Daniel 8:15-27 Interpretation

Daniel receives the interpretation of his latest dream. It gives him more information on the coming kingdoms that the Jews will have to deal with.
After seeing this vision Daniel wanted to know what it meant. God granted this request of Daniel through the angel Gabriel. Gabriel’s presence so frightened Daniel that he fell on his face and didn’t get up until Gabriel touched him and helped him stand up. Daniel says he even “fell into a deep sleep” (verse 18a). I wonder how long Daniel was face to the ground in awe.
Gabriel begins by telling Daniel that these visions are for “what shall be at the latter end of the indignation, for it refers to the appointed time of the end” (verse 19b). The interpretation of this vision is very specific in who it includes. It was for the coming time of Daniel. We have already seen it played out in history and God’s interpretation was spot on!
We are not given the names of the kings but we see their nations identified. We see the Medo-Persian empire, of which the latter rising Persian half was stronger. We see Alexander the Great of Greece swiftly come in and conquer all those around him. We also see the divided kingdom of Alexander by his four generals.
The final king shown was extremely cruel to Jews; Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He seized power from his nephew who was one of the generals who had one portion of the divided empire of Alexander. Antiochus IV tried to reunite the territory by forcing everyone to adopt Greek culture and religion. He banned circumcision, ended sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem and deliberately defiled the temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar and placing objects sacred to Zeus in the Holy of Holies. He burned copies of the scriptures and slaughtered those who remained true to their faith in God. Even Antiochus’ coins had and inscription on them translated as “god manifest” on the back of them, which probably means that he thought he was the gods’ representative on earth. (From ESV Study Bible Notes).
The vision was so disturbing to Daniel that he was physically sick for several days. Gabriel didn’t explain ALL the vision to Daniel but what he did see was more than he could take. The rest of the vision was “sealed up” for another day and time.
This vision also didn’t cover ALL the difficulties the Jews or the children of God would suffer. There is still more to come even today. We know this from the revelation God gave to John. There is much to come at the end of this age. We can grieve like Daniel did about what is to come but we also have to “get up and go about the King’s business.”
Father God, thank You for giving me enough of the answers that my faith is strengthened. And thank You for leaving me some things to wonder about so that my faith will continue to grow. You have EVERY AGE well planned and in control. All I need to do is to trust You. I KNOW I will make it through.