Daniel 7:15-28 Interpretation

Daniel asks for, and receives, the interpretation of his dream/vision. This vision disturbed Daniel and he HAD to know the answers; or at least some of them. As much as God allowed.
When we looked at the beasts as they first emerged in Daniel’s vision, we were looking at the nations they could represent in today’s world. These are the ‘predictions’ I heard as a child. I have also heard that these beasts represented kingdoms long past. Those kingdoms of Babylon on forward through the Roman empire. The fourth beast, the Romans, has the elements of the “little horn” still to come.
This vision easily links with Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue. I went to my favorite site for answers, GotQuestions.org and let them explain the correlation of the two visions for me. I included a link to that page for your perusal. Their explanation makes a LOT of sense to me. And, as I’m NO expert, I will defer to their experts. To those who have studied the prophecies and the scriptures.
What I DO know is that NOT ALL of Daniel’s vision has come to pass yet. The little obnoxious horn is still to come. One could argue that there are MANY ‘obnoxious little horns’ in our world today that disparage God. They refuse to believe in Jesus and His work on the cross. MANY of them are leaders of nations today. But they cannot compare to the “horn” that is still to come. The deeds of today will pale in comparison to the deception, blasphemy, and depravity that the Anti-Christ will bring.
The BEST NEWS about ALL of this is that there IS a limit to the time that “horn” will be allowed to spew his ‘venom’. THAT kingdom will NOT endure. Jesus’ kingdom WILL. Jesus’ kingdom will last FOREVER! And those who are His followers will be part of that kingdom.
God didn’t give Daniel all the answers to every aspect of his dream/vision. What he did learn scared him. “Here is the endo f the matter. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts greatly alarmed me, and my color changed, but I kept the matter in my heart” (verse 28). He was moved deeply over this vision, but he TRUSTED God to complete His work. He left his future and that of his people in God’s hands. He didn’t try and argue for a different ending. This wouldn’t be the end of God’s ‘sharing time’ with Daniel either. Nor will it be the last we hear of Daniel’s visions. Even Daniel won’t get ALL the answers, but he will STILL trust God; Who DOES have ALL the answers.
Father God, You are STILL in control! There is NOTHING that happens without Your knowledge. Your hands are ALL OVER this world and my life. I am SORELY lacking in understanding of all that is to come. Yet, I TRUST YOU. I KNOW that You will bring about what needs to be; in the world and in my life. THAT knowledge I will cling to, just as Daniel clung to what You showed him.