Daniel 12:1-13 Time of The End

This is the part of Daniel where even he doesn’t understand it all. He asks about the time of the end but is told it is shut up and sealed until that time.
In this portion of Daniel’s vision he is given a few specific absolute truths and a promise of understanding when the time comes. The absolute truths are: 1) There will be protection for those who believe, 2) There is a specified end to the days to come, 3) There is a glorious hope for ALL who believe and it is beyond life itself and there is everlasting shame for those who don’t.
Daniel is told that “Michael, the great prince” himself will be in charge of protecting those who believe. This is the same Michael who helped Gabriel break through Satan’s forces with the answer to Daniel’s prayers. Michael is God’s chief general and KNOWS all the strategies of the enemy and how to fight against them. Michael will not defeat Satan and his Anti-Christ but will protect those who put their trust in the Lord. “But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book” (verse 1c).
God gives Daniel a specific count of days that this “time of trouble, such as never been since there was a nation till that time” (verse 1b). Daniel is actually given two counts and there is a 45 day difference between them. They are 1290 and 1335. I’m wondering what happens during those 45 days. Is it a period of reorganization? Is it how long the battle will last? Is it a resting time? Waiting for that 1335th day though is important for Daniel is told “Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days” (verse 12).
For ALL who love the Lord WILL find glory and everlasting life on the other side of the end. Those who are dead will be raised to that life and those who remain will also be delivered. Those who do not love God will be raised to shame and everlasting contempt. ALL will have a defined eternity based on their decision regarding the Lord. We EACH get to make that choice. And that choice has ETERNAL consequences.
Some things Daniel is not told is exactly how many days until the first day of that period starts. One of the angels asks that very question but is not given a specific answer. He is told “for a time, times, and half a time, and then when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all things would be finished” (verse 7b). Daniel asks too and is told to “Go your way” because it is not for him to understand this portion. The answers are for the time when it actually happens. There is one specific clue given to that time and it is “from the time the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up” (verse 11b). There have been at least two times when the sacrifices were ended but those were NOT the time for this prophecy. Antiochus IV stopped the sacrifices and when the last Temple was destroyed the sacrifices were stopped. NEITHER of these times fulfilled this prophecy. If they had, we wouldn’t be here. It is still to come. When the time is RIGHT the “wise shall understand” (verse 10b).
I believe the vagueness of this prophecy is for two reasons. 1) So the ‘saints’ don’t get comfortable and only come to Him at the last minute, and 2) So Satan won’t understand and throw EVERYTHING he has at that time. He will be throwing it at that time anyway but he won’t know the day either. As with Jesus’ death and resurrection, he will have victory SNATCHED right out of his hands! PRAISE GOD! We KNOW Who wins!!!
Whether we personally see that time is up to God. Our job is to be about HIs business. We are to share the warning and the promises to come. Know God, know life. No God, NO life. There is an eternity. Which side of the ‘equation’ do you want to be on?
Father God, THANK YOU for making a way for me to know You too! Thank You for Jesus!!! Without Him I have NO hope. I have NO idea when the time You have specified will come, but I feel its approach. Evil is EVERYWHERE right now. Sin is being called good and righteousness is being called sin by the world. Help me hold TIGHT to Your hand NO MATTER WHAT COMES! Grab hold of my children and grandchildren and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to turn them to You. Only You know what it will take and how to accomplish this. Help me live Your love in front of them and be a witness for You at all times.