Ezekiel 45:1-6 Special Place

God stakes out His portion of the land. It will contain the Temple and house all those who minister to Him and to the people. His special place
I’m a visual learner, so I wanted to see how this portion of God’s land was to be laid out. I used an Excel spreadsheet to give me this. First things first, I made all the cells on the spreadsheet into squares. Then I highlighted the area God said was His in its entirety. Then I made the three divisions listed. The third division is separate from His portion. Finally, I placed the Temple smack dab in the middle of the two sections He designated for those serving in the Temple. So far, so good. Nope.
I went back and read our text a little better. The portion allotted to the priests who minister directly to God in His Temple will house the Temple itself. “And from this measured district you shall measure off a section 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 broad, in which shall be the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place” (verse 3). God’s House will be surrounded by those who are the most faithful to Him. Caring for His Temple will be the work of their lives. The rest of God’s portion will be given to the rest of the Levites for their homes, families, and town.
I’m wondering what their towns will look like. Will they have the same kinds of markets and shops that will populate the rest of the portions of the land? Or will business conducted within these sections ALL have to be “holy”? Will the buying and selling Jesus drove out of the Temple be conducted in the section for ALL Israel?
Will service in the Temple return to being chosen by lots? In the years of the previous Temples and even the Tabernacle, the tasks were assigned by the lot. It was not an election, political connections, favors, or family ties. GOD directed the lot and the assignment of the people. God put the people where they would do the best job. The job HE had for them.
I was just wondering what God would have me take from His word today. The dimensions and directions for the land don’t seem to be related to my life or today’s world. Then I had a thought bubble up from my spirit. God wants a portion of my life to be set apart for HIS use. It isn’t a fringe portion. It is the center of my life, just as this portion will be the center of what He designates for each of the tribes. And in that very center, is HIS SPECIAL PLACE. The place of His heart. The place where He meets with me every day. ALL my life belongs to Him but He doesn’t require me to “be so Heavenly minded that I’m no earthly good.” I am to honor Him with ALL of my life but a portion is His alone. That goes for my time too! A portion is His alone, to spend with me as He chooses. A time when He will direct my thoughts and teach me from His word.
Father God, THANK YOU for giving me YOUR full attention when we meet together. I try and give You mine in the same measure but things get in my way. Even so, You STILL meet with me and speak to my heart. Thand You Father!
It’s time for me to go back to the business of my day. Walk with me in it and make it Your day too. And walk with my daughter-in-law, Cynthia, as she goes through her teacher evaluation. Give her peace and confidence. You have already given her the skills.