Ezekiel 38:1-39:24 Against Gog

God tells Ezekiel of a great attack by Gog and all his allies. God will initiate the events but be against Gog so that ALL nations will know the HE is God. And that Israel is HIS.
This prophecy has not come to pass yet, as far as I know or can figure out. I believe it is an “end times” prophecy. I don’t know if it comes before or after Jesus’ millennial reign. If I were to hazard a guess, I would put it at the end of the 1,000 year reign when Satan is released from the pit. I’ll give you a few reasons why. It might also point to the events in Israel today.
The captives return to Israel but there has not been a lasting peace from the time of captivity. While rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and the Tabernacle, there was opposition. Israel hasn’t endured a time of peace since the time of Solomon. Also, there hasn’t been a decisive defeat such as described in this passage of Israel’s enemies. There certainly would have been historical records, even outside of scripture, if this would have already taken place. So this is a future event.
The battles Israel is facing today are close to, if not fully, involving all their neighbors allied against them. But they are not an ‘unprotected people’ who have been living in peace. They have fought hard and keep fighting for their existence in the land God gave to their forefathers. They also have at least one group of people not joining in the battle; the United States. I don’t think we would be called ‘actively supporting’ Israel, but we are not joining forces against them.
Revelation 20:7-9 tells us of a time after Satan is released from bondage following Jesus’ reign on earth. At that time, Satan will deceive MANY and bring them against Israel. Prior to this attack, Israel will CERTAINLY be at peace. Jesus will be ruling the whole world from Jerusalem and His presence will be the only ‘walls’ they need. The destruction of those of Gog and his allies could ONLY be accomplished by God! Raining fire and brimstone is not something you see every day. Neither is the army turning on itself. These are acts of God; not man. And I can easily see Jesus standing in the midst of His people and defending them with ALL THE POWER at His disposal.
Once this confrontation ends, time on earth is apparently not finished. God tells Ezekiel that it will take SEVEN MONTHS for Israel to bury all the dead and SEVEN YEARS where they will burn the weapons of their attackers as wood for their fires. Apparently there will still be seasons, a need for heat in the cold months, and a need to cook food. This leads me to wonder how long after Satan’s final defeat before God brings the Day of Judgment. With Satan gone, and all those who followed him dead and buried, there will only be God’s people here on earth. We know from scriptures that God will make a new heaven and new earth. When will that occur?
I don’t believe this is the Battle of Armageddon as Israel on a large scale will still be wrestling with the fact that Jesus was, and is, their Messiah. MANY from each tribe will come to believe in Him, though many will still deny the truth. Babylon is also the one who will come against God’s people in that conflict; not Gog. Gog is specifically named in the battle after Satan’s release from bondage.
Let me back up a moment and say that I am NOT a biblical scholar! I am guided by my understanding of history (which is limited), my Bible helps, my understanding of scripture, and the Spirit. I do not and will not tell you that this IS how God is going to do things. HE is God and I am NOT. He can choose to fulfill His prophecies in any manner He chooses. And it won’t hurt my faith either way. ALL His promises are true and this is one of those promises that we haven’t seen fulfilled yet. I leave you to read His word and draw your own conclusions. If they differ from mine, and they are NOT against His word, I would love to hear them. Bottom line; God was, is, and always will protect His people. And one day, the whole world WILL acknowledge that fact and confess HIM as Lord of ALL.
Father God, THANK YOU for always being my protection. I am safe in Your arms, no matter what comes; including hard lessons for a hard headed child. I pray that I always acknowledge You as my Teacher. I leave the details to You and simply trust You to show me what I need to know from Your word. And what I NEED to know from today’s reading is that YOU have it ALL in control. And that includes bringing opposition at the right time. Not to scare me but to show me and EVERYONE else Who is REALLY in control. One day, EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue confess that YOU are Lord!