ‘Thank You’ to his Abba’s God before every bite. He knew he had much to be thankful for.
Simeon returned home with a new understanding of the gifts that the Lord had given him. He promised that he would thank Abba’s God every day. “Is it alright if I thank God without making a sacrifice” he asked his Abba on the walk home.
“It is. So long as you still remember to honor him in His way too, from time to time.
Zilpah has never fully returned to perfect health. She struggles with having enough strength throughout the day. When Gad is nearing his second birthday, Zilpah feels she can wean him. This should take some of the strain off of her body. She had moved back into her own tent after Issachar was born. Once Gad is weaned, he will live with his brothers in Leah’s tent. And she will have another of her tasks lifted off of her struggling shoulders.
It takes Gad and Zilpah two full weeks to accomplish this milestone. Gad would cry and Zilpah would give in. Zilpah had told Leah of her plan and apprised her of their progress. The final tipping point was when Leah sat down with Gad and told him what awaited him on the other side of this task.
“You will no longer be a nursing infant. You will be a young child. And as such, you will get to join your brothers in my tent and go with your Abba each morning. AND we will have a celebration to honor your change in life; your hard work.”
Gad loved his brothers and wanted to do everything they did. He loved Zilpah too, but she was not his ‘true Ima’. He had been told this from birth. Zilpah made certain that the children she bore, knew that they were truly Leah’s sons. Zilpah had no desire to be a mother, especially after suffering so terribly with each of their deliveries. She prayed with ALL HER HEART that Leah would never present her to Jacob again.
Zilpah sent word to Leah the day Gad was weaned. Leah gladly shared this with Jacob. Jacob had no predictable schedule as to when he would come himself or send a servant to collect his sons each morning. Leah asked Reuben to ask his Abba to stop by in the evening that very day.
When Jacob arrived that evening with the children, he was concerned as to what he might hear. Leah had not told Reuben her reasons for requesting a visit by Jacob. When Jacob entered the tent, Leah was standing there with Gad in front of her. Her hands were on his shoulders so he would stay still instead of rush headlong into the group of brothers.
Leah and Gad had talked about how to tell his Abba this exciting news. They decided that Gad would actually get to say the important words; “I’m weaned.”
Leah looked at Jacob and said; “Gad has something he wants to tell you.”
Jacob bent down to Gad’s level. “What do you want to tell me?”
“I’m weaned Abba!”
“That is wonderful! I suppose it is time for a celebration. Tomorrow night will be your night.”
Jacob eyes happened to fall on the sleeping area in Leah’s tent. “I think your Ima is going to need a bigger tent with another son joining her.”
“It would be much appreciated” replied Leah.
“Can we help make it Abba” asked Simeon.
“I think that is a good idea. It is after all, your tent too.”
Gad’s ceremony was joyous. His brothers made sure he got plenty good things to eat. Leah had to stop them before they made Gad sick. Gad would do anything his brothers asked of him. Zilpah and Leah both accepted the congratulations that came their way.
Rachel was crying inside, watching her sister, who was pregnant again. She realized that Jacob spent his time with Leah’s boys every day. Yes. Dan was among the boys, but he was the only one who was not of Leah’s name. Adding Gad tipped the scale even more in her favor. It was time Naphtali was weaned so that he could stand beside his brother each day in their Abba’s eyes.
Bilhah went to work on that process the very next day. Naphtali was Gad’s senior by five months. It was time. And it pleased her mistress. She was also looking forward to having her own tent again. Rachel had insisted that she stay in her tent until the boys were weaned. Rachel didn’t want to miss a moment of their lives.
Three weeks later, Rachel announced to Jacob that Naphtali was weaned.
“It looks like ALL my boys are growing up! I may have to hire more hands to help me with teaching them the skills they need to learn. I’m out numbered!”
Rachel laughed at his dramatic response. She knew him well enough to know that he was teasing her. “Shall I tell Naphtali about his ceremony?”
“I have a feeling he already knows to expect one, as his brothers have been having them in his presence for some time. But, yes. Tell him it will be tomorrow night. I have to take my troops into the fields now.” With a smile, Jacob collected Dan and headed to Leah’s tent. He would tell her of Naphtali’s ceremony so she could contribute to the meal what she wished.
The brothers were happy to hear that Naphtali would soon be joining them. All except Gad. He had heard that Abba spent the most time with the newest son. Naphtali would take Abba away from him too soon.
Naphtali’s ceremony was wonderful. He was the guest of honor and he reveled in it. He did NOT however take advantage of his position. He willingly shared his special treats with Dan, who in turn invited Levi. The three of them enjoyed their time together. Gad was the only one of the brothers that felt ‘cheated’ by Naphtali’s shining night. He wanted people to remember him and how he had made this change before Naphtali, even though Naphtali was older.
“I am older than Naphtali because I became a young child first!” Gad pouted.
Reuben saw that his brother looked troubled, so he sat beside him. “What is troubling you little brother?”
“I’m not the little brother! Issachar is” snapped Gad.
“Issachar is the littlest brother. You are still my little brother. So, why are you angry?”
“Because Naphtali will take Abba away from me tomorrow.”
“I thought the same thing when Simeon started coming with me and Abba. But Abba has room in his heart for ALL of us. Yes. You may wind up going with one of Abba’s servants, but Abba spends time with ALL of us each day; even if it isn’t always very long. Abba is only one man. We are MANY children. We will never be able to divide him equally, but we can share him respectfully. Respect that each of us must start at the very beginning of Abba’s knowledge. That he wants us all to have the same knowledge; the skills to be a good man someday. We have to trust him to mold us, just like he is trusting his God to mold him. It is not always easy, but it is important.”
Gad welcomes Naphtali when he and Dan come with their Abba. He will do as Reuben says, even if it isn’t easy.
Leah’s time to give birth is upon her. Her tent is overflowing but she is ready to welcome another child into her heart. Most of the boys are out in the field. Only Issachar and Asher are at home when Leah’s pains begin. She knows to call the midwife right away, after how quickly Issachar made his entrance.
The two youngest children are taken to Zilpah’s tent to wait. Zilpah doesn’t have the strength to help Leah through her delivery this time, so the midwife brings another with her. In less than three hours from the first pain, the baby is greeted by the midwife.
“You have another son! It seems like that is the only kind of child you know how to make” she chuckles. “And they are also always healthy. I wish all my Imas were as blessed as you.”
“God has endowed me with a good endowment; now my husband will honor me, because I have borne him six sons” (verse 20). That is all Leah is looking for anymore; honor. She knows that ‘love’ is beyond her reach.
Word is sent to Jacob in the field of the birth. He brings the boys home so he can see the babe. He looks lovingly at his latest son. Then he looks down at the crowd around him. He knows that he is TRULY blessed. Jacob kisses the heads of each of Leah’s children before taking Dan and Naphtali home with him.
Not for the first time, Levi wonders why Dan and Naphtali get to live with Abba. He doesn’t realize he is not the only one who wonders this. They all love their Ima though and wouldn’t leave her, even if invited.
The day of circumcision has arrived. As usual, Leah’s children surround her. They are her protectors, at least in their eyes. Rachel stands alone with the children Bilhah bore for her. As they are weaned, they will be raised by Rachel now.
Jacob approaches Leah to take the newest of his sons from her arms. All his sons’ faces shine up at him as he holds their brother. Simeon whispers, “Remember, it will be alright” to his brother as he moves from his Ima to his Abba’s hands.
Jacob does all he can to suppress his smile. This is supposed to be a solemn occasion. He winks at Simeon though.
After Jacob removes the foreskin of his son, he turns to Leah for the child’s name. “His name is Zebulun.”
Jacob invites everyone to welcome Zebulun and then they adjourn to the clearing where they hold all their celebrations. Jacob is thinking over how many celebrations they have held in the very spot. “It’s a wonder that there is any grass left at all, with as many feet have stomped this ground” he says to Laban.
Laban throws his head back and laughs. “And I fully expect there will be MANY more to come!”
“I certainly hope so” agrees Jacob.
Zebulun’s celebration is just as joyous as any other celebration held here; for everyone but Rachel. Rachel thanks God for the two children she has been given through Bilhah, but she still LONGS for a child of her very own. She has been praying to Jacob’s God for YEARS. Whenever she is discouraged, she reminds herself of the story of Isaac’s birth to Sarah. God waited to give her a son until she reached the age of 90. Rachel PRAYS that she won’t have to wait that long. She doesn’t believe her heart could take it. Especially with watching Leah pop them out like rolls!
Jacob has not given up on having children with Rachel, but he knows the chances of that happening. So, when Zebulun is two months old, Jacob again comes into Sarah’s bed. He visits for his customary three nights and only when the children are asleep.
Leah wakes two weeks later, feeling very nauseous. She has to quickly step aside several times to empty her stomach as she is preparing breakfast for her sons. She wonders what she is coming down with. She nibbles on dry bread to calm her stomach. She feels better after the children are gone.
The next morning, she encounters the same problem. “What is going on? This is not normal” she thinks. But she couldn’t be farther from the truth. Leah had never experienced ‘morning sickness’ with her pregnancies. She knew others did. Zilpah had with Asher. But she didn’t even consider that she might be experiencing it, until she missed her cycle. It was like a rock fell form on high and knocked the answer right into her head.
She told Jacob that she was pregnant again the very next time he came to pick up the children. When Rachel heard of it, she was beside herself. She wept for three days. Only the needs of her children and the love of her husband brought her back from her despair. And the fact that Leah was as sick as a dog with this pregnancy didn’t hurt Rachel’s feelings one bit.
Rachel began to beg God daily to open her womb. She held her breath when she was late for her cycle a few months later. She kept expecting it to surprise her at any moment. The longer it delayed, the more excited she got. When the time for her second cycle came and went, Rachel was ecstatic!
Rachel prepared Jacob his favorite meal. When Jacob returned home from the field, she sent the boys to Bilhah. She had a meal waiting for them.
Jacob watched Rachel fussing about until she asked him to please sit. Instead of serving Jacob and waiting until he finished his meal to speak with him, Rachel knelt down beside him.
Jacob knew something was up, but he had no idea what it could be. He had never seen Rachel behave this way. She didn’t seem to be able to sit still.
Finally, Rachel was ready. “I have something that I need to tell you my husband.” She waited for a moment, to be certain she had Jacob’s full attention.
“What is it my love?”
“I am carrying your child!”
It didn’t dawn on her until after she said those words, that they were the exact same words that Leah had used the first time she told him she was expecting a child. It didn’t matter because the reaction of Jacob was completely different.
Jacob wept tears of joy as he embraced Rachel. “After all this time! It has finally happened!” he cried.
Rachel’s smile enveloped her face completely. It shown like the sun. She nods her head.
Jacob stopped for a moment and asked, “Are you certain?”
Rachel remembered these words too from Leah. She refused to let them hurt her. “I am most definitely certain!”
Jacob wanted to have a celebration right then and there, but Rachel told him that they needed to wait. “I do not want to celebrate until I hold this life in my arms. Who knows; God make take it from me if I’m too proud.”
Jacob agreed to wait, but he told several people anyway. One of those people was Leah.
Leah wants to be happy for her sister. She truly does, but their rivalry for Jacob’s love cuts deep. She has no idea what this will mean to her own life. And to her children’s. How much of Jacob’s favor for Rachel will carry over to her child? How much of it will be stolen from her children. She knows that her sons already notice that Dan and Naphtali go home to be with Jacob every night. They are not blind. But this child may bring chaos to that delicate balance.
There is nothing Leah can do about this, so she will wait. And she will do everything she can to protect her children from harm and heartbreak.
Rachel basks in the glow of being pregnant. Even the morning sickness can’t dampen her spirits. She knows that it will pass in time. The first time she feels her child move within her nearly brings her to tears. She stilled herself immediately and sat for nearly an hour, enjoying each movement to its fullest. When the movement became obvious from the outside, she would reach for Jacob’s hand and place it on her stomach, whenever he was near her.
Jacob was overjoyed to experience these moments with Rachel. They had waited so long for just such an opportunity. He had begun to believe that it would never happen with Rachel. He loved her with all his heart, even though she was unable to give him children. He didn’t think it possible, but he loved her even more now.
Jacob continues to teach his sons the skills they will need in life. He brings Reuben and Simeon with him to sacrifice to the Lord from time to time. When he found out that Rachel was expecting a child, he made a special sacrifice to the Lord and requested protection for her and the babe within.
As Leah’s due date quickly approaches, she knows it is time to wean Issachar. She cannot sustain three nursing infants. Zilpah is also ready to wean Asher. As unusual as it sounds, they decide to do it together. The boys are already close to one another. They spend their mornings playing when the older boys are out with their Abba. Motivating them by telling them that they will be able to be together all the time is enough to get them on board.
Now that the decision has been made, Leah needs that added space in her tent. When Jacob next comes to pick up her sons, she reminds him of his promise to increase the size of her tent.
“I have other things to attend to right now” was his answer.
Her heart feels the stab of pain for her children. She knows that the ‘things’ taking up Jacob’s time are Rachel and the babe she is carrying. Jacob is neglecting her children’s welfare for a child that hasn’t even been born yet.
Simeon heard his Ima’s need. He knew he wasn’t big enough to do the job himself, but he promised to find a way to make it happen. Before he leaves with his Abba and brothers for the day, Simeon gives his Ima a hug and whispers, “Don’t worry Ima. Our tent will grow.”
Leah looks down at him with a confused look on her face. She is not sure what Simeon means. Did he actually think their tent would ‘grow’ like a plant does? She reels in her confusion and gives him a smile before he rushes out the door with his Abba and brothers.
Simeon is wondering when he should put his plan in motion. Should he wait until he and his Abba are alone, or should he do it where others can hear too. Thinking about his and Levi’s ‘special lesson’ and how Abba handled it, he chooses to do it where his brothers will hear; and help Abba do the right thing.
Simeon moves through the group of his brothers as they are making their way to the field so that he is next to his Abba. He summons up all his courage and launches into his plan.
“Yes, Simeon” replies Jacob.
“Do you remember when Gad was weaned?”
“I do.”
“Do you remember that you told Ima that you would make her a bigger tent and that Reuben and I could help you?”
“I remember something about it” confesses Jacob.
“Our tent isn’t any bigger Abba. And Reuben and I are still waiting to help you.”
“As I told your Ima earlier, I have other things I have to tend to right now.”
“Yes, Simeon.”
“Do you also remember when you taught me and Levi our ‘special lesson’?”
Jacob isn’t sure he likes where this is going, but he will not lie. “I do remember.”
“You told Levi that you trusted him not to lie to you. You also made him learn to finish the jobs he started and be responsible.”
“That is the lesson I taught him; yes.”
“Do you have to be responsible too Abba” asks Simeon in an innocent voice.
“Yes. I do” replies Jacob.
“You told Ima something…”
Before Simeon can complete his sentence, Jacob stops walking and bends down to his level. “Do you want to know something Simeon?”
Simeon is hoping that it is not a bad something, but he answers “Yes” just the same.
“You are a good teacher.”
Simeon likes what his Abba has just said to him. He is glad that he could teach Abba something; even if it was something his Abba already knew.
“We will begin working on a bigger tent for your Ima today. And you are going to be my helper. I have to remember to honor my word at all times. This is what my God requires of me and what I require of you too.” Jacob squared himself up with Simeon so they would be eye to eye. “Will you forgive me?”
Simeon hugged his Abba and said, “Yes, Abba. I forgive you. But don’t forget to ask Ima to forgive you too.”
“From the mouths of babes” thinks Jacob.
Once the matter is resolved, the group continues its short journey to the fields. When they get there, Jacob leaves the boys in care of several servants who will be teaching them by example today. He takes Simeon with him as they go to the place where hides are tanned and stored. These are used for tent construction.
Jacob introduces him to Simeon. “This is my son Simeon. He and I will be making his Ima and his brothers a bigger tent. I am going to leave him in your capable hands and the two of you can figure out what we will need. I will be back in a few hours. I have to tend to the other boys.”
“Simeon, he is going to need your help deciding how big the new tent should be and what kind of hides to make it with. He will ask you questions, and those answers will help him make up the plans for your Ima’s new tent.”
Simeon is proud to be helping his Ima in this way. He will truthfully answer ALL the man’s questions.
Jacob leaves Simeon with the tanner and the two of them get right to work.
“How many people live in your tent right now?”
“Reuben, me, Levi, Judah, Gad, Naphtali, Issachar and Ima. But Asher and a new baby will come to our tent too.”
“That is a lot of brothers! Your Ima must be very happy.”
“Not all the time” Simeon says with a trace of sadness in his voice.
“Some of your brothers make her sad?”
“No. My Abba does” confesses Simeon.
“I’m sorry to hear that” replies the tanner with true sympathy in his tone.
“Whenever she gets sad, we make her smile. She loves us, even when she says we are so noisy that her head will BURST. It never does. She just says that so we will be quiet.”
The tanner chuckles. “It sounds like you love her very much too.”
“I do. That’s why I taught Abba a special lesson today.”
“What did you teach your Abba?”
“That he had to be responsible and keep his word to Ima to make her a bigger tent.”
“You are a very wise son.” The tanner is truly surprised by Simeon’s boldness and willingness to approach his Abba when he felt a wrong had been done. Not many children his age would be so bold.
“It sounds like you will need a very large tent. Let’s get to work on designing it now.”
Simeon and the tanner work together with Simeon pointing out where his Ima and his brothers would sleep and where they would eat their meals. “Remember too that Ima may have more babies. We have to have room for them” directed Simeon.
When Jacob returned, Simeon and the tanner had everything ready. Simeon had picked out the hides himself. He liked the ones with speckles in them. He could make pictures with them in his imagination. He would teach his brothers to do this too.
The tanner would sew the hides together into panels for the new tent. They would be ready to put together in about three days. Simeon and Jacob said goodbye to the tanner. Next, they would go to the man who cut tent rods and poles. Simeon carried the drawing the tanner had made for him. The miller would need this.
Jacob put in is order with the miller, using the specifications from the tanner. It too, would be ready in about three days. Jacob looked at Simeon and asked, “Is there anything else we should do for your Ima’s tent?”
Simeon, not knowing what it took to make a tent, had no suggestions.
“What if we got new pallets for you and your brothers for the new tent?”
Simeon’s eyes go wide and he nods his head twice to affirm his agreement with his Abba.
Jacob takes Simeon to the weaver. Here he lets him pick out colors and patters of cloth for their pallets. “Can I get one for Ima too?” asks Simeon.
Again, Jacob is touched by Simeon’s heart. “Yes. You can pick one out for your Ima too.”
The weaver will make pallets from the patterns Simeon picked out and stuff them so they are soft. They two will take a few days to be ready.
Once they are finished, Jacob takes Simeon aside for a serious talk. “I want to surprise your Ima with the new tent an pallets. We won’t say anything to her until all is ready. We will also wait to tell your brothers. If we tell them now, they may spoil the surprise.”
“How will you ask Ima to forgive you and still not tell her?”
Jacob laughs and Simeon gives him a stern look which only makes him laugh harder. When Jacob finally calms himself, he addresses Simeon’s concern. “I will ask your Ima to forgive me when we are ready to put up the new tent.” Jacob marvels again at Simeon’s heart and sense of responsibility. He truly has no equal in all the camp.
Simeon will keep this secret with his Abba, even though it is hard. He is excited about what is to come, but he has to pretend he isn’t. He hopes his brothers and Ima won’t see it in him.
The day arrives when everything is ready for the new tent. Jacob has tasked six of the servants with actually erecting the new tent and dismantling the old one but he and Simeon will be the ones to tell Leah about it.
Jacob and Simeon visit each of the shops and collect all the materials onto a cart that is pulled by a donkey. Then they make a plan of how to tell Leah.
“Should we take it to her now” asks Simeon.
“I was thinking that telling her when I pick you up in the morning would work best. That way, the servants will have all day to put it up while your brothers are busy in the field. We would tell her right before leaving.”
Simeon shakes his head. “Ima will need time to prepare. She likes to do things like that. We should tell her tonight, so she can prepare and be ready tomorrow.”
“You are probably right. That’s exactly what we will do. But what should we do with all this” asked Jacob, pointing to the loaded cart.
“We can show it to Ima. She will be excited.” Simeon thinks for a moment before adding, “To my brothers too. We won’t let them have the new pallets though until the tent is made.”
“Ever my wise son” Jacob says as he rubs Simeon’s head.
When Jacob brings the boys home that night, they are all curious about the donkey cart. Simeon won’t let them peek inside. “Ima has to see it first” insists Simeon. Jacob backs him up with this. Jacob tells Reuben to run ahead and have his Ima outside when they get there.
Jacob and the boys come rolling up with the cart. “Surprise!” yells Simeon.
“What is this” asks Leah.
Jacob steps forward. “First, I have to ask your forgiveness. Simeon reminded me the other day that I had offered to increase the size of your tent and told the boys they could help. He reminded me that I need to honor my words. Simeon and I have brought the supplies to complete that task. There will be servants here first thing tomorrow morning to erect the new tent. Simeon also told me that you needed ‘time to prepare’. That is why we are telling you about your surprise tonight.”
Leah is weeping tears of joy by the time Jacob finishes telling her about the plans. She looks over to Simeon and holds a hand out to him. When he comes to her, she wraps her free arm around him. “You told me that you would ‘make it bigger’. I should never have doubted you.”
Zebulun, who is on Leah’s hip grabs a handful of Simeon’s hair which has to be extracted from his hand before Simeon can show his brothers the rest of the surprise.
“These are new pallets for us. We can’t use them until the new tent is ready.”
The boys jostle one another to get a hand in and feel the softness of their pallets.
Leah has a surprise for Jacob now. “Zilpah and I are weaning Asher and Issachar. They are nearly ready. Perhaps the promise of a new tent and pallet will encourage them along.”
“It sounds like there is a LOT of ‘growing’ going on” says Jacob while rubbing the back of his head.
The next morning Jacob allows Reuben and Simeon to stay and help with the tent. He takes the rest of the boys to the fields. Leah had prepared things so they would not be in the way while the tent was being set. She even gave Zilpah Issachar and Zebulun to watch over during the process. They would have been underfoot. She wants to be there to supervise.
By the time Jacob brings the boys back, there is a new tent in place of the old one. One that is half again as large. Reuben and Simeon are beaming with pride when their Abba arrives.
“Come look inside” urges Reuben as he takes his Abba’s hand.
Jacob allows Reuben to draw him inside. Reuben points out the place where each of the boys will sleep, where his Ima will sleep, where they will eat, and where they can play together so as not to mess up Ima’s ‘kitchen’.
Jacob gives all the appropriate responses of awe throughout his ‘tour’. Everyone else stands by the door until the tour is over. Jacob and Reuben return to where Leah waits with the boys.
“You are forgiven. And thank you very much” says Leah with a smile.
“Are you going to invite the boys in” Jacob chides.
“I want one more moment to see it in its clean state. Leah stands and looks at her tent again, pretending she doesn’t see the boys’ anxiousness to go in. She smiles and finally says, “All right. In you go!”
They all rush forward in mass. They push and shove to get through the door. Their parents laugh watching their scramble. Dan and Naphtali rush in too. They want to see the new tent.
When the excitement finally dies down, Jacob takes Dan and Naphtali with him and Zilpah brings they younger children inside. Zilpah is impressed too by Leah’s new tent. Simeon is showing everyone the patterns he picked out for each of them. There was even a pallet for Issachar and another for Asher. Simeon knew before Jacob did that his Ima was weaning his brother. He wanted them to have a place when all was done.
Simeon walks over to Issachar and Asher. “Do you want to see something?”
They both nod in agreement.
Simeon takes their hands in his and leads them over to the sleeping area. “That pallet right there is for you Issachar. And this one is for you Asher. But you don’t get to sleep on them until you are weaned. Nursing infants sleep with their Imas. Young children sleep here.”
“Me weaned” announces Issachar.
“Me weaned” echoes Asher.
“You have to ask Ima if it is so. She will know” Simon instructs.
They both run to their Imas. Zilpah and Leah look to one another and shrug. “We can try and see what happens.”
Both were on the cusp of completing the milestone. Simeon’s words would carry them over the last hurdle. In the morning, Jacob was told the news by Simeon.
“We can have a double ceremony!” exclaims Simeon.
Jacob wonders if both boys will be alright with this. Sharing a special occasion may not be as easy as Simeon thinks. And Jacob will certainly have to enlist help when he enfolds them into the daily group.
The night of the double ceremony couldn’t have gone any better. Issachar and Asher lean on one another for courage. Neither is an overly bold or curious child. They both take life as it comes to them. And they have been sharing everything with one another since the day Asher was born.
Zilpah is happy to fade into the background as an Ima now. Her solitary portion of the work is done. She will, of course, help Leah in whatever she needs as the children grow. But they are Leah’s children now. She will also be able to concentrate on regaining the rest of her strength.
Leah watches her sons as they revel in their day; their celebration of moving from nursing infant to young child. She receives the occasional congratulations but most of the attention is focused on her sons; and Rachel of course. She refuses to complain, even in her heart.
Leah calls Reuben to her in the middle of the night. It is time. She needs the midwife.
“Reuben, run as fast as you can and bring the midwife.”
“Simeon, take the children to Zilpah.”
Both boys perform their tasks expertly. The midwife is at Leah’s side right away. It’s a good time to because Leah is moments away from delivering her baby. Her labor pains hadn’t woken her up until the end.
“It’s time to push Leah” coaxes the midwife.
Leah pushes and her babe nearly flies from her womb. The midwife expertly catches it.
“It is a girl, Leah.”
Leah had a feeling it would be so she is not surprised or disappointed by this news. This pregnancy had been so different from the rest. She is actually looking forward to raising a girl. This child won’t be taken away by Jacob. She will be Leah’s alone to raise.
“Her name is Dinah” Leah says to the midwife.
“That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Zilpah brings the children back for breakfast. The midwife sent word that Leah was ready for their return. When Jacob’s servant arrives to pick the children up, he has to wait for them to finish eating. He is also greeted by the news that the baby has been born.
Simeon hears his Ima refer to the baby by a name. This is confusing to him because each of Ima’s babies got their name when they got their mark.
“Ima, why does this baby have a name?”
“Because this baby is a girl.”
“Doesn’t she get to have the mark and get her name then, like we did?”
“Girls are not the same as boys. Girls do not get the mark. And their names are given at birth.”
Simeon thinks for a moment. “Do you have a mark, Ima?”
“No, Simeon. I don’t.”
“Then how does God know that you are His?”
“He knows your Abba and I am part of your Abba’s family. Abba’s mark covers the girls, the Ima’s, in his family.”
“Dinah is not an Ima. Will Abba’s mark cover her too?”
“Dinah is not old enough to be an Ima, so your Abba’s mark will cover her until she is old enough to marry and become an Ima. Then her husband’s mark will cover her. But only if he has one; if he belongs to Abba’s God too.”
Jacob’s servant overheard the entire conversation. He is amazed at Simeon and his understanding. Also, at how Leah is able to make even difficult concepts understandable to her children. He will relate this entire story to Jacob when he as the opportunity.
Jacob brings the children home that evening. He does not hold this baby but he does take time to look at her. It is his first daughter. He is honestly not sure how to relate to her. He figures that, when the time is right, the Lord will show him what he needs to know. Until then, she will be Leah’s personal domain.
Levi reaches his fifth birthday and Jacob prepares to bring him to the altar he has made for the Lord. He picks Levi up from Leah’s tent the Sabbath following his birthday. “We will be home by evening” Jacob offers as they leave.
Leah isn’t afraid any longer of Jacob offering one of his sons as a sacrifice. And she knows that Levi will not be hungry when he returns. He will ‘have a meal with God’.
Levi is excited to be going on this special outing with his Abba. Reuben and Simeon told him a lot about what to expect. Simeon reminded him to do EVERYTHING that Abba told him to do. To leave no job undone. Levi promised that he would obey his Abba fully.
Jacob allows Levi to choose the lamb, just as he did with Reuben and Simeon. Levi tries to spare his favorite lamb by choosing one that is a little smaller. Jacob knows what Levi has done. There is another hard lesson coming for Levi.
“Yes, Abba.” The start of this conversation already tells Levi that his Abba is disappointed in him. And that will make Simeon disappointed too. Levi’s heart already hurts knowing this, even before Abba tells him his punishment.
“Why did you not choose that lamb” asks Jacob, pointing to the best lamb; Levi’s favorite.
“I know we will kill the lamb. Simeon told me so. He is my favorite lamb. I don’t want him to die” confesses Levi.
Jacob nods his head, letting Levi know that he understands. Then he motions for Levi to come and sit with him. Levi complies.
Jacob takes a deep breath before bringing another hard lesson to Levi. “Do you remember when Simeon helped make a new tent for your Ima?”
Levi nods.
“When I took him to the tanners, he picked out the best skins.”
Levi agreed again with a nod.
The miller picked out the poles to use, but Simeon picked out the best patterns for each of you for your new pallets.”
“Mine is wonderful Abba.”
“What if Simeon only picked out the best for himself? How would you have felt? If only he got a new pallet?
“I would be sad. I would be mad too.”
“Did you notice that Simeon’s pallet is not as colorful as the rest of them?”
Levi thinks for a minute, looking over their sleeping area in his head. “It isn’t. It is only one color.”
“Do you know why that is?”
Levi shakes his head.
“It is because, after he picked the very best for each of you, there were no other colorful fabrics left. He took for himself what was left.”
Levi is shocked by this. “Couldn’t the weaver have made him another one? A colorful one?”
“She could have, but then he wouldn’t have had a new pallet at the same time you got yours. He chose to take the lesser choice so he could share in the joy with you.” Jacob let that sink in for a minute. “Did you notice how beautiful Ima’s new pallet is?”
“It is VERY pretty” agreed Levi.
“That is because Simeon chose the very BEST for Ima.” Jacob pauses again before bringing the lesson home. “Do you know why Simeon chose the very best for her?”
“Because he loves her” asked Levi.
“Because he loves her even more than his own life. God loves us that much. And we are to love Him back in that same way. We are to give him our best. Even if that means we have to take something less, or it hurts to do so. When we hold back our best from Him, it tells Him that we love ourself more. And that makes Him sad. And maybe even a little mad.”
Jacob lets Levi work out the lesson the rest of the way on his own. He waits quietly as Levi comes to a decision. And Jacob will honor whatever decision Levi makes. He prays that it is the right one.
Levi has his eyes fixed on the ground. His heart is telling him to do something that he doesn’t want to do. He wrestles with it until the tears begin to fall. He KNOW what he needs to do. He does not want to make God sad, or mad. He will be sad instead, just like Simeon was when there wasn’t another colorful fabric for him.
Levi finally looks up. He walks over to where the lamb he chose is standing with a rope around its neck, waiting to be led away. Levi takes the rope off and walks over to his favorite lamb. He places the rope around his neck. Then he leads the lamb to his Abba and hands him the rope.
Jacob and Levi go up to the altar. Before Jacob put the knife to the lamb’s throat, Levi kissed it one more time. Levi was grateful that his Abba made the lamb die quickly. He didn’t want to see it hurt. When they ate their portion of the sacrifice, Levi choked each bite down. He was glad he gave God his best, but it still hurt.
“It will hurt for a while” Jacob told him. “Most lessons that we keep forever do. I am proud of you. You gave God your best. I KNOW he will have something special for you in your life. Something to repay you for the love you have shown Him today.”
It is nearly time for Rachel to bring her child into the world. Jacob has been spending a little extra time with Rachel lately because she is so miserable. He rubs her feet or her back when she is in pain. He does this out of love. He is not neglecting any of his children and their learning, but he is cutting their time short. They return by early afternoon now.
The boys have more free time and play in the clearing with one another. Just before dinner one evening Levi and Dan were talking about their shortened days.
“I miss Abba” said Levi.
“You see him” replied Dan.
“Not like we used to. He is always busy doing something else” whined Levi. “He hasn’t even taken any of us to his altar since he took me when I became five.”
“He is helping Ima Rachel. She hurts a lot and Abba has to help her feel better.”
“Why does she hurt? Is she sick” asked Levi with concern in his voice.
“No. She is not sick. She says the baby hurts her. Abba tries to rub the pain away. It doesn’t always work. She gets cranky when it doesn’t. Me and Naphtali have to play quiet when she is cranky.”
“My Ima never said her babies hurt. Maybe Ima Rachel is not strong like my Ima.”
When the boys were called in for dinner, Levi brought up his concerns for Ima Rachel.
“Yes, Levi.”
“Is Ima Rachel sick?”
“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
“Because Dan said that Abba had to help her. He said the baby hurt her and made her cranky. He said that Abba rubs her until she doesn’t hurt anymore.”
Leah’s heart took this in. Another difference she would add to her pile of ‘love verses hate’ relationship experiences. This is something that she doesn’t know how to tell her children, or even if she should. One day, they will notice on their own. This she is sure of.
When Leah didn’t respond to Levi’s statement, he shared his and Dan’s conclusion.
“Dan and me think that Ima Rachel isn’t as strong as you. That is why she needs help and you didn’t.”
“You may be right about that” is all Leah offers in reply.
Rachel’s labor is hard and intense. Jacob cringes each time he hears her cry out through the walls of the tent. He wishes he could do something to help, but he is clueless as to what that might be. And the midwife made it abundantly clear that a man’s place is on the OUTSIDE of the tent. NOT the inside. So he waits.
Rachel’s labor lasts from morning, long into the evening. Jacob sent his servant to take the children into the field. It was either that, or have them hanging around in camp. They have already returned for the day by the time the cry of a baby is heard.
Jacob jumps up as soon as he hears that sound. The midwife’s stern glare stops him in his tracks when he moves the door aside to enter. He quickly retreats. He paces outside the door, waiting to be called in.
The midwife’s assistant finally moves the door aside and motions for Jacob to enter. He goes directly to Rachel’s side. She is holding their child, nursing him. She looks up at him and smiles.
“God has taken away my reproach” (verse 23b). He looked at her babe. To him whom the Lord had finally given her, and she asked for more. “May the Lord add to me another son!” ( verse 24b).
Jacob runs his hand over the back of his son’s head. Then he bends down and kisses Rachel. This moment will be one he cherishes for the rest of his life. He will never again turn to Leah. He is fulfilled now. Even if Rachel never has another child, he is whole.
When the eighth day dawned, Jacob was as nervous as he was the first time he performed this ritual. He was terrified he would mar his son. He went to his altar and prayed. First, he thanked God for bringing him and Rachel this gift. Then he prayed for God to steady his hands as he made the covenant mark in his son’s foreskin.
Jacob’s prayers were answered. He preformed this circumcision without a single tremor. When he turned to Rachel for his son’s name she answered him; “His name is Joseph.”
The celebration for Joseph was larger than any celebration their community had ever hosted. Jacob had the best wine brought in, the finest fruits, and the best meat. Leah’s special cakes were absent from the table, but there were enough breads and sweets to serve the whole town.
Rachel drank in the complements and praise of the guests. Jacob never left her side or Joseph’s.
Leah quietly watched from across the clearing. She understood why there was such a difference. The difference was love. Rachel had all of Jacob’s heart, and she had none.
Leah hoped her children were enjoying the good things instead of making the comparisons that she couldn’t help seeing. “And so it begins” thinks Leah. She would shield her children from the pain as much as possible, but there would be pain. Of this she had on doubt, for she had suffered it herself, and still would.
(to be continued)
We have not finished with the stories of Jacob and his children, but we have come to the end of the births in Haran. We will visit them during the years that Jacob is breeding a flock of his own. Joseph’s birth is the beginning of that period. THAT is for another day. My hands have said enough and you are probably tired of reading, as this one is quite lengthy.
Father God, thank You for letting me have a peek into this story. Thank You for the moments at the altar with the boys! I learned as much as they did. I KNOW these were gifts for me as well as for them.
Thank You for seeing our pain. For loving me, even when I don’t love myself. For encouraging me to give my best, even when it hurts. For giving me the story and the strength to share it. I pray it touches others as much as it has touched me. Thank You for letting me tell it.