Exodus 34 Glowing Report

Moses is on his way back down the mountain, after spending 40 days with the Lord. His face is glowing! And He has a glowing report to share with the people.
The last time Moses came down from the mountain, his face was flushed in anger. He threw the tablets of stone and broke them. This time, he is lovingly carrying them to share with the people. Let’s join our story as Moses rejoins the people.
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It has been 38 days since Moses went up the mountain. There is a feeling of expectancy in the camp. Last time Moses was on the mountain, he was there for 40 days. The people had gotten anxious several days before his descent. Their anxiety caused them to commit a grievous sin, that cost MANY of them their lives. They were determined to wait this time; no matter how long it took.
Joshua had advised Aaron to set a watchman at the edge of the camp to watch for Moses’ return. Aaron readily agreed. Since that time, there was at least one person standing watch at all times.
Joshua dearly missed his time with Moses. For, whenever Moses went before the Lord, Joshua followed. Joshua had not sat in the Lord’s presence the whole time Moses was gone. He didn’t feel worthy of going to the Tent of Meeting without Moses.
Aaron is keeping close watch on the people. He is quick to shut down ANY complaints regarding Moses’ absence. “Remember WELL the lessons from the last time. DO NOT test the Lord!”
“Moses is coming” shouts the watchman midday on the 40th day.
The camp is roused from their places and begin making their way to the mountain. They know NOT to approach too closely. The Lord has already cautioned them of this. Aaron and the elders are leading the group.
Excitement builds as they watch Moses’ progress down the mountain. When he gets closer to them, they notice something is different about Moses. His face is glowing! They begin backing away in fear.
Moses is overjoyed to see the people coming to meet him and that they have maintained their distance from the mountain. But he is completely baffled when he sees them retreating. With brows scrunched together in confusion, he calls out to them. “Where are you going? Why are you retreating?”
Joshua is the only one brave enough to speak. “Your skin is glowing, my lord. And it is frightening to behold!”
Moses stops and looks down at his hands, which hold the two stone tablets. He sees the glow with his own eyes. His eyes go wide in surprise. He shakes his head in wonder, then looks back out to the people. “It is me. There is no need to be afraid. The Lord’s presence has apparently left its mark on me.”
The people have stopped retreating, but they are frozen in place.
Moses calls gently to them. “Please come closer. The Lord has MUCH to share with you.”
Aaron and the elder cautiously advance while the body of the people keep their ‘safe’ distance. When Aaron and the elders are finally within normal speaking distance, Moses shares with them a brief outline of the message he received from the Lord.
“The Lord had me rewrite His statutes on these tablets. I broke what He had written in anger. Let’s not go into detail on that point. During our time together, He shared with me plans to build a Home for Him among the people. It is going to be AMAZIING, but it will take EVERYONE working together though accomplish this task. Please call the people forward.”
Aaron turns around and beckons the people to join this group. “Moses will not hurt us. Come and hear the words of the Lord.”
The people move forward with expectancy. They want to know what the Lord has to say to them.
Moses begins addressing them. His first words, though, are and apology and a promise. “I’m sorry that I frightened you. When I am not speaking with the Lord, or for Him to you, I will wear a veil. Will this be acceptable to you?”
The people all voice their agreement to Moses’ proposal.
Moses begins…
(to be continued)
Father God, I would LOVE to be that effected by our time together! Not that I have anyone to share such an experience with. Make my words and the meditation of my heart acceptable unto You at least Lord. I enjoy singing Your praises, even with the chickens! Let me be a beacon to my family of the kind of relationship they too can have with You. And, thank You for our time together yesterday.