Deuteronomy 9:1-12 Unearned

Moses is preparing the people to cross over the Jordan. He tells them of what they will face and warns them not to believe they did this work on their own.
When the spies came back from their scouting mission 40 years ago they were correct in informing the people what awaited them in the Promised Land. There were walled cities. There were “sons of the Anakim” (verse 2b). There were nations greater and more powerful than Israel. They did not lie in their report of the conditions that Israel would face. The same conditions held true at the end of the 40 years. All these things awaited this second generation.
The difference between the first and second generations were their willingness to follow God’s command. This second generation wasn’t perfect. I’m sure there were those who sided with the first generation on several issues. Their stubbornness had NOT been bred out of them. There were many more lessons waiting up ahead for them.
The fact that God was using them was for two reasons. First and foremost, He had made a promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the people now in His care. He ALWAYS keeps His promises. The second reason is because the people in the hands were so corrupt that He wouldn’t rest until He rid the world of them. Israel hadn’t “earned” the right to the Promised Land. They simply were gifted it because God loved them AND they were willing to be used by Him.
Tonight before I started writing I was struggling with my “monsters.” I’m sorry to say I lost the battle. Afterward I didn’t feel “worthy” to sit and write about God and His marvelous words. I felt a failure, again. But the Holy Spirit gently encouraged me to at least read, even if I didn’t write. Then I read what He had for me tonight.
Even though I failed Him He showed me that He still loves me and can use me. Not because of MY righteousness but because of His. Not because of my strength but because of His. Not because of my faithfulness but because of His. All He asks of me this night is my willingness even in the face of my unworthiness. That was all He asked of Israel too.
Israel wasn’t going into the land with some superior campaign plan. They weren’t carrying secret weapons that they designed to overcome the odds stacked against them. They were going to simply follow wherever God led them. HE was going to blaze the trail and they would ride His wave to victory.
Father God, I could use a wave to ride concerning my monsters. I’m MORE than grateful for the wave You carried me on tonight with Your love. You know my fears and failings yet You let me be used anyway. You know how fallible I am yet You still show me amazing things in Your word. I wonder if tonight’s monsters was part of my preparation or if my failings merely opened my Spirit to receive this piece from You word. Either way, Thank You for the lessons tonight. I’m not worthy but I’m worth it to You. That is enough for me.