Ezekiel 33:21-33 Jerusalem Down

It has happened Jerusalem is down. Her walls have fallen to Nebuchadnezzar, just as God said they would. Those who remain will fall too.
God has spoken through the mouth of Ezekiel many times to warn the people. He has also demonstrated His power by making Ezekiel mute outside of the times Ezekiel is speaking for God. The muteness was for a time and for a sign.
God gave Ezekiel knowledge of things hundreds of miles away at the time they were happening. I have no doubt that Ezekiel KNEW when the walls of Jerusalem fell. I’m not 100% certain, but I believe we have already seen this demonstrated earlier in our text. This time though, God lets a fugitive bring word of Jerusalem’s fate. NOT so Ezekiel would know, but so the people would see the confirmation of God’s words that Ezekiel had spoken.
Ezekiel was communing with God’s Spirit the night before this visitor came. I imagine he was both rejoicing and mourning. God already told us that He didn’t take pleasure in the actions that were required. And, as an Israelite himself, Ezekiel felt for his brothers. But both KNEW that this was necessary and would have a positive result. Both wept for ALL the right reasons.
When God told Ezekiel to speak for Him, He also told him that there would be those who wouldn’t believe him. They would listen to his words but walk away unchanged.
“It’s an interesting song/story, but that’s all it is. There is no truth to it and it has no bearing on my life.”
OH how wrong they were! EVERY word was for their benefit and EVERY word would come to pass. God had another proof He would offer to them. And it would cost dearly.
As long as there was ‘hope’ for their previous way of life to continue, the captives felt secure. True, they were not in the land to enjoy their freedom, but their brothers were. And they had hopes of joining them some day. What need did they have for change?
God put a RED X over that hope. There was only ONE hope and that was repentance. To reinforce this, He gave Ezekiel another word for the people. ALL those who had escaped that STILL refused to abandon their idols would fall too! There was NOWHERE they could hide from God. There was NO escaping their judgment. No cave deep enough. No valley secluded enough. No mountain defensible enough. No nation secure enough. God’s judgment would reach them and they too would die. And when this happened, there would be NO denying that Ezekiel was a TRUE prophet of God.
I have NO doubt that God sent messengers from these places too, in order to speak the truth of what had transpired and that HIS words had come to pass. And He is still sending messengers with proof today. Our own news media are bringing stories of His promises coming true. We haven’t reached the point yet of irrefutable proof for those who reject Him. But to those of us who are watching, we see proof that the time is quickly approaching for that day.
Father God, thank You for EVERY promise You have ever made. Thank You for the evidence of them coming to pass. And thank You for the confidence that the rest of them will come to pass just as surely as all the rest have. This is SURE proof for ANY who care to look. A CERTAINTY of a future with You for all who believe. Lord I BELIEVE! Help me in times of unbelief.