Ezekiel 25:12-14 Edom’s Turn

God tells Ezekiel that Edom’s turn is coming. They were vengeful against Judah and God will be vengeful against them for it THROUGH Israel.
It is said that when you go looking for revenge, you better dig two graves. One for the other person and one for you. Vengeance is costly on BOTH sides. And, even if it doesn’t cost you your life, it costs a part of your soul.
Edom was PLEASED to see Judah fall and wanted to get their ‘shot’ in as she was coming down. I’m not a historian and didn’t walk the streets in those days, so I don’t know exactly what it was that they did to anger God. Whatever it was, He SAW it and KNEW the intentions of their heart when they committed this act. He saw the spite and malice in their hearts.
I’m wondering if these actions took place during the tearing down phase or the rebuilding phase. I know that there were nations that were NOT happy to see Israel rebuilding, but did Edom also throw their hand in as Jerusalem fell? Did they join in and gather plunder? Did they help track down fleeing people, including King Zedekiah? Whatever and whenever it was, it was done in the spirit of vengeance. NOT one of cooperation or service. One aimed solely at making their enemy miserable.
God SAW their actions and would repay them in kind. He would turn the tables on Edom. He would allow the very people Edom was throwing a fit about to be the ones to ‘correct’ her behavior. This ‘tit-for-tat’ could go on FOREVER if someone doesn’t call a halt to it.
This reminds me of a story my mom shared about me and my older sister when we were little. There is no telling how this started but it was a cycle that would have gone on FOREVER if she hadn’t realized what was going on. My mother was in her room trying to take a nap and one of us hit the other one for some reason. The offended party ran to her and told on the other. My mom’s response was, “Well, hit her back.” The offended party then ran back and said, “Turn around. Mommy says I can hit your back.” Now the offended became the offender and the ‘newly injured party’ went to tell. She too got the same answer, and she too told the other to “Turn around. Mommy says I can hit your back.” I have no idea how long this went on before my mother figured out something was wrong and put a stop to it. Who knows whose turn it is to seek vengeance. “Turn around Karen. Mommy said I can hit your back! I can’t reach but that shouldn’t matter with true vengeance.” Just kidding Karen. I love you!
But truthfully, vengeance knows no distance or time. It has a life of its own and will eat away at the ‘offended’ as long as they let it. Often the ONLY one being hurt is the one who is still carrying the ‘hurt’ around in their heart.
I have no doubt that this is why Jesus told us today to “love your enemies” and to pray for those who spitefully use you. This stops the ‘vengeance cycle”. Forgiveness wipes out vengeance. If you truly forgive someone then there is no need for vengeance. There is no hurt anymore to atone for when you forgive. Forgiveness is healing to your bones. It doesn’t always feel that way in the beginning but healing and FREEDOM are the final result of true forgiveness.
THANK YOU FATHER for YOUR TRUE forgiveness! I have NOT earned it or deserve it. Yet, You gave it to me anyway. Even BEFORE I asked for it. You still give me Your forgiveness EVERY TIME I come to You in repentance.
Thank You for reminding me that my forgiving another is not based on their repentance. I can forgive someone who NEVER says “I’m sorry.” Jesus did on the cross. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The Pharisees NEVER said they were sorry for their actions. Most of the soldiers NEVER repented for the part they played. Yet, Jesus asked You not to hold that against them even as He was enduring their treatment. He didn’t wait for an apology or for an end to their mistreatment. In the middle of it all, He TRULY forgave.
I want a heart like His Father! One so full of love that hate can’t find a foothold. One that sees hope where others see hate. One that can TRULY forgive. Not just say the words, but mean them with every fiber of my being. One that will release the hurts and let YOU deal with them Your own way. One that can forget those hurts too. Not to be ‘walked on again’ but to offer a hand of friendship where once anger and hate ruled.