Ester 5:1-8 Invitation

Queen Ester has a plan to help save the Jews. It begins with her extending a dinner invitation to the king and Haman. Both are pleased to accept.
It has long been said, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Ester seems intent to prove this out. She has to get the king on her side in order to stop Haman’s plans to kill the Jews. The dinner invitation is a major part of that plan.
First things first though. Before Ester could even present her plans she had to approach the king. This was the scary part. If he didn’t accept her into his presence her life would have been over on the spot. No opportunity to help her people.
This wasn’t actually the first step in her plan. She had been planning for three days. Praying, preparing herself to be pleasing to his eye, deciding the best way to approach the king, making a menu, and praying some more. She had to have everything in order before approaching the king.
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Ester now stands in the outer court right where the king can see her. She doesn’t force her presence upon him. She quietly waits to be noticed. In her richest robe, the one that clings to her every curve, she waits. Her hair hangs loose about her shoulders and her makeup is done expertly. Her eyes are downcast in a display of respect while also communicating a desire for the king. There is a hint of a smile on her lips. Not too much and not too little. She has practiced this look in her room. She waits. The king cannot hear how her heart beats in fear. He doesn’t see the little beads of perspiration breaking out on the back of her neck as she waits to know her fate. He also cannot hear her whispered prayer for strength, but her God does.
The king looks up and notices Ester standing in the foyer. His breath catches as he takes in her beauty. He has been so distracted with kingdom business that he hasn’t set eyes on her in more than a month. His heart stirs as he watches her for a little bit. Decorum dictates that he remains aloof, but it takes all his restraint not to go to her where she stands. Instead he smiles in her direction and holds his scepter towards her.
Ester carefully lifts the hem of her garment and exposes her delicate feet as she slowly makes her way to Ahasuerus. Her steps sound a small silver bell on an anklet that the king gave her on one of their nights together. This was an especially memorable night and Ester hopes the sound and sight of it will increase the king’s favor towards her.
The little bell is having its effect on Ahasuerus. By the time Ester reaches him and delicately touches the end of his scepter he is ready to fall at her feet. “What is it, Queen Ester? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom” (verse 3) says Ahasuerus with love and lust in his eyes.
Ester raises her eyes to meet Ahasuerus’ for a moment before speaking. The look in his eyes tells her she is safe. “If it please the king, let the king and Haman come today to a feast that I have prepared for the king” (verse 4).
The king is pleased by Ester’s response. She means to honor him even more. He is curious as to what her thoughts are but is willing to wait. He and his closest advisor will be treated to her presence. He loves showing her off to his officials. What better way to do that than to have her serving him with a lavish feast.
The king calls out to his servant. “Bring Haman quickly, so that we may do as Ester has asked” (verse 5a).
Within the hour both the king and Haman are reclining at the table prepared by Ester. On it rest some of the choicest dishes in the kingdom. Succulent fruits, meat roasted and seasoned to perfection, bread warm and soft, and plenty of wine overflow their dishes. Ester serves her king first, offering him each platter where he chooses the best portion then she offers the platters next to Haman. She has a humble smile on her lips the entire time making certain to show both men great respect. She also keeps both cups full.
Throughout the meal Ahasuerus would occasionally reach out and stroke Ester’s cheek or pass his hand lightly along the length of her arm, demonstrating his affection to her and his ownership to Haman. He was very proud of this queen of his. Her beauty knew no bounds. Finally, after having eaten and drank his fill, Ahasuerus leans back against his couch and asks Ester again, “What is your wish? It shall be granted you. And what is your request? Even to the half of my kingdom, it shall be fulfilled” (verse 6b).
Ester’s heart sings with his praise of her and his desire to please him. But she is not yet ready to make her request known. She knows it is a very important matter and she must be certain that her king will do exactly as he has said. Not mere words but a heart commitment is what she needs. “One more day” she thinks to herself before giving her husband and king her answer.
“My wish and my request is: If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my wish and fulfill my request, let the king and Haman come to the feast that I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king has said” (verse 8).
Ahasuerus is not the only one Ester is bringing along with her answer to the king. Her words are meant to flatter Haman too. To lure him into a false sense of security and importance. She wants him to hear from her own lips the invitation to yet another feast. One prepared especially for him and the king alone. Judging by the shine in his eyes at her words, she has succeeded.
Ahasuerus nods his head in acceptance of Ester’s request. He signals for water and a towel for his hands and face. Once clean he rises from his couch to return to the duties of his day. Haman follows his lead and rises too. His head is swelled with pride and he struts like a rooster, head high and knees lifting as he exits the room. Ester watches Haman discretely as he practically prances from the room. “His step will not be so light tomorrow” she thinks to herself.
Once the men have left, Ester’s servants quickly enter the room to clear it. Her closest maid hurries to her and they begin quietly planning her next banquet and her next move.
(to be continued)
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I can’t imagine the thoughts going through Ester’s mind as she stood outside the king’s throne room. I have stood in trepidation waiting an ‘audience’ before but mine were never TRUE life and death concerns. Mine revolved around a job or a course of study I was trying to pursue. I needed the favor of the one I was waiting to see. My hands have trembled. My palms have been sweaty. I have also had times when I stood with confidence, knowing in my heart that there was a good answer waiting for me. I wonder if Ester felt that confidence. Did she KNOW within her heart that her God would protect her in this instance? Was she expecting the king to extend his scepter? Or was she teetering on the brink of terror? Whatever she felt in that moment, she had to hide it. She could not come before her king with boldness, nor would she be accepted if she came groveling. She had to come to a place where she would be noticed and in a way where she would be desired.
We have a King that we come before also. But He has said that we should come boldly before Him. Not one afraid but one filled with the confidence of a son or daughter. We don’t have to fear being killed or thrown out of His presence when we come to Him through His Son Jesus. If we try and come on our own we won’t make it past the door.
The first time we appear before Him we may be ‘shaking in our shoes’ because we don’t know what to expect. “Will He welcome me?” “Will he throw me out because I am dirty?” “What if He demands something of me that I cannot do?” “Am I worthy of standing before Him? Of His love?”
Each time I come before Him after that I am less fearful but more is expected. Just because He loves me just as I am does not mean that He wants me to stay that way forever. As Ester wore the silver bell, reminding her king of their time together, God wants me to wear the garments of my lessons with Him. He wants to see reflected in my eyes the growing maturity of time spent with Him. I can’t keep coming in my filthy rags I started this journey in. I need to prepare myself to stand before Him. Not as a pretender but as a growing child of the King. He delights in His children and receives joy from watching us grow.
Father God, Thank You that I can come boldly before You. I come with respect and honor but not crawling on the floor in fear. Thank You for all the ‘gifts’ You have given me along this journey. I hope I wear them with pride. Not in arrogance but in appreciation. Thank You for being my King and letting me be Your child.