Colossians 2:6-15 Rooted In Him

Paul calls his readers to look back to their foundation. He reminds them of the basic building blocks and encourages them by exploring the might and power behind them.
This group was in danger of being led astray by some new “philosophy” that was going around. Paul called them to stop and remember the teachings they received in the beginning; the truth of Jesus. If what they were listening to didn’t line up with their original teachings of faith, RUN the other way! That is still true today and should be our litmus test.
We still don’t know what that new teaching was but Paul caution implied that the teaching was from demonic origins, or so my bible helps tell me. The “elemental spirits of the world” certainly weren’t in accordance with Jesus’ teachings.
It is interesting how Satan hasn’t run out of “new teachings” intent on trying to lead God’s people into bondage. It is also interesting how “everything old is new again.” I would LOVE to disarm Satan once and have him stay that way. But he has a way of sneaking in the backdoor when it is left unguarded. Jesus disarmed him and gave us the right to use His authority over him. I just need to exercise it more stringently.
Paul emphasized the foundational blocks of: Jesus is God incarnate; He fulfilled the requirements of the law for us, including circumcision; His work on the cross paid our debt in full; and through baptism we join with Him in death and resurrection to new life.
These are the basic building blocks of our faith. There is amazing power contained in these principals. Through His work on the cross Jesus “disarmed the rules and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them” (verse 15).
I read the back of the book and HE WINS! But even better than that, He already won and gave me His right to victory. I can win daily because of Him. I don’t have to wait until I get to Heaven to have any kind of victory. No, I don’t always win but that is not because He failed in some way but because I sometimes fail to use the tools He gives me. For those times He still offers me His forgiveness. Thank You God for that!
Thank You Jesus for fighting my battle. I would have NO chance against Satan apart from You. Help me to remember to hold fast to the basic building blocks. Don’t let me get so wrapped up in someone’s doctrine that I leave Your foundational truths. There is NO OTHER WAY but You Jesus, no matter what this world says.