Genesis 18 Sarah Laughs

Three men come and visit Abraham while on the way to another mission. They reaffirm God’s promise of a child to Sarah. Sarah laughs at their words. “I’m too old!”
We are only going to take the first part of this visit with Abraham today. There is MUCH MORE that the men who come to visit Abraham that day have to do. We will walk into the rest of their story a little later. We will stay around Abram’s tent for today. Let’s rejoin our story of Abraham and Sarah’s lives.
Just before we do though, I want you to notice that Abraham under promises and over delivers. A morsel of bread and some water indeed!
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It has been a week since the angel of the Lord met with Abraham. Abraham is still getting used to his ‘new name’ and rolling the promise around in his heart and mind. He told Sarah about the encounter and all that was promised. He even told her that God had given her a new name.
Sarah’s heart is torn when she hears the words her husband speaks. “Of ALL the things to promise, this is the cruelest” she thinks to herself. “If he would have told me this when I was still a young woman, I would have gladly embraced the possibility. It’s too late now. I don’t even bleed as a woman of youth does. I’m old and dried up!”
Sarah doesn’t share her thoughts with Abraham. She doesn’t think it will do any good. “Let him have his dreams.” But she cringes inwardly every time her husband calls her Sarah instead of Sarai.
Sarah doesn’t think her husband notices how she resists her new name, but he does. He refuses to call her Sarai any longer, because his God gave her that name, but it hurts his heart seeing her in such pain. “If only I could convince her that this promise was real. This is what we have both longed for. But I can understand her reluctance. We ARE both old, but…” And that is where Abraham’s thoughts always end up; “but…”
It’s the heat of the day and Abraham is enjoying the shade of his tent. His mind is on what needs to be done before night falls. Abraham jerks to attention as three men appear before him. He did NOT see them approaching; they simply were there, by the trees just outside his tent. Abraham’s heart immediately knows who these men are. Without hesitation, he jumps to his feet and rushes over to meet them.
The men smile as Abraham approaches and bows himself to the ground. They know that he recognizes their origin.
“O Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant. Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, while I bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on – since you have come to your servant” (verses 3-5a).
“Do as you have said” (verse 5b) replied the leader of the three.
Abraham is overjoyed at the visit and the acceptance of his hospitality. He has had visits from angels of the Lord before, but this is the first time he has ‘entertained’ any of them. He is certain that there is a special reason for this visit, and he is NOT about to miss this opportunity to minister to his Lord.
Abraham walked as quickly as he could, without breaking into an actual run, into his tent where Sarah was. The excitement on his face is obvious as he takes Sarah’s hands in his own. “Quick! Three seahs of fine flour! Kneed it, and make cakes” (verse 6).
Sarah quickly sets about the work Abraham has given her. She will make her husband proud.
Abraham then hurries out to the herds. On his way, he met one of the servants. “Take water, a basin, and a towel to the trees outside my tent. Assist them in washing their feet. Oh, also bring a skin of water for each of them to drink. I will be along as soon as I can.”
After he reaches the herd, he carefully but quickly selects a good, tender calf. He led it to the young man who is the BEST cook. “Prepare this calf for me as quickly as you can. Of course, as best as you can too.”
The young man smiles as he takes the rope from Abraham’s hand. “I will not fail you” he promises.
While the calf was cooking, Abraham prepared milk and curds to go with the beef when it was ready. As soon as everything is finished, Abraham gathered it and hurried back to the men. When he arrived, he saw that they had received the water he had directed for them. The servant was just emptying the basin and gathering the rest of his supplies. Abraham nodded at him in appreciation.
Abraham set the meal before the men. Sarah was standing at the entrance of the tent with the cakes on a platter. Abraham took them from her with a tender look of thanks and returned to the table set before the men. Abraham stood off to the side as the men ate, ready to respond to any need that might arise.
As they ate, they conversed little beyond comments on the good quality of their meal. They had something that needed to be said, but they wanted full attention, even of the one who thought she wasn’t being observed, on what they had to say.
Once the meal was over, the leader of the three spoke to Abraham. “Where is Sarah hour wife?”
Abraham answered; “She is in the tent.”
It’s time to deliver the message. “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wive shall have a son” (verse 10). This message was for Abraham AND Sarah. This was a confirmation for all of Abraham’s “but…” thoughts and for Sarah’s aching heart.
As the words left the man’s mouth, Sarah couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh. “After I am worn out, and my lord is old, shall I have pleasure?” (verse 12). She had been standing just inside the door of the tent, listening to the conversation.
As soon as Sarah finished her thought, the man spoke again to Abraham. “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I WILL return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah SHALL have a son” (verses 13-14).
Abraham’s face struggled to express all that he was feeling. Surprise at the men’s knowledge of Sarah’s reaction, joy at the confirmation of the promise, and shame at Sarah’s response. Abraham turns to look back at Sarah who is in the shadow of the door.
Sarah is afraid! She is afraid of disgracing her husband as well as the power these men appear to have. He immediate response is to deny having laughed. “I did not laugh” (verse 15a) Sarah quickly replies.
The man looks directly at Sarah now. “No, but you did laugh” (verse 15b).
Too afraid to say anything more, Sarah steps further back into the shadows of the tent. She says nothing. Only holds her breath in anticipation of what might come.
The men rise from their meal and Abraham walks with them out of the camp. Sarah waits until they are out of sight before exiting the tent and clearing away the evidence of their meal. “How could he have KNOWN” is reverberating through her mind. “I didn’t say anything aloud. It was only a thought!”
(to be continued)
It is AMAZING how God KNOWS our thoughts as well as our spoken words! There is NOTHING hidden from Him. I believe that His response to Sarah was more to build her faith than it was a reproof of her actions; or better yet, a correction for her lie.
When Jesus called Nathaniel, He told him about seeing him with his brother earlier in the day. God doesn’t have to be physically present or even on the ‘approved list’ to KNOW what is going on in our lives. He hears our hearts!!! And He knows how to speak to them to bring about greater faith.
I KNOW God hears us; even in the small things. I LOVE those ‘faith building’ moments. They are the foundation of faith for me. They are proof positive for me of God’s love for me and His interest in my everyday world. WHENEVER I begin to doubt, I just pull up the memory of one of those amazing days.
Father God, thank You for EVERY ONE of the faith building moments You have brought into my life. I don’t know where I would be without them. YOU have nurtured my faith over the years and I KNOW that You are not done yet! NO! I do NOT want a child at my age. But I’m up for whatever else You have in store for me.