Psalm 150:1-6 EVERYTHING Praise Him

The psalms come to a conclusion by calling for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to praise the Lord. The ‘short list’ of instruments and the inclusion of “everything that has breath” says it all!
I know of one religion that forbids musical instruments in worship. This psalm blasts that belief to pieces! Not only does it include percussion instruments but it brings in stringed and wind instruments. THEN it brings in dancing!
This psalm doesn’t say that it was written by David but it certainly was lived by him. Remember the story of him dancing with before the Ark as it entered Jerusalem. He danced with ALL his might in praise to the Lord. He spent a LOT of time singing to the Lord and playing Him praise songs on his harp. And before he died, he appointed Levites specifically to sing, play instruments, and offer praise to the Lord on a daily basis. He even had instruments made specifically for this purpose. David KNEW the power of praise!
I KNOW the power of praise too in my own life. When I’m having a hard day, NOTHING lifts it like singing praise to the Lord. It breaks the bonds of despair as well as anger. There is NO WAY to maintain anger at your brother or sister while you are lifting your heart in praise to the Lord. Praise refocuses the mind and heart towards the Father.
Praise isn’t confined to “everything that has breath” but to ALL of creation! One Christmas I was putting together a children’s program to present before the congregation. I used this psalm as my basis. We didn’t do the traditional Christmas story but focused on EVERYTHING praising God. I even included a rock in my cast of characters because of where Jesus said that if the people kept quiet that God would cause the rocks to cry out in praise to Him. I don’t want to be silent and force the rocks to cry out but I would LOVE seeing it though. We chose to let the rock shimmer and glimmer as its praise in our story.
Father God, let me NEVER grow weary of praising You! THANK YOU for returning praise to my heart after that dark spell. Actually, I believe it was probably turning to praise that broke it finally. Please don’t ever let me go there again! I want to praise You in everything I do and to bring glory to Your name at all times. I know I fall far short of this goal but with YOUR help I will get closer and closer to it every day.
Thank You for sharing Your psalms with me. Now P LEASE guide me as I enter into the book of Proverbs. There is SO MUCH wisdom contained there. Please help me do it justice in my heart and in my writing.