Daniel 7:1-8 Four Beasts

We come to Daniel’s visions. The firs one is of four beasts. These beasts will be an important part of the last days. I will NOT EVEN PRETEND to understand it all!
Daniel’s vision takes place in the first year of Belshazzar’s reign. This is the king we read about in the story of the writing on the wall. This king KNEW about Daniel and all the interactions he had with his father, yet, he personally had nothing to do with him. It wasn’t until the last day of his life that he sought answers from Daniel. I wonder how different his life and reign would have been if he sought Daniel before then.
I was just sitting here thinking about Daniels vision. I was wondering if it was a “dream” or a “vision.” I looked down at my bible and saw that it was “a dream AND vision of his head as he lay in his bed” (verse 1b). This dream intrigued Daniel so much that he wrote it down. He KNEW that it was important and should be preserved. I’m wondering though, whether he wrote it down before or after the interpretation was given to him. Did he worry about interrupting the flow of this dream/vision process? Was he concerned about forgetting pieces of it if he waited? Which one motivated him most?
I’ve had ‘dreams’ or inspiration that I KNEW was important. If I couldn’t attend to them at the moment, I asked God to remind me of them later when I did have time. He usually honors this request, and the times that I do forget, I believe that if it was REALLY important, He will bring it back to me again.
Daniel KNEW this dream and vision was important. Whatever the order of writing it down, God makes sure we see it all. NOTHING is lost that Daniel saw; unless GOD told him not to share a certain portion.
In this dream, the wind is whipping about in all directions and the sea is heaving upon itself. Out of the middle of all that chaos, “four great beasts came up out of the sea” (verse 2b). All of them were unique in their form and function. I will not even pretend to know who or what people these beasts represent.
“The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings” (verse 4a). This description makes me think of the mythical “griffin.” After Googling images of it, I find that it was supposed to have an eagle’s head too. This is a little more ‘bird parts’ than Daniel’s beast had. The griffin also never had its wings “plucked off.” Nor was it “lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it” (verse 4b). My thought when the wings were “plucked off” was “OUCH!”
The second beast was “like a bear.” This one wasn’t transformed into something else but was “raised up on one side” (verse 5b). I don’t know if that means it had one side that was stronger than the other or if it stood on one front and one back leg. However it stood, it was clear to see what was in its mouth and what its purpose would be. It would be a KILLER. “Arise, devour much flesh” (verse 5d). I’m going to assume that this is talking about ‘human flesh’ as in vicious and victorious in war.
The third beast was “like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads” (verse 6b). This would have been the strangest one yet. Why FOUR wings? Why FOUR heads? Of the beasts mentioned so far, this is the one that was given “dominion” (verse 6c). It is not given the mind of a man or the charge to kill. Instead it is given the power to rule.
The last beast was the most “terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong” (verse 7b). Stronger than the bear and his carnivorous rampage. More dreadful than the lion. And more terrifying than a four headed leopard with wings. Though the other beasts were different from one another, this one was the most unique. “It had ten horns” on it. I’m assuming these horns are on its head but we are not specifically told that. While looking at the beast with the ten horns, another horn springs up and takes out three of the original horns. This new horn is different from ALL the rest. “In this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things” (verse 8b). THAT would blow someone’s mind! It would certainly take your gaze away from the rest of the beast and focus it on the boasting little horn.
As I’ve grown up, I’ve heard people talk about these beasts as representing different nations on earth. Just because I was curious, I looked up what nations were represented here BY MAN’S INTERPRETATION.
The lion is interesting in that it has both characteristics of a lion and an egal. When looking at nations who lay claim to the loin as its representation, we find South African countries as well as England. Those of us who live in the United States of America, we easily identify with the egal. I thought it interesting that the lion has egal traits. The USA started out as English colonies. The melding of the two animals. But this one had its wings plucked off and was made to stand like a man. It also was given the mind of a man. I’m wondering if this progression is indicative of the change from a godly people to that of a depraved people where our government is drawing us away from God. Just a thought.
The bear is the animal of Russia. It has engaged in MUCH warfare in the past AND present. Will this be the purpose of the people or nations in this region in the end of days? Again, just a thought.
Google says that Samalia and South Africa identify with the leopard. I don’t know ANY of them that identify with a FOUR HEADED leopard. Maybe this is a combination kingdom of four that act in concert. Maybe each would also represent one wing. Unless ALL the wings and heads work in concert, this beast would tear itself apart. But it is given dominion so they must find a way to work as one.
We are not given a body type for the last beast. Whatever it is, it is terrifying, dreadful, and strong. The animal that comes to my mind is a dragon. Dragons are also portrayed as having horns. Revelation also speaks of the dragon and it is Satan that is being referred to. China is the nation that identifies with the dragon but I would in NO WAY call them Satan.
The horns on this beast supplant one another. One rises up and replaces three. This speaks to me of turmoil within this kingdom or nation.
Daniel will share some insight into these beasts with us but he never tells us EVERYTHING. I’m looking forward to hearing what God shares with him regarding this dream AND vision.
Father God, You have my attention and imagination. I know there are MANY who have tried to interpret the meaning of this vision. I’m going to wait and see what You showed Daniel and let You share with me whatever You would have me learn for this time in my life. I KNOW there is MUCH MORE than I can take in in one setting. I leave it to You as to what You know is important for me to understand now. Thank You for trusting me with Your word. I PRAY I don’t do ANYTHING to lead people down the wrong path or to confuse them. Lead me where YOU would have me go Holy Spirit EACH step of the way.