Exodus 34 New Tablets

Moses is going to get that encounter he asked for the last time we were together. And God is going to write on new tablets, the words that He had written before on the ones Moses broke.
We are not told how long it was between Moses coming down from the mountain and finding the children of Israel celebrating another god and when he came to God and pleaded for another chance. “If You don’t go with us, don’t send us. We are nothing without You!” We know that God answered Moses’ cry though so it was just a matter of time before He put things back in motion.
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Moses is still in the Tent of Meeting. The Lord has just answered his prayer for the return of His presence to the people. He has also promised Moses that He will allow him to see His back, as He passes. Moses’ heart is soaring high! But he doesn’t feel released to leave the Lord’s presence yet.
The Lord speaks to him. “Cut for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Be ready by the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there to me on the top of the mountain. No one shall come up with you, and let no one be seen throughout all the mountain. Let no flocks or herds graze opposite that mountain.” (Exodus 34:1-3)
“I’m sorry Lord. I got so angry when I saw what the people were doing. I didn’t even think. I just threw whatever I had in my hands towards that abomination. All of Israel lost something precious from my anger that day. Thank You for this second opportunity. I will be ready in the morning Lord” Moses says as he rises from his spot. As he begins to make his way out of the tent, he puts a hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “It is time I got to work.”
“What work are you referring to my lord?”
“I will be cutting stone tablets so that I may take them back up the mountain. The Lord has promised to write His words on them, as He had done with the tablets I broke. He has told me to return to the mountain alone.”
“I am not to accompany you though on this journey” Joshua states.
“No, you are not. The Lord has said that I am to come alone. But this also gives me a great measure of comfort knowing that you will be with the people this time to help keep them in line. Make certain that NONE approach the mountain, not even the herds or flocks. I don’t know how long the Lord will have me on the mountain and I need to know that the people will remain faithful to the Lord’s commands in my absence.”
“I will assist Aaron in keeping the people in line while you are gone. And we will wait patiently for your return, no matter how long it takes.”
“Thank you Joshua. I know I can trust you. I will make certain Aaron knows he can lean on you if times get tough.”
Moses left the tent of meeting to begin his stone cutting task. Joshua remained where he was, as was their usual custom, until the midday meal. Joshua would then rejoin the camp and attend to any duties he had been given for that day.
Moses worked on the stone tablets all day. Several of the stone cutters asked if they could do the task for him but he insisted that he would do this task himself. He did, however, allow them to show him the best and most efficient ways to cleave the stone without breaking it. By the end of the day Moses had two tablets he felt were similar in all aspects to the ones the Lord had provided him with. He also had a few extra cuts on his hands, a thoroughly tired body, and a new respect for those in the field of stone cutting.
The last thing he did before retiring that night, was to bathe in preparation for meeting with the Lord. He wanted to be clean from head to toe when he presented himself to the Lord. He wasn’t told to do this but he had made a practice of washing at least his hands and feet before meeting with God.
The next morning even before dawn Moses rose in excitement for what lay ahead. Moses put on his best robe, picked up the tablets he had made and went to see Aaron. Moses had met with Aaron the night before but he wanted to speak to him before leaving so he would know it was time to assume the mantle of leadership again.
“Good morning Aaron. I am setting off to meet with the Lord. I don’t know how long I will be gone but you need to keep the people in line, no matter how long it is. As we discussed, Joshua is available and willing to help with anything you need. He is strong in the Lord. Lean on him. You can trust his counsel.”
“Thank you, Moses, for giving me this chance to redeem myself, and for the people to redeem themselves too; in your eyes and in the eyes of the Lord. We will not fail you again. Thank you for blessing me with Joshua’s strength and wisdom. We eagerly await your return, to hear what the Lord would say to Israel.”
Moses left Aaron standing at the door of his tent and walked straight to the foot of the mountain. The people all stopped in their tasks to watch Moses as he went. They knew where he was going. The tale of his cutting stone tablets, and their memories of the last tablets, spoke all they needed to know. They also knew that their behavior last time nearly cost each of them their lives. There would be NO cry for another god this time.
When Moses reached the base of the mountain he stopped and waited to be invited up by the Lord. He didn’t have long to wait. The cloud of the Lord settled over the mountain and Moses heard himself being beckoned.
As soon as Moses reached the spot where he and the Lord had spent so much time together he felt the physical presence of the Lord. It was so overpowering that he fell to his knees. God bodily picked Moses up and placed him in the cleft of a rock. From here Moses was able to hear God’s voice clearer than ever before. It was as near as his wife’s in the night and more familiar than even his own voice.
The Lord proclaimed His own glory and majesty to Moses. If ANYONE ELSE had made these proclamations they would have been lying and bragging beyond their nature. But with the Lord, He was simply stating the truth of Himself. “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s’ children to the third and fourth generations” (Exodus 34:6b-7).
God then shielded Moses’ eyes as He passed before him and then removed His hand so Moses could see His back. This is exactly what God had promised Moses when they last met in the Tent of Meeting. Moses was overcome and fell on his face and worshiped God.
It was time now for Moses to, once more, intercede on Israel’s behalf. ALL that God had just granted to him was beyond comprehension, but if He didn’t go with His people how could they move on into His promises?
“If now I have found favor in your sight, O Lord, please let the Lord go in the midst of us, for it is a stiff-necked people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Your inheritance” (Exodus 34:9).
Moses’ pleas do not fall on deaf ears. God had already consented to go with His people again. Moses’ words were more a reassurance to him than an exacting of a new promise from the Lord. God would not abandon His children. And that is the reason He has brought Moses back up the mountain to Himself.
(to be continued)
Father God, thank You that You don’t give up on us, and especially on me. I know I have let You down SO many times, yet You still tell me You love me. You still bless my days. You still let me rise up again in the mornings. And You still let me come to You and climb in Your lap and listen to Your stories.
I so wish I could have been hiding in that cleft with Moses as You passed by. But I can wait until it is my turn to see Your face. I love being able to bring my day to You just as Moses brought his. I have a distinct feeling he prayed for his “family” a lot more than I do for mine. I want to, but I get distracted, busy, or even frustrated by their refusing to turn. I bet Moses had a lot of those feelings too but he never gave up. He kept right on bringing them to You. Forgive me for not following his example.
Lord Jesus, You know the state of each of my family member’s hearts. Some are close to you while others are miles away. Please touch each and every one of them and bring them closer still. Those who put their trust in You, meet their needs right now please Jesus. Those who are confused or in denial, please make Yourself so real they CAN’T miss the truth; whatever it takes! I’m not pulling them back out of Your hands Lord by praying for them again. I’m simply expressing my heart’s desire to see them ALL walking with You before there it’s too late. I TRUST YOU to care for them. Thank You for that assurance.