Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 Summing It Up

Solomon is summing up all that he has said for the people. He boils it down to one very important command. Fear God and keep His commandments.
I was curious as to what order Solomon wrote the books we find in our bible; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. I didn’t find any definite answers but I did find one Jewish Grandmother’s blog site that was interesting. My only problem is not knowing the language and getting lost as to which book was being referenced at times. She puts Ecclesiastes as the first of Solomon’s writings. But even she says that it is just a guess.
When we started reading Ecclesiastes, I commented several times about the voice of Solomon. That it seemed depressed to me. I kept waiting for his “ah-ah” moment when his spirit would turn to praise. He never hit a high note in this book, but he did at least come to a final conclusion that kind of satisfies my soul. In all his “vanity, vanity, all is vanity” musings his final conclusion is “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
Even in this conclusion there is a hint of sadness. The word “duty”, to me, implies a forced compliance. The fact that this statement is followed immediately by one stating that God will judge EVERY action and secret thing of man as the weight for WHY to obey God is heavy. I wish Solomon would have noted that there is JOY when we follow God’s directions for our lives. We may come originally for ‘fire insurance’ but His love is what keeps us coming to Him. At least it’s why I keep coming. I’ve found a friend in my God that I CANNOT live without.
Is it possible that being on this side of the promise of a Messiah is what made the difference? Solomon lived under the Law while we live under grace. The Law was full of “do this and you get that”, “do this in this specific order”, and “don’t to this or that will happen to you.” Everyone, including the king had access to God through the priests, not the same kind of personal relationship we have. There was a vail that separated God from the people. With Jesus’ death, GOD ripped that vail in two thereby removing the separation from Him. We still have commands He expects us to obey, especially the two Jesus gave us that He said encompasses ALL the Law and the prophets.
Is this why Solomon referred to following God as a “duty” and I see it as a “gift”? I have a feeling we both felt ashamed when we know we have disappointed God through sin. I can’t imagine Solomon’s conscience considering the gifts God had given him and the way he went after other gods. How did he sooth that conscience?
I was wondering if Solomon ever repented so I did what I usually do; I Googled it. There are conflicting points of view with solid answers to back them up, but my favorite searching site for my questions says he probably did BUT only God knows for sure. Check out the answer at
As for me Father God, I count it a joy to serve You. I am blessed beyond measure simply by being Your child! ALL else IS ‘vanity’. Please strengthen our relationship daily as I learn more of Your word.
As to Solomon, He is in Your hands. His eternity was decided LONG AGO. I pray though that his words bring healing and new direction for those who are still “chasing after the wind.” Open my heart with this reminder when I start chasing after the wind!