Proverbs 13:19-21 The Walk

The walk of a man is first set in his heart. His feet will carry him to either reward or destruction, depending on the direction of his walk.
I’m still trying on my own to find similarities or common themes in our reading. My bible helps aren’t being much help in this chapter. What I see in today’s verses though is how the knowledge desired, or avoided, in the last section is put into action here.
We saw that the one who desire knowledge and instruction prosper. Those who refuse it invite disaster. But knowledge for knowledge’s sake is meaningless. You have to put it into action for it to be of any benefit. I can attest to that after having gone through school so many years. There are pieces of each of my degrees that I use in my everyday life but so much of that learning lays unused. It feels wasted.
Learning about God is only useful if it draws you into a deeper relationship with Him. He has promised that His word will not return void but will bear fruit. Even the man who reads the bible without caring about understanding will find something in it for himself. Where does this leave us?
It leaves us deciding which way to walk. Do we walk in the wisdom the Lord has given us or do we cling to our own desires? “To turn away from evil is an abomination to fools” (verse 19b). The “fool” will cling to his sinful ways, even when he KNOWS it is destroying him, with all his might. But the wise man will seek out even more wisdom. He will begin to walk with others who demonstrate wisdom and he will be “rewarded with good” (verse 21c). His good desires will be fulfilled and bring joy to his soul.
Nothing good comes from pursuing sinful passions. Even “the companions of fools will suffer harm” (verse 20b). Disaster waits at the end for the ‘fool’ and several places along the way. It’s not worth the price.
Father God, thank You for providing another way for me. For giving me instruction that literally SAVES my life. I know I don’t use nearly as much of it as I should. Sometimes I forget the stories I’ve read almost as soon as I shut the book. Forgive me for this Father. I want to use ALL You have given me so my life will be more like Jesus every day. I still have a long way to go and a lot more to learn.
Help me put into practice the lessons You bring to me. Don’t let me put them on the shelf and forget about them. They are life to my bones and refreshing to my soul. Let my walk reflect You and Your love for me.