Ezekiel 20:33-44 Face to Face

God promises a restoration of Israel but they must meet Him “face to face” first. There He will judge their hearts. The rebellious will NOT enter into the land.
God has dealt with rebellion from His people since the beginning. Even Abram stepped outside of God’s direction when he and Sari decided to ‘give God a hand’ with the promised child. He also lied when he pretended Sari was his sister and not his wife. Those missteps were nothing though compared to the idolatry that ran through Israel. Even Rachel, Jacob’s wife, brought out the family idols with her when they left her uncle. Two generations in and there is already trouble with idols.
This WILL NOT be allowed to continue. God has brought down severe judgment on His people to purge this rebellion from them. He is NOT destroying Israel but purifying them. When they come out on the other side of His wrath, they will either be committed to God and no other, or cut off from Him and the land. God is NOT letting idol worship back into HIS land.
There is still a time coming in Ezekiel’s day when the people will be freed and encouraged to return to their homeland. MANY will go home and commit their lives to following God’s Laws and statutes. MANY will also remain where they are. They are comfortable with the lifestyle they have been living. Returning would mean giving up the gods they were serving and the comforts they had obtained.
Those who LOVED God with ALL their hearts would return and rebuild. It would NOT be an easy task. There would be opposition all around. But God’s hand would keep them safe and provide for them as they worked to rebuild what was lost or broken down.
God didn’t actually meet them physically “face to face.” Their hearts had a “meeting” with Him. IF they TRULY loved Him and wanted to walk in His ways, they found the way He had prepared for them to return to Israel. IF they were too busy with their own cares of the world, including worshiping idols, they didn’t see the opportunity God had made for His people. “As for you, O house of Israel, thus says the Lord God: Go serve every one of you his idols, now and hereafter, if you will not listen to Me, but My holy name you shall no more profane with your gifts and your idols” (verse 39).
In other words, “You want idols? Then take them. But you CANNOT have Me too. Choose now which ONE you want. I will NOT tolerate sharing your affection.”
I will not guarantee it, because I’m not a history buff, but I don’t believe Israel had a problem again with idol worship after they returned. We see none of the carved images running around in the New Testament stories. The hearts of the people are not what they should be, especially the religious leaders. But there is no national worship of carved images or physical idols again. I think they learned this lesson at least.
God will STILL NOT share our hearts. It is an ‘either or’ choice. Either you cling to idols or cling to the Lord. You can’t have both. When you choose to give God your heart, He will help you turn loose of the things that are holding you hostage.
Father God, thank You for taking everything that tried to come between us from my heart. Sometimes You have to take them away more than once. Keep me from them Father. Keep Your face ever before me so that NOTHING can turn my head away.