Ezekiel 28:11-19 Tyre’s King

God tells Ezekiel to raise a lament over Tyre’s King. God’s creation of perfection was cast down and out because of his sin. Now he is no more forever.
When I first read this passage, I thought it was speaking of Lucifer, the morning star. The only reason I decided it wasn’t was because of the last few verses. Lucifer/Satan isn’t destroyed or burn to ashes. He will be in eternal torment with those who have rejected God for all eternity. To the king of Tyre, God says “…so I brought fire out from your midst; it consumed you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever” (verses 18b-19).
There is no doubt that the lament for the king of Tyre represents more than that man though. There is NO WAY Tyre was the garden of Eden or that the king of Tyre was ever actually in the garden of God. I’m wondering why God chose to describe the king of Tyre in this manner. From verse 11 through 15, God’s words clearly speak of Lucifer, the morning star. Not by name but by description.
I have no doubt that Tyre was a beautiful city. Situated on the coast and also on an island fortress in the middle of the sea. The view alone was probably breathtaking! Some might not like the temperature as it is said to be hot and humid in the summer and cool and wet in the winter. Other than the humidity, it sounds good to me. I don’t think I would call it Eden.
In all its beauty and splendor, there was corruption in this place. God says that there was violence in the abundance of their trade. I’m wondering if this was a systemic problem or one that flowed from the king down. I would venture to say that most ‘wealthy’ cities, and people, have an element of “me first” or oppressive attitudes on the way to that wealth. ‘Stepping on the backs of the little people to get ahead.’
This is NOT how God tells His children to act. We are to feed the poor, care for the widows and orphans, visit the sick and those in prison; to LOVE one another. This is the heart God desires.
I was just thinking about the contrast between the beautiful ‘exterior’ God created and the decaying ‘interior’ that developed. Even the MOST BEAUTIFUL exterior cannot make up for a corrupt heart. Imagine being on the kings God exposed this once beautiful king to. Imagine, as they watched God expose the heart and person for who he really was. The beauty became ugliness before their eyes. And, once consumed by fire, all that remained was dust and ashes. No beauty. No purpose. No wealth. No fame. Just charred ground and, hopefully, lessons learned.
On another note, I don’t think I will EVER be able to comprehend Lucifer/Satan choosing himself over God. To LIVE in the presence of God and STILL not be satisfied is beyond me. To choose ANYTHING but worshiping at God’s feet astounds me!
Father God, I CHOOSE YOU! I know I’ve been consumed on MORE than one occasion in my life with ‘outward beauty’. IF that beauty meant perfection created by You, that would be fine. But it’s not. It was me trying to create something apart from You. It was my pride. I want to reflect Your beauty in ALL I do. The beauty YOU created in my spirit when You took up residence in my heart. Let that beauty shine through and change ALL I do into perfection for You instead of corruption.
I don’t know what You saw in me when You first called me to Yourself, but I thank You from the bottom of my heart for that call. Make me Your jewel Father. Let me shine for You in whatever setting You place me.
Just curious Father. Did You ever make another as beautiful as Lucifer originally was?