Deuteronomy 4:44-49 From the Top

Moses has just refreshed the people’s memory of what they went through in the wilderness. Now it is time to get down to business.
Moses started his instructions to this new generation by reminding them of the past experiences with God. He also strictly charged them with the first three VITAL attitudes that they had to have for anything else to work. Obedience to God; NO idols of any kind; and God alone is supreme. These three founding truths had to be in place in the people’s hearts for there to be any success in the Promised Land.
As children gather around to hear a favorite story, God gathers His children to hear again the Law He gave them. This is a renewing of their commitment. They are going to receive all of it once again to ensure they are still willing to be His chosen people.
God knows what their answer is going to be before they even make it but He is giving them the choice. He has just carried them through several victories on this side of the Jordan. They KNOW He is the one who fought these battles for them. Now He is getting ready to make His offer again for them to be His people and Him to be their God.
With the grass flowing all around and the smoke of distant fires shouting Israel’s victory, the people settle in to hear ALL of God’s commandments. Moses readies himself to speak EVERY WORD God gave him for Israel. This time there will be no delay while Moses ascends the mountain for further instructions. There will be no deviation from God’s original instructions either.
This generation will receive the same promises that the previous one received but failed to uphold. This generation will be given the same choice the first one received. Later on, after all the fighting is over, Joshua will ask them one final time. “Choose you this day Whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15b).
God won’t make you choose Him but He will give you every reminder and incentive to do so. That doesn’t mean that everything will be roses if you choose to follow Him. What it does mean is that He will “fight” for you. He will sustain you. He will give you an eternal home with Him. If YOU choose Him He will never be far from your side, even when it looks like you are about to drown. He has you FIRMLY in His hands.
Father God, I want to follow You with my whole heart. I know I can’t live in this world without You. Left to my own devices I would be in ruin within hours. Thank You that You fight my battles for me. Thank You that You give me the wisdom I need to fight them. Thank You that YOU provide the patience I need to wait while the dust settles. Thank You that, no matter what the earthly outcome, I am secure in Your arms. My Heavenly home awaits. Thank You for bringing me back every time I start to wander away too. I choose to serve YOU Lord!