Exodus 30:17-21 Bronze Basin

This is the last piece of furnishing for God’s house. It was also the last stop before entering His house. Here the outside sin was washed away.
Before we get going today I want to apologize for being inconsistent lately. Two issues have taken a BIG bite out of my time. One is helping my son in law as he completes college courses to become an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). This process will conclude in March 2020. The other is more person; it is pain. I’m struggling with severe arthritis pain right now and am finding it hard to concentrate. Hopefully my health care team will get this addressed SOON!
Now that that is out of the way, let’s get on with our study. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Earlier I commented on the fact that God’s order of giving Moses the directions for the building of the tabernacle were not what I would have used. If I were assigning the order of things I would have put this one beside the bronze altar. They are both outside pieces and made with the same metal. But the basin differs in that there is no wood used in its construction. This piece and the lampstand are the only furnishings that don’t include a wooden understructure. God doesn’t even tell Moses to use acacia wood on its base. These two pieces also lack the “rings and poles” for transporting them. I can understand why with the lampstand but I would think the bronze basin would be of substantial weight and using a carrying system might help with that.
I don’t know if this has ANY bearing but when I was thinking about these two pieces in God’s house I was reminded about two different statements Jesus made regarding Himself. The first is “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). This corresponds to the lampstand. The second piece, the bronze basin for water, isn’t connected directly but access to it is through Him. The access He is granting is to living water; the Holy Spirit. One cannot receive the Holy Spirit without going through Jesus. One cannot access God without going through Jesus also.
In the temple the priests could not enter the tent without first washing their hands and feet. No access to God without the water! This was a death sentence if ignored.
I’m reminded of another time water was central in a story. That story was when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. As the participants of that dinner assembled they washed their hands but their feet were not addressed. Their meal wasn’t in the home of a rich person who had servants assigned to do this task. It was a “family” dinner for Jesus and His closest followers. I don’t know if and how many women were in attendance that night but I imagine they were probably the ones serving the meal. They wouldn’t have eaten with the men but they were most likely within hearing distance of the table. (Sorry got side tracked.) When Jesus set aside His robe, took up a towel and water basin and began washing His disciples feet, He was preparing them to enter God’s presence. This was His last act for them before He laid Himself on the altar for all of us. After Jesus’ sacrifice the way would be open to them to enter God’s presence.
When Peter resisted Jesus’ actions he was told that without this washing he would have no part of the Kingdom. Peter then requested to be completely washed by Jesus. In the tabernacle, when Aaron and his sons would be officially inaugurated into the priesthood they were washed before given their robes and roles. Then they would wash their feet and hands every time they came before God. Like Peter, they were presumed to be “clean” other than their hands and feet which were in constant contact with the world.
This would be the function of this last piece of furniture God commissioned for His house. Not “wipe your feet” but “wash your feet” before entry. Wash the sin of the world off and the blood off your hands. “Come to me clean and fresh. Ready to go back into the world carrying only My glory and presence.”
Father God, I don’t think I come to You with enough forethought some times. Sometimes I jump right into writing without stopping to “wash” my mind of everything else going on around me. Thank You for catching me during those times and reminding me to come to You with clean hands and feet. I have a feeling I should be taking more time “washing” than I do. I wonder what a change like that would do to our time. Probably deepen it significantly. My problem is interruptions, like now even. I don’t know when demands are going to crop up and I only get to listen with half an ear. I REALLY appreciate that You don’t stop talking even when I’m being distracted. Thank You for honoring what time I can bring You. Forgive me for the times I put spending time with You off because I’m “not ready” or “too tired.” Help me in those moments Lord to choose what is best; spending time with YOU.