1 Chronicles 18:14-17 David’s Court

We get a rundown of those in charge during the reign of David. Even David’s sons had a role to fill in service to their king.
The most important passage in our reading, at least to my thinking, is this: “and he administered justice and equity to all his people” (verse 14a). David was a just king. He cared about ALL the people. He did not play favorites among the tribes. He cared about the needs of each person in Israel. No, he couldn’t personally serve them but he saw to it that their issues were addresses.
I have a feeling that some of that ‘addressing’ came through the persons of his sons. They “were the chief officials in the service of the king” (verse 17b). This was not an ideal situation as Absalom would pervert it at least once. This gave them a voice, who would in turn stand before the king with their concerns.
When reading David’s court officials we see he had two priests. Abiathar was with him the longest. He was the only one to survive Saul’s massacre at Nob. When it happened Abiathar escaped to David and stayed with him the rest of David’s life. Near the end of David’s life Abiathar was disloyal in supporting Adonijah instead of Solomon as David’s successor.
We are never given a clear understanding as to where Zadok came from. I have a feeling that he served at the Tabernacle after the massacre by Saul. He was probably the high priest in Israel when they made David king. Rather than deposing one man from his place, David had them share this office. Zadok remained true to David until the end of his life. Zadok is the one who anointed Solomon at David’s command. Zadok served alone as high priest from that time on as Abiathar was stripped of his role by Solomon.
The last item that required a little investigating from our reading today was who the Cherethites and Pelethites were. We have run into them in our earlier reading of David’s stories. They were David’s elite special forces. They also accompanied him when he returned from the land of the Philistines. They became his closest protectors. During his darkest hours they were by his side and they were NOT Israelites. I would love to know how they found one another.
David’s court was fairly small but well organized. He knew how to delegate authority and whom to trust. It is better to have a few close friends in whom you can trust that hundreds of close acquaintances whom wax and wane with the circumstances.
Other than family I don’t know of any I would put in this category. I’m MORE than grateful for them!
Thank You Father that none of us have to go through life all alone. YOU created us to be social beings. Thank You for each and every member of my family! I would be alone without them.