Daniel 1:8-21 Better Condition

Daniel was faithful to God in all things. Because of his faithfulness he was found in better condition than all the other youths.
Daniel and his three friends were different than all the rest of the youths brought back from Judah. They had conviction. Not the ‘convicted of a crime’ definition but a STRONGLY held belief. They believed that, if they followed the dictates of the king in eating what he provided, they would be sinning against God. I don’t know if it was because they didn’t know if the animals had been sacrificed to idols, if the food preparations went against the dietary restrictions God gave them, or if they saw something in the food that they believed was sinful. Whatever it was, Daniel had the courage to speak up.
Daniel could have kept silent. He could have ‘gone along to get along’. He could have even spoken up only for himself. But he didn’t. Daniel spoke for the group. Not for ALL the youths but for him and his friends whom he knew were also dedicated to the Lord.
I truly believe that Daniel prayed BEFORE he approached the king’s servant. I have no doubt that God also provided him the plan to bring to him. And we KNOW that God made the servant’s heart receptive to Daniel’s concerns.
Honestly, I don’t think I would enjoy Daniel’s diet. I like my salad but I also like my meat and cake. This diet, however, removed all the possible food problems Daniel and his friends might have been struggling with. There were no meats that might have been offered to idols. There was no blood product to worry about. There wasn’t even an opportunity to “boil a kid in its mother’s milk.” Pure, simple vegetables. Drinking only water eliminated the possibility of becoming drunk.
Time proved Daniel out. He and his friends were in better condition that ALL the other youths who were in this training program. Daniel’s conviction also impacted the lives of the rest of the group. After seeing Daniel’s ‘evidence’, the rest of the youths were changed to Daniel’s diet. I wonder if they were angry about it.
This was the beginning of Daniel proving out the wisdom God graced him with. The kings of Babylon would receive a LOT from Daniel’s wisdom. Nebuchadnezzar would not be the only one to benefit, as we are told that Daniel served until the time of King Cyrus. We will get to hear many stories of Daneil’s faithfulness and his worth to the kings.
God is SO FAITHFUL! It was NOT by accident or ‘fate’ that Daniel and his three friends found themselves among the first group of captives taken to Babylon. God was putting His fingers in the lives of even the captors to show Himself to the world. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were “ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters” (verse 20b) that were in the kingdom. They stood head and shoulders above everyone else in wisdom and understanding. They would benefit their people through the king and bring God’s name to the nation.
God was also showing His people, through Daniel, his friends, and several others, that He was NOT blind to their plight. He was also giving them examples of what He wanted from them and instructions for their own benefit while in this place of the hard lessons. Just because they were not in Israel didn’t mean that God wasn’t watching over them and working in their lives.
God’s faithfulness, even in the place of the hard lessons, is all we have to hold onto. Circumstances can try to drown us, but when we rely on God, we have a SURE hope. Daniel could have surrendered to his circumstances and given in. But he KNEW God had not abandoned him. And he REFUSED to abandon God; no matter what ANYONE else did.
Father God, You are ALWAYS faithful! There is NO WHERE I can go, or be dragged off to, that You can’t see AND reach me. I am safe in Your arms at ALL times. And while there, I’m able to reach out and share Your love with those I encounter. Help me shine in wherever it is that You place me. Give me Daniel’s courage and conviction.