Deuteronomy 4:32-40 ONE TRUE God

Moses reminds the people of God’s superiority above ALL else. There is NO other god who has done anything like what He was doing for them.
These are the children of the first generation who came out of Egypt under God’s hand. I don’t know if any of them were children as they set out or if all were born in the wilderness. I have a feeling it was a mixed multitude in that respect. Those who were under the age of inclusion in the census Moses took were not counted in the first generation. They would be over 40 years old now. The oldest would be 59 as everyone over 20 was included in the first generation. That is not an ancient age then or now but it might be past the age of serving in battle.
The older children who left Egypt probably remembered the marvelous works God had done on their behalf. The ones who were born after they were turned back at the edge of the Promised Land didn’t have that firsthand experience. But they were certainly told the stories.
The story Moses wants them to remember most at this moment in time was when God personally spoke to the whole congregation. This was at Mt. Sinai. God spoke to the people out of the cloud, fire and thunder that covered the mountain.
NO OTHER GOD HAS EVER SPOKEN TO A GROUP OF PEOPLE LIKE THIS. This is the first and only time in history that God spoke to a group this size. He had been speaking to and through individuals since the beginning of time but on this occasion about a million people heard His voice. And there was no confusion as to Who was speaking and what was being said. This wasn’t something that was passed on from person to person but something all heard at the same time.
This was just the first significant sign Moses wanted to remind the people of. The second was His works. God moved Heaven and earth to bring His chosen people out from among another nation. He walked with them in the wilderness and performed even more signs and wonders in caring for them. They lived because HE took care of them. This was nothing they could have done on their own. This was nothing ANY nation could have done on their own. It was by His hand alone.
So let the REAL God stand up! The “sun god” was supposed to have the power over light and dark. It was supposed to provide heat and energy for growing things. It held no power to converse with its worshipers and they had no way of influencing its actions. The “moon god” was supposed to control the tides and the seasons. It was supposed to influence fertility and the growth of all things. It held no power to make its wishes known or interpret its worshipers’ needs. The Baal’s were wooden and stone carvings that were supposed to provide protection and prosperity for their worshipers. It had no power to make its wishes known or to understand the wishes of its worshipers. ALL of these gods were constructs of the people’s imaginations. All were created by something else.
Only God, Jehovah, Adoni, Elohim, I Am, is capable of ALL these things. He hears us when we call out to Him. He provides for our needs. He tells us of His desires for us. He speaks to us of His nature. He abides with us and loves us as His own. There is NONE like HIM.
This is the lesson Moses wants the children of Israel to remember and take into their heart for all time. This is the same lesson we need to carry in our hearts. There is NONE like HIM. The biggest bank account can’t provide the security He can. The largest home can’t hold us as safely as He can. The fastest car can’t take us as far in life as He can. The best job can’t provide for our future like He can. NOTHING compares. NOTHING replaces. NOTHING is worthy of our praise, adoration, and commitment besides HIM.
Father God, there is NONE like You! Everything else pales in comparison. I don’t know why I even let things near Your throne in my heart at times. Please forgive me for placing ANYTHING at ANYTIME above You. If ever I’m in doubt of how amazing You are all I have to do is sit down and think back over the miles You have walked with me. Not just walked with me but walked me through and carried me through. I’m like Israel in that respect. We have been places I could NEVER have made it through on my own. Only by YOUR grace have I come through those valleys. Sometimes I would think I was doing it on my own but then I would turn around and see, once again, how You had paved the way or carried me through a place where I would have fallen otherwise. You have been faithful from the dawn of time and You have no plan of changing that EVER.
I love hearing Your stories of faithfulness. It still blows me away when I think about all You did for the first generation and how they responded in turn. I don’t see how they didn’t fall on their faces and die trying to please You. But their rebellion and Your response to them gives me hope. You continued to love them even when You had to remove Your promise from that first group. You continued to feed them instead of leaving them to fend for themselves. Your grace is AMAZING! And You extended that same grace to me through Your Son Jesus.
THANK YOU JESUS for Your AMAZING love! There aren’t enough words to express my love for You and my gratitude for all You did and still do in my life. I’m SO looking forward to talking with You face to face. Do You already have a perfect spot picked out for our bench? Does it have roses nearby? Are You looking forward to those talks too? I can already hear the sound of the brook running by it. I can’t wait to meet You in our garden.