Ezekiel 36:16-21 Consequences

Israel and Judah are suffering the consequences of their actions. They are rightly being disciplined. But God’s name suffers consequences too.
ALL the nations know of Israel and their God. The stories of His hand are older than the nation itself. They have heard them, but not as often as the children of Israel had. The stories used to strike fear in the hearts of the kings who wanted to go against them; or those in Israel’s path. The king of Jericho is one prime example. They believed in their city’s ability to keep them safe but they also feared Israel’s advance. Once Jericho fell, the fear in their neighbors grew.
Near the end of Judah’s time as a kingdom, their neighbor’s fear had decreased significantly. But there were still examples of God’s hand working on Judah’s behalf. Those who came against Judah fled in defeat. Until God was ready to dispense their much deserved judgment.
God allowed Nebuchadnezzar to conquer Judah. HE allowed the walls to be broken down. He brought the pestilence that weakened Judah. He authored the famine too. These ALL were part of God’s judgment on Judah. And they fell as He decreed.
But with Israel and finally Judah’s fall, God’s name took a beating too. “Look at these people. They were so proud. They thought their God was greater than any other. But He couldn’t protect them. We DEFEATED HIM!”
They DID NOT defeat God! He allowed all that happened for a purpose. However, He has some ‘damage control’ to do. For HIS NAME’s sake, He will restore Israel. NOT for any great change they made while in exile but to confirm His name to the nations.
I remember at LEAST twice that God relented in His desire to destroy the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. Moses reminded Him how it would impact His name and His reputation. That’s the ONLY reason He relented. Which brings us to one unavoidable conclusion.
God’s word is SO important to Him that He will move heaven and earth to ensure that it is carried out! EVERY WORD He has ever uttered through a prophet, His own hand or voice, or His Son, or any of the other messengers He sent WILL come to pass. There are NO exceptions. This holds true for when He speaks to you and mee too. When God says it, you can take that word as absolute truth that will NOT fail.
Father God, I pray I NEVER discount Your name or cause others to. Your words are TRUTH! And ALL You say WILL come to pass; good and bad.
There are some rough times ahead for this world. But You promised that even in those times, YOU will care for me and for ALL those who love You. I’m putting ALL my trust in those words. I will NOT fear what may come. Let Satan roar. He has NO power over me; Your child. I’m safe in Your arms, even in the times of discipline. You said it. I believe it. And that settles it for me.