Ezekiel 28:1-10 Tyre’s Prince

Tyre’s prince was proud of his position. He believes himself to be a god. NOT SO says the ONLY true God. And He will show the prince just how human he is.
Believing the leader to be a god was a not unheard of in the days of the Old Testament for many nations. Egypt believed their Pharaoh was a god. Apparently, the prince of Tyre thought he was a god too. God has already spoken disaster over his kingdom.
I was about to say that NO god would let their kingdom be conquered, but God brought about the destruction of Israel and Judah. But then He told them what was coming LONG before the day arrived. The prince of Tyre, the pseudo god had no idea this was going to happen. Even if Ezekiel personally told him, it went in one ear and out the other without brushing any dust of the cobwebs as it passed through. In other words, even if Ezekiel personally warned him of what was to come, he ignored it and kept expecting to be able to handle anything that came up against him.
The prince’s head was already so big that he had trouble fitting through doorways. He apparently thought He was VERY wise. God allowed him great wisdom. I don’t know if God was calling him wiser than Daniel, or of he had given himself that name and title. We are also not told how true this statement is.
What we DO KNOW is this, 1) God has spoken out against Tyre, 2) God has spoken out against the rulers, and 3) What God says will happen, WILL HAPPEN. It may not happen in a day, but that doesn’t make His promises any less true.
God has already seen the beginning AND the end. As well as every choice we will make on the way there. Don’t let anyone tell you that He is caught by surprise by ANYTHING we do or say.
I’m not certain why God is bringing the prince down HARD except he is the leader of the nation that got joy out of Judah’s pain. Was it the prince who first uttered the words that God spoke to Ezekiel? Did he lead his nation in this attitude? Or was his being shown how UN-godlike he really was a lesson for him alone? Being unable to stop God’s hand on Tyre was proof enough that he was not a god. God says that the BEST proof is his own death. I wonder if He will speak these same words against Pharaoh a little later.
There is only ONE God and He is NOT in the grave! Jesus is the ONLY one who ever claimed to be God who walked right back out of the grave. If it wasn’t for the work that HAD to be done through Jesus’ death, He would never have allowed Himself to be killed. Jesus could have easily come down off the cross, but His love for us bound Him there. His death was NOT a defeat for Him. It was a VICTORY! A victory that He gladly shares with me. I don’t have to go looking into a grave to find my God! He is risen and sits on the throne in Heaven.
Lord Jesus, I’m SO GLAD You made such a public display of the fact that You rose from the dead. You didn’t appear only to Your twelve closest disciples. You appeared to HUNDREDS before You ascended back into Heaven. Something that NO other god has EVER done! Sorry prince, you fall short again!
And as my God, You are the ONLY place I put my trust. NO man can give me a promise of a future forever. None would even dare to try and promise me a future beyond the grave but You. ALL others fall flat at that dividing line. And if you can’t cross that line with power, you are NOT a god. THANK YOU for being my God!
Thank You also for providing for my needs here on this side of the grave. I KNOW where my help comes from. I trust YOU to care for me and no one else. You blow me away with how You are meeting our needs, and then some!!! Help me to use what You give me wisely and as You would direct; including helping meet the needs of others. That is one of my greatest joys Lord Jesus. Being able to be Your hands and feet.