Ezekiel 40:17-27 New Temple Pt. 2

We see the outer court and gates of the new Temple today. This is the Temple that God gave Ezekiel instructions for. Instructions that he would pass on to his fellow captives.
My Bible breaks down the outer court, the north gate and the south gate into individual sections. I decided to break with my tradition and combine these sections. I did this because I don’t have enough insight into each individual section to fill a teaspoon, let alone a whole page. I’m praying the Spirit gives me insight into what He would have us take from this combined section today.
One of the first things I notice about the entire blueprint that God has given Ezekiel so far is His starting place. God started with the Eastern Gate. This is the gate that Jesus is to return through. It is the direction God has given ALL of us for the beginning of each day. It is the place where light begins to dispel the darkness. The direction of strength.
When the bronze man gives Ezekiel the instructions for the other two gates, the instructions for the Eastern Gate are always referenced. “It was the same size as the others. It’s side rooms, its jambs, and its vestibule were the same size as the others, and both it and its vestibule had windows all around” (verses 28b-29a). The Eastern Gate was the pattern for the other two gates, in dimension AND decoration.
These gates were for the outer court and each gate was to have a corresponding gate for the inner court. Both gates, inner and outer, were to be of the same dimensions and design. Because I’m no architect, I get lost in the dimensions given for the Eastern Gate. The other two gates are exactly the same but I don’t know which part of the Eastern gate’s description were to be added together to produce the overall dimensions given for the other two. I tried figuring it out with a spreadsheet but I surrender.
Two things given for the North and South gates that are not mentioned in the description for the Eastern gate are the number of steps leading up to the gate and the distance between the outer and inner gates. We are told that there are steps leading up to the Eastern gate, and that they are all three made in the same fashion. Therefore, there must be seven steps leading up to the Eastern Gate too. We are given the measurement of 100 cubits between outer and inner gates for the North and South gates. And, as stated before, they all three matched, so one half of an American football field (50 yards, without the end zone) fits between the outer and inner gates on each side; 45.72 meters! Imagine how many people could fit into the outer courtyard!!!
The graphic I shared last time shows the inner gates sticking out from the inner court and the outer gates set into the outer court. With 100 cubits between each of these pairs of gates, imagine how bit the entire space is from outer court wall to inner court wall. Of course, part of this space is taken up by the rooms built into the outer court wall. Still, that is a LOT of room for people to gather in the outer court.
Will this be the Temple that Jesus rules from during His millennial reign? The size of it is bigger than ANY Temple Israel ever had. Maybe this size is to accommodate all the people from all the nations on earth who want to see Him during that time. If so, will the sacrifices offered in the original Tabernacle and Temples return? We know that the ONLY blood that truly saves is Jesus’ blood. He offered it ONCE and FOR ALL. Maybe we will get more clarity on this as we see the rest of the Temple.
Father God, Your plans are GRAND! Will I see this Temple one day? One thing about it is that, so far, I don’t see are the ornate details that Solomon included in the Temple he built. I see the palm trees but no other decorations. Are the palms in honor of the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey? Nothing else to draw the attention away from the REAL purpose of the Temple and its Owner. As my grandpa used to say, “We didn’t come to see your house, we came to see you.”