Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 Chasing Wealth

Solomon looks at wealth and how it affects the lives of different people. Those who chase it never catch it. Those who enjoy it find contentment in life.
The tone of Solomon’s observations don’t sound as depressed as he was before. But his first observation shocked me! I had to read it a few times before it really settled for me. I don’t like it, but I recognize it as pretty much fact wherever you go.
I know of no place on earth where there isn’t some oppression of the poor. In many places, the poor are used as slave labor because they have no other way to eat. Yes, there are many agencies trying to help the poor but they only scratch the surface in most places. I fully believe this will be the case until Jesus sets up His kingdom on earth.
Justice perverted is another theme that is world-wide. Money is one of the biggest methods of ‘bending’ justice to suit your will. Power or influence is another. Justice should NOT be bought and sold; but it too often is. This is another fact that comes with our fallen world.
Solomon is not surprised to find these things happening in his world. One thing that brings him comfort in this situation though is knowing that there is someone over these corrupt individuals. Those in higher authority SHOULD BE holding them accountable for their actions. And those even higher in authority holding the second layer accountable. Ultimately, God will hold ALL in authority accountable. He will see to the judgment of the corrupt officials.
Next, Solomon turns our attention to how wealth affects people. He breaks men down into two categories: ones who chase money their whole lives, and those who use it to enjoy life. Anyone in either of these groups can be rich or poor. What makes the difference is whether one sees money/possessions/wealth as the ultimate goal or simply tools to use in a life filled with joy.
Those who chase after wealth will never be satisfied. There is always one more level of financial success that they want to reach before saying they have enough. One more rung on the ladder of success they want to climb. One more ‘toy’ they want to buy. Then comes the problem of protecting what they have. A fortune can be spent just trying to protect the fortune you have. MANY sleepless nights spent worrying about losing what you have. It is even more of a problem if the wealth was obtained illegally. And heaven forbid you end up in a business venture that loses you money. These people are the ones who were committing suicide with the fall of the stock market during the Great Depression.
Those who see money as a tool, use it to bring joy, comfort, and pleasure to their lives. They use it to help others. They care about others and willingly share of the blessings they have received. They don’t squander what God has given them but they don’t hoard it either. They live for love of man, not of money.
Solomon tells us to enjoy life; “Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his lot” (verse 18). Enjoy life, no matter what your station. Put your relationship with God first and He will satisfy your soul. Then enjoy the blessings He has given you and work with joy at whatever He has set before you in the place where He put you. Do everything you do with a heart towards God and others. Let your works praise Him.
Father God, I love to serve others and help any way I can. Sometimes this takes money and other times it only takes time. Thank You for creating opportunities for me to help. Thank You for blessing me with the ability to help. Don’t let me get caught up in the ‘having’ so that I lose the joy of the ‘being’.
Thank You for helping me arrange help for my daughter today. Thank You for my AMAZING family who so willingly pitched in. Thank You for the joy we got to share together while working together. I’m very tired God so I’m going to take my smile to bed.