Ruth Moab Pt 2

Naomi and her sons are living in Moab because of the famine and drought in Israel. We met Orpah yesterday, and we will meet Ruth today.
Or I’m hoping we meet Ruth today. I LOVE taking us inside the stories of the bible. But I didn’t realize how long it would take to get us past the first three verses of Ruth. But I wouldn’t trade our time with the Lord in His stories for ANYTHING!
Orpah becomes part of the family today. Ruth will also join this small family. Tragedy is not far off though. Let’s rejoin the story and see where the Spirit takes us today.
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Naomi is the chaperone for Chilion and Orpah today. She tries to stay far enough back to give them a semblance of privacy, but she overhears them discussing gods. This is an important topic and she decides to get a little closer to listen in.
“But Israel’s God doesn’t allow us to worship any other gods” Chilion tells Orpah.
“I have come to believe that He is the supreme God, but what about all the other gods? Don’t they count?”
“One thing different about our God than any other god is that he is the Creator of ALL the universe. We are told how He spoke it all into being. And we have actually heard His voice. Has there ever been anyone who has heard another god speak?”
“Have you heard him speak” asks Orpah.
“Not personally, but I trust the stories of old. I have seen him move and direct even our lives.”
“How so?”
“This may sound strange to you, but when my Ima first heard you call her ‘mother’, her heart was moved and she saw you as her own daughter. She has told me this herself. We both believe that the Lord our God was confirming to her that you would one day be her daughter.”
“That is sweet” replied Orpah with a smile. “I too felt something different when I called her ‘mother’ that I have never felt with any other woman. Could that have been a sign to me from your God?”
“It is possible. We know that He works even in the hearts of the most wicked rulers, as He did in the heart of Pharaoh of Egypt. Surely, He can work in the heart of one sweet Moabite girl” Chilion says with a smile as he leans in out and touches Orpah’s chin.
As the chaperone, Naomi knows that she must remind them of no physical touching. To do her duty she clears her throat. The young people both look over their shoulders at her and smile. She smiles back at them and motions with her hands for them to move apart a little. They dutifully obey. Naomi is hoping that her ‘caution’ doesn’t end their discussion. She didn’t have to worry because Orpah was very interested in learning all about Israel’s God. And there would be many more conversations focusing on Him before and after their marriage.
The wedding day has finally arrived. Orpah is so excited she can hardly stand still. Phillis has to settle her several times, with a hand on her shoulder, as she works to fix her hair. “If you don’t be still daughter, you are going to wind up with a bird’s nest on your head instead of carefully placed curls. Now won’t that look stunning when your groom removes your veil!”
“My hair often resembles a bird’s nest by the end of the day, and Chilion has seen it. I don’t think it would scare him off.”
“Probably not, but I would like for my daughter to look her best on her wedding day” Phillis chides as she places a hand on Orpah’s shoulder to still her once again.
Chilion is not much better. Every few minutes, he is in search of something else he has misplaced. “Where is the ring!”
“Chilion, calm down. It is in the exact same place it was 10 minutes ago. Mahlon has it in his belt” Naomi says in a calm voice.
“Have him check please Ima.”
“Mahlon, would you come in here and show your brother, again, that the ring is safe in your belt please.”
Mahlon steps into the room and points to the small bulge in his belt. “It’s right here brother. I won’t let you down.”
The ceremony was beautiful and went off almost without a hitch. To give his brother a little scare, Mahlon pretended he couldn’t find the ring when it was called for.
“May I have the ring” the priest announces. Chilion turns to Mahlon to receive it from his brother, and Mahlon begins patting his belt ‘frantically’. Chilion’s eyes go wide with fear. Mahlon then produces the ring with a smile and a wink. Chilion did not appreciate the joke and his eyes became slits with daggers shooting from them, for a moment. Then he turns his attention back to his bride; Orpah.
After the ceremony the feasting began. Both cultures agreed on this part of the wedding plans. After an hour of celebration with their guests, the newly married couple retire to the wedding tent set away from the guests. As the father of the bride, Gaius would receive the ‘proof of virginity’ once the couple had consummated their marriage. He was to wait a discrete distance from the tent for this purpose.
Chilion and Orpah were both nervous as they stood before one another. Chilion was gentle as he lifted Orpah’s veil from her head. She was beautiful! Her eyes shined with love for her husband. Her smile was shy and her cheeks were rosy with a blush befitting a bride on her wedding night.
Chilion let the veil fall to the ground and gently placed his mouth over hers. This was their first kiss and it was everything they both thought it would be. It started off soft and gentle but quickly became the expression of the passion raging inside of both of them.
That kiss was all it took for the couple to unleash the desire stirring within. Clothes quickly fell to the ground and ‘new territory’ was open for exploration. Within an hour of the two entering the marriage tent, Chilion was proudly handing the ‘proof of virginity’ cloth to Gaius through the door.
Once delivered, the couple was free to enjoy the rest of their marriage week. They were not required to emerge from their tent at all, but could do so as they pleased. The only time the tent door opened that whole week was when on or the other needed to relieve themselves or when Chilion came to gather food for the two of them. Whenever one of them did emerge, the guests who were enjoying the week-long festivities would cheer.
Everyone seemed ready for the week to end when it finally reached its conclusion. Orpah and Chilion were given the larger bed as there were two of them to occupy it. Naomi felt no remorse about leaving the bed she had once shared with Elimelek. To her, it was almost a relief. She could now begin the new phase of her life where she was watched over by her adult children and awaited grandchildren.
Naomi’s next task, besides awaiting grandchildren, was to find a wife for Mahlon. Mahlon had made it clear through that she didn’t need to hurry. He was content for now.
Chilion and Mahlon continued to produce abundant crops for the land owner. And he rewarded them handsomely for their efforts. Mahlon was the one who would oversee the crews that came for the harvest and threshing. He was the better of the two at motivating people.
Chilion enjoyed the more labor-intensive jobs. One of those jobs was the construction of an additional room for him and Orpah. She felt shy sharing a room with the full family. The landlord agreed to allow Chilion this modification to the original house. Within two months of the end of harvest, Chilion and Orpah had their own space. Two months after that, Orpah announced that she was with child.
Orpah’s pregnancy gave her and Naomi a lot to plan for. One of the things that needed arranged was prenatal care for Orpah. A midwife needed to be found. There was a midwife who served the area living nearby. Naomi and Orpah went to visit her one morning.
As the two of them approached the home, Orpah noticed an old friend of hers in the yard. Her name was Ruth. Ruth had always been a servant girl to this family. Her father had sold her into service when she was very young. Her masters had treated her better than many servants, but it didn’t change her place in society. Orpah hadn’t cared about the ‘status’ difference then or now.
“Ruth!” Orpah hurried over to her and the two young women embraced fiercely. When they parted from their embrace, Ruth looked down at Orpah’s barely protruding belly and put her hands to her mouth.
“You are married! I’m am so glad for you. And with child too. You have a very blessed life!”
“You have no idea how blessed” Orpah said with a radiant smile. “Let me introduce you to my mother-in-law. I actually think of her as almost my mother.”
The two women came over to where Naomi was sitting with the midwife.
“Mother, I would like to introduce you to my oldest friend. Her name is Ruth.”
Ruth bowed her head in recognition.
“Ruth is our servant girl. She has grown up with us for most of her life. I remember Orpah well from their friendship when they were young” the midwife supplied.
“Hello Ruth. It is nice meeting you” Naomi said directly to Ruth.
Ruth was not used to being spoken to directly by others. As a servant girl, most people talked about her, rather than to her. It was the custom, and Ruth accepted it. Naomi’s greeting to her warmed her heart. It felt almost as though Ruth was like any other girl. Quietly she said; “Hello mother.”
Naomi’s heart nearly leapt with the same feeling she had upon meeting Orpah. “Could this be the wife for Mahlon” she wondered. “But she is a servant girl. Surely not.” She felt she HAD to respond.
“Hello daughter” she said with kindness in her eyes. Here own ears couldn’t believe the words that flowed out of her mouth, but she would not take them back. “Were my words from the Lord” she wondered.
Ruth’s heart beat faster at Naomi’s words. She couldn’t understand the warmth that permeated her at that moment, but neither could, or would, she ever deny it. She quickly ducked her head and made an excuse. “I should return to my duties” she said. As she turned to leave, she softly called over her shoulder; “It was nice to meet you.” Then she scurried away as fast as she could without breaking into a run.
Orpah watched her go and wondered about the strange look she had seen cross Ruth’s face. She vowed she would ask her about it, the next time they were alone.
Naomi and Orpah’s visit with the midwife went very well. She agreed to care for Orpah during her pregnancy and birthing process. “Will Ruth be helping you” Orpah asked.
“I occasionally bring her along during labor. She is most helpful at preparing things for the birth and bring whatever I may need. But if you would rather I didn’t…”
“Oh please! I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t want her along. I would LOVE to see her any time she may be available. She is such a sweet girl and I miss her friendship.”
“I will have to make sure she comes with me for each visit then. We want to keep our expectant mothers happy. Happy mothers make better babies, I always say.”
Naomi and Orpah return home with great expectancy of the days to come.
Ruth accompanies the midwife on every visit and she is even given extra time to spend with Orpah; provided her duties are done before they leave for the visit. Ruth is diligent in ensuring that everything is done early on the days her mistress is scheduled to visit Orpah. She cherishes those hours where she isn’t treated as a servant or a second-class citizen.
Naomi has come to cherish the times when Ruth comes too. Her heart is very fond of the girl. She is so sweet and caring. And you can see the strength and commitment she carries for those she serves. And the love she and Orpah share. They could truly be sisters.
One day while Ruth was having her extended time with Orpah, the two of them are walking in the field and they come across Mahlon. Mahlon noticed them when they were far off and watches as they approach. He is captivated by the simple beauty of the young woman with Orpah. He waits until they are close enough to easily hear his greeting.
“Shalom Orpah. Who is your friend?”
“Shalom Mahlon. This is Ruth. She is helping me with my pregnancy.”
“Shalom Ruth.”
Ruth isn’t certain what “shalom” means as it is an Israelite word.
“Shalom Mahlon; I think” she says with a blush.
Mahlon laughs. “Shalom means ‘peace’. It is a greeting of my people. Orpah has adopted it now as she is part of our family. But it sounds good coming from your tongue too.”
As the women start to walk away, Mahlon asks; “Where are you off to today?”
“We thought we would go down by the stream. It’s such a lovely day and I want to dip my feet in the water” answers Orpah.
“If you don’t mind, I could use a cooling dip of water across my shoulders” Mahlon looks up at the sun that is at its zenith. “I could accompany you, for a few minutes.”
Ruth smiles shyly and Orpha notices it. She feels there is a connection being made here, and she whole heartedly approves! “That would be wonderful Mahlon” Orpah tells him with a bright smile.
The three young people make their way to the stream. Chilion notices them as they are almost onto the path leading to the stream. He hurries over to them. “What are you three up to” he asks with mirth in his voice.
“We are going to cool off a little bit” announces Orpah.
Chilion moves in beside Orpah and takes her hand. “I think I’ll tag along. I could use a cooling dip of water too.”
The four young people are good company. They easily talk with one another without fear. Ruth is glad that there was no mention of her being a servant girl. She was afraid of how it might change the atmosphere. She likes the brothers, and is drawn to Mahlon. On her way home, Ruth goes over the events of the day in her mind. “I will cherish this day forever” she tells herself. But when she steps back into her role as servant upon reaching her home, she wonders if this was all a childish fantasy; her pretending she was like the rest of them; free.
Mahlon can’t stop talking about Ruth the rest of the day. “Did you see her eyes? They nearly sparkle!”
“When she talked to you they did” replied Chilion.
“And her hair glowed in the sunlight. I wanted to reach out and touch it. To see if it really was made of sunlight.”
“You’ve got it bad dear brother” Chilion laughed. “Maybe Ima won’t have to go looking for a wife for you” he said while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Do you think so?” Mahlon asked with eagerness.
Chilion laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. “Get back to work, you love struck ox.”
That evening, Mahlon brought up the encounter at the dinner table. Naomi saw the animation and excitement in Mahlon’s face. She thought back to the day she met Ruth and the feelings she had. “Is this truly of the Lord” she wondered.
The next day, as Naomi and Orpah worked in the kitchen, Naomi brought up the subject of the previous day’s meeting. “Orpah, what did you think of the way Mahlon talked about Ruth.”
“O Ima! If you could have seen them yesterday, you would KNOW that those two are meant to be together!”
“Does Mahlon know that Ruth is a servant girl?” Naomi hated asking this question, but it was important.
“It didn’t come up” Orpah said quietly.
“Did you purposefully avoid it” asked Naomi.
“Not really, but I didn’t steer the conversation in that direction either.”
“Don’t you think it might be important; at some point anyway?”
“Ima, do you feel that Ruth is beneath Mahlon” Orpah asked quietly.
Naomi is surprised. Had she been thinking that? Probably. But was it true? In her spirit she heard; “Israel was once servants.” Naomi brought her hands to her mouth and began to weep.
This startled Orpah. “What’s wrong Ima? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry” Orpah says with tears in her own voice.
“Oh Orpah. You are right. How can I judge Ruth. My heart already responded to her in the same fashion that it did to you when we first met. I believe the Lord just spoke to me on this too. In my spirit I heard Him say; ‘Israel was once servants.’ How can I hold myself higher than Ruth, with my own people’s past? But how will Mahlon respond when he finds out?”
“Why don’t we let the Lord work on Mahlon’s heart too. When the time is right, I’m certain He will bring the opportunity for Mahlon to address this.”
The two women hugged and agreed to let the Lord have His work in His time.
When Ruth and the midwife came the next time, Mahlon made certain he was working close to the house. Chilion knew of his reasons and shook his head. He remembered well the day he told his Ima that he would go with her to draw water from the well.
Ruth and Mahlon only spend a little time talking today as Mahlon has tasks that he can’t put off. When Ruth rejoins Orpah, she has a question. “Do you think Mahlon knows.”
“Knows what Ruth” Orpah asks; knowing full well what her friend means.
“That I am only a servant girl” she says with her chin nearly resting on her chest.
Orpah takes Ruth by the shoulders and bends down so she can look her in the eyes. “O Ruth! You are not ‘only’ anything! You are a beautiful young woman who happens to work for another. You are worthy of respect and deserving of love!”
Tears begin to fall from Ruth’s eyes. “But would HE think that too; if he knew?”
Orpah hugs Ruth tightly to her chest; her belly pushing them apart. “If he doesn’t, then he is a fool!”
The two women break their embrace. “I can’t seem to get the words out. I’m afraid…”
“Do you want me to tell him? I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
“Would you please. And would you come to me and tell me what he says? I don’t think I could bear to come here again if he hates me” Ruth days while playing with the folds in her dress.
“I will talk to him and I will bring you word. I promise.”
The two embrace again and then Ruth leaves for home. She worries all the way there. She throws herself into her work, hoping to distract herself from the fear she is feeling.
That evening, when the men come in for dinner, Naomi and Orpah are ready for them. They have made a plan. Naomi will keep Chilion occupied while Orpah takes Mahlon outside to break the news to him.
“Chilion, can you help me with this” Naomi asks.
“Sure Ima.” Chilion steps over to help Naomi but sees nothing needing his attention. “Ima…” he starts to say, but Naomi hushes him.
“Orpah needs to talk to Mahlon about Ruth” she whispers. Chilion nods his head, even though he has no idea what this is all about.
“Mahlon, can you walk with me for a little bit while Chilion helps Ima. I need to stretch my legs and it is getting dark.”
Mahlon looks over at Chilion who refuses to turn around. Mahlon shrugs his shoulders and stands up. “Sure. I can walk with you.”
The two step outside of the house and Orpah directs their path towards the field. She carefully picks her way over the furrows. She stops after getting several rows into the field. Mahlon is looking around, wondering what is going on.
“Mahlon, Ruth asked me to talk to you about something.”
Mahlon’s heart seizes. “Is she upset by my attention” he cries. “I’m sorry! I…”
Orpah puts her hand on Mahlon’s arm. “No! It’s nothing like that! She is as smitten by you as you appear to be by her. But there is something she wants you to know, but is afraid to tell you so herself.”
Mahlon stops dead still. He is afraid of what it might be. He is even too frightened to come up with possibilities. He waits for Orpah to tell him this secret.
“Ruth was taken by her father when she was very young and sold into service. She is a servant girl for the midwife.”
Mahlon releases half a breath; “And…” he says, waiting for Orpah to reveal more.
“There is no ‘and’. She is afraid that you would not love her because of her status of a servant.”
Mahlon’s shoulders slump with relief and he releases the rest of the breath he was holding. “I would love her no matter what her status!” He thinks about the last time the two of them talked and realizes that Ruth was acting uncomfortable. “I have no right to judge anyone. She is precious in my eyes. And, I am like a servant myself. I work the field for another and turn over the goods I have grown for his benefit. He pays me well though, so we may be different in that respect. But I already LOVE her! I was planning on asking Ima if she could arrange for Ruth to be my wife.”
Orpah eyes fill with tears of joy and she sags against Mahlon in relief. He is at first afraid she might be in distress, until he hears her laughing. After a moment, the two of them walk back to the house. Naomi has informed Chilion of Ruth’s status in the absence of Orpah and Mahlon. He had much the same reaction.
Mahlon opens the door and allows Orpah to enter first. As soon as he closes the door he says; “Ima, I want you to arrange for Ruth to be my wife. I love her with all my heart. I have not known her long, but I cannot imagine life without her.”
Naomi’s smile says it all! “I will tend to it first thing in the morning.”
The next morning has Naomi on the doorstep of the midwife. Mahlon begged to come, but Naomi told him that it would probably go easier on Ruth if he waited.
When the midwife saw Naomi, she became concerned. “Is something wrong with Orpah? Let me just get my bag.”
Before she could rush back inside the house, Naomi stalled her with a touch on the arm. “Orpah is find. I need to speak with you concerning Ruth.”
“What has she done! I will make her apologize and she will be severely punished.”
“No. It is nothing like that either. My youngest son, Mahlon, has fallen in love with her and asks permission to marry her.”
“But she is a servant girl.”
“He knows. Yet, he still loves her. And he wants to take her as his wife. He has asked me to speak to you on his behalf.”
“I’ll have to think about it. I had planned on purchasing her a husband at some time…”
“We would of course pay the bride price” offered Naomi.
“What is the ‘bride price’” asked the midwife.
“It is a sum of money given to the family of the bride, to show the bridegroom’s serious intentions of marrying the bride. It also demonstrates his ability to provide for his bride after they are married.”
“You would purchase her from me?”
“In a sense. But she would be a free woman giving herself to my son. She would no longer be a servant but a wife.”
“Sometimes, there isn’t much difference in the two.”
“I can’t argue that” replied Naomi with a smile. “But in our home, she would be a wife; with the same status as Orpah.”
“I will need time to think this over. And have you asked how Ruth feels about this; not that it truly matters.”
“It does matter to Mahlon. Ruth has talked to Orpah about her love for Mahlon.”
“When I see Orpah next, I will have an answer for you.”
“Orpah asks that she may come visit with Ruth this week and tell her about Mahlon’s reaction to learning of her status.”
“That would be acceptable. She may call in the afternoon.”
“Thank you” Naomi said. Then she bowed slightly and turned to leave.
“You really want a servant girl for a daughter-in-law” asked the midwife from the doorway.
Naomi stopped and turned back to the midwife. “This one, I most certainly do.” Naomi left with a smile on her face that did not fade the rest of the day. She told Orpah and Mahlon of her conversation with the midwife. Orpah was pleased that she would be allowed to visit with Ruth. Mahlon asked that Orpah tell Ruth of his love. “Stress to her that I love her with my whole heart.” Orpah promised to do just that.
Two days later Orpah went to the home of Ruth. The two women see one another from across the yard as Orpah nears the gate. Ruth face flushes as she sees the smile on Orpah’s face. She quickly finishes the last of what she is doing and hurries over to Orpah.
“What did he say” Ruth asks breathlessly.
“He said, and I quote; ‘Stress to her that I love her with my whole heart.’”
“Even though he knows that I am a servant” asked Ruth with a little fear.
“When I told him, he said that he is like a servant himself. The land he tills is on his own. The master comes and receives his labors. He pays him for his work, but that is the only difference. Those were HIS words Ruth; not mine. He loves you no matter what ‘station’ this world puts you in.”
Ruth embraced Orpah and wept with great relief. When Ruth released Orpah, Orpah had a question for her.
“Did your mistress tell you that Naomi stopped by?”
“No. She didn’t. Does Naomi want me to leave her son alone” Ruth asked with new tears welling up in her eyes.
“Nothing could be farther from the truth! Naomi came to ask about Mahlon marrying you.”
“My mistress never told me. And what did she say?”
“She said that she would have an answer for Naomi during her next time to call on me.” Orpah saw the wheels turning in Ruth’s mind. “Don’t be angry with your mistress for not telling you yet. She did allow me to come and bring news of Mahlon’s feelings towards you. She may yet be thinking things over. Give her time to come to embrace this marriage.”
Ruth took Orpah’s words to heart. She didn’t bring up the subject at all with her mistress. Nor did she server her any less faithfully. The day before Orpah’s next appointment with the midwife, Ruth was called in to speak with her. Ruth’s hands are trembling so she tucks them in her skirt to hide them. She has no idea which way this discussion is going to go; or even if her mistress is going to tell her of Naomi’s offer. So far, the midwife has said nothing to Ruth about the visit.
“Ruth, come in here and sit down.”
Ruth carefully sits on the front edge of the bench.
Her mistress nods at her and can clearly see that she is nervous. “It’s alright child. You can relax.”
Ruth takes a deep breath but doesn’t unclench her hands or scoot farther onto the seat.
“I had a visit from Orpah’s mother-in-law three weeks ago. And I assume that you have had a visit from Orpah in that intervening time.”
“I have mistress” Ruth confirms.
“Is there a reason you have not told me of the content of your meeting with Orpah?”
“I was waiting until you brought up the subject of your meeting with Naomi. Orpah told me of the meeting and advised me to wait until you were ready to discuss it.”
“Orpah is a wise girl. I have needed time to think through Naomi’s request. But I want to know how you feel and what you learned from Orpah.”
Ruth nearly exploded with her answer. “Mahlon says he loves me! And I love him too, mistress. Orpah brought me news that my status as a servant meant nothing to Mahlon. He even said he was like a servant; working another’s land and surrendering his produce to them. He said that he did get paid well for his work though.”
The midwife is smiling as Ruth gushes over her answer and feelings. “I have decided that, even though it may be a hardship for me to replace you, I will allow this marriage.”
Ruth sprang from her seat and fell at her mistresses’ feet. “Thank you, mistress” Ruth cried with joy.
“You will still be expected to do your duties until you are married. And one of those duties may involve training your replacement.”
“I will serve you faithfully mistress until the moment I am married. And if you should need my help after I’m married, you have but to ask.”
The midwife’s eyes open wide in surprise of Ruth’s future offer. “That is most generous of you Ruth! I may take you up on your offer; someday. And I will of course pay you for your time on those occasions.”
Ruth’s face is radiant. This alone is enough reward for the midwife. “She deserves happiness. It was not her fault that her father sold her into servitude as a child” thinks the midwife.
The visit with Orpah is exciting for all concerned. Ruth holds her place as the dutiful assistant during the examination portion of the visit. She gives no indication of which way things have gone. As the midwife rises from her knees the asks to speak with Naomi. The two older women walk out of the house and stroll towards the road.
“I am agreeing to allow Ruth to marry your son, Mahlon. I have spoken with her on this matter and she is very much in love with your son. I hear that he has expressed his love to her as well, through Orpah of course.”
Naomi face leaves no doubt as to her appreciation of the favorable decision. “We will need to work out details. Times when the two may meet, under supervision of course, to get to know one another better. A bride price must be established. And a date for the wedding. In Israel, the engagement is roughly a year long. It gives the bridegroom time to prepare living quarters for the newly married couple. I don’t know if the landlord will allow another addition to this house. If he does, Mahlon will receive Ruth once it is finished. If not, then we can simply set a date.”
“I’m used to ‘fuzzy dates’ for things to happen” the midwife says with a chuckle. “My life is never scheduled. I will leave this in your capable hands. I will say that, the longer she is with me, the more time she has to help train her replacement. As for a bride price, I would like sufficient funds to purchase a replacement servant for Ruth. I cannot imagine my life without consistent help. Regarding when they could be together to learn of each other; most evenings work well for me. That is of course if there is not a delivery happening. Then I will need Ruth’s help.”
“I will bring Mahlon by tomorrow evening and we will make it official. We will bring the bride price to you at that time; if you might happen to have a price in mind now.”
“I am sure I could get another servant for 200 shekels of silver. I know it is not a small sum, but…” the midwife spreads her hands.
Naomi has saved enough to meet this bride price; barely. “That will be agreeable. We will see you tomorrow evening.”
While the older women were working out the details, Ruth tells Oprah the news. “She said YES! She said I could marry Mahlon. She wants me to train my replacement though. I’m not sure how I feel about training another human being to be subservient to another, but I will do my best.”
“I know you will” Oprah replies while holding Ruth’s hand. “If you teach her faithfulness, that alone will do most of the work.” Ruth nods her agreement.
At that moment, the two older women return to the home. “It is arranged Ruth. Tomorrow Naomi and Mahlon will visit our home and formalize the engagement of you and Mahlon.”
Ruth takes her mistresses’ hands and begins kissing them. “Thank you, mistress. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Ruth. Now enjoy an hour with Orpah. We will discuss the rest tomorrow evening.” The midwife turns to Orpah and Naomi. “Ladies, I bid you farewell.”
Mahlon has been working near the house again. He is anxious for the midwife to leave so that he may learn her answer. As she walks out the door, carrying her bag, she looks over at Mahlon and waves. Her smile gives Mahlon hope for a good answer. When she reaches the road, Mahlon rushes to the house.
He bursts through the door and is asking questions before it even opens fully. “What did she say?!”
“Manners Mahlon. Come in and close the door properly.”
“Ima…” Mahlon pleads.
Naomi is enjoying this. She points to the door with is slung wide. Mahlon turns and carefully closes it, then looks back at Naomi for approval. Naomi laughs and everyone else joins in.
“She said YES!” Ruth announces.
Mahlon picks Ruth up and twirls her around once before a restraining hand lands on his shoulder. “No physical contact until the wedding night” Orpah says to them both.
Ruth and Mahlon jump back from one another as if scalded. Laughter breaks out again, which causes Ruth to blush.
“You will be allowed to visit in the evenings, to better know one another before the wedding. And you must always be chaperoned. To meet without a chaperone would be a danger to your reputation and name.”
Chilion walks in and looks at everyone in the house. “I was coming to ask where my brother was, as I’m doing both of our work, but it looks like you are having a party without me.”
Mahlon shouts out; “SHE SAID YES!”
Chilion looks at Mahlon with a grin. “Which she? The midwife or Ruth?”
“Both” was the chorus that answered his question.
Orpah insisted that Ruth and Mahlon share Ruth’s hour today, but she stayed near to be their chaperone. The rest of the day passed in a whir of activity. Naomi hired a messenger to ask that the landlord meet with them; Mahlon and Chilion discussed the addition that they would, hopefully, be making on the house; and Naomi and Oprah began making wedding preparations.
The landlord gave his approval for another addition. He was pleased to see the family growing. And he was thrilled they would be staying on to continue working his land. He was very pleased with their work and yield. They were in the midst of their fourth season together. He hoped for many more.
Naomi, Mahlon, Ruth, and the midwife made the formal agreement for marriage. Mahlon delivered the bride price to the midwife. And the schedule for visiting was set forth. Ruth and Mahlon and already heard if from Naomi, but they pretended ignorance; allowing Ruth’s mistress to set terms.
Ruth began training her replacement the very next week. She was a young girl of about 10 and her name was Telina. Her father too, had sold her to the midwife. Ruth knew that the midwife would be good to her, but she also felt sorry for the girl. She knew what it was to be ‘property’ of another. What it cost your soul. Ruth kept those feelings to herself, not wanting to burden the child with them. And she was there to console her in the nights when she cried over being ripped from her family.
Mahlon worked on the addition as much as possible. He wanted if finished right away, but the duties of caring for the growing crops and harvest took up much of his time. He finished it only weeks before Orpah was due.
“We should probably wait until after the baby is born to have the wedding” Mahlon said at the dinner table.
“You better not!” demanded Orpah. “I want my sister Ruth by my side as a FREE WOMAN. As Mahlon’s wife. As part of this family when my baby makes its entrance into the world.”
Ruth was beside herself with excitement on her wedding day, as any bride would be. But this day held even more significance to her as it marked her move from slave to free woman; to wife. Telina was tearful, as she knew that Ruth was leaving her and she would be alone in their room at night.
Ruth understood her fears. She had experienced them herself. She wished she could take Telina with her, but that wasn’t possible. The mistress did need someone to help her every day. This was best for both of them. For any man who would sell his daughter into slavery may also sell her into prostitution, if he so desired. Telina would be safe with her mistress. Ruth had been secretly working on something for Telina to keep as a remembrance of their time together.
“Telina, I have something for you.”
“What is it” the girl asked.
“You can only have it if you stop crying. I know this is hard, but you are a strong girl. You need to show mistress how strong you are.”
Telina wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands and then wiped them on her robe. Ruth caught her hand as it went to her nose to wipe it too. Ruth drew a handkerchief from the drawer and pressed it into Telina’s hand.
Telina looked at it for a moment. Ruth laughed. That is not your gift. That is for your runny nose. You need to keep your hands clean for the work mistress has for you. Runny noses on the arms are not good for babies.
Telina nodded, then wiped her nose on the handkerchief. She waited with dry eyes for Ruth’s surprise.
Ruth gave her a hug then produce a necklace she had carved. It had two hands linked together. “This is me holding your hand, always!”
Telina moved her hair out of the way so Ruth could secure the necklace around her neck. She stroked the smooth wood and smiled. “Thank you, Ruth. I will NEVER forget you.”
“Nor I you little one.” After one final embrace, Ruth was ready for her wedding day.
Mahlon and Chilion and several of their friends came to the home of the midwife to bring Ruth to her wedding, as was done in Israel. Orpah and Naomi stood in for the bride’s virgin processional. Even Telina participated in the processional, holding Ruth’s hand the whole way with her other hand holding fast to her necklace.
Chilion paid Mahlon back for his ‘joke’ on his wedding day. “What ring? You didn’t give me a ring.” Chilion insisted for a full two minutes before producing it from his belt. Mahlon couldn’t be angry as he was the one who started this.
Chilion would be the one to receive proof of virginity for the couple as there were no make relatives of Ruth to perform this duty. Mahlon shyly passed the linen cloth to his brother, who held it aloft for all to see.
Ruth and Mahlon enjoyed their week together but Ruth always kept an ear out for Orpah. She was so near her due date. Ruth wanted to be by her side as her sister on that day. “It’s alright” Mahlon said as he saw that Ruth was distracted with listening again. “We have the rest of our lives together” he said as he nuzzled her neck and nibbled on her earlobe. Ruth turned into his kisses and gave herself fully to him again.
Two days after the completion of the bridal week, Orpah went into labor. Ruth was by her side from her first contraction. They counted minutes between contractions and the length of contractions together. Orpah relied on Ruth to know when it was time to call for the midwife. As soon as they had established a pattern to her contractions, Mahlon was sent for the midwife. Chilion was also banished from the home until the baby arrived. Men were not part of this process.
The midwife was happy to see the ‘sisters’ together for this time. Telina was also happy to see Ruth. Ruth had to redirect her to listen to her mistress, as she was needed there. Telina did not waver in her devotion again.
Orpah labored on into the night, making little progress. The midwife was concerned as the baby was not moving itself into position. “Orpah, has your baby been moving much these last few days?”
“Not really. I figured he was resting for this event.”
The midwife and Ruth’s eyes went wide. They both knew what this could mean. It didn’t happen often, but babies sometimes died just prior to birth. They were both afraid that this was the outcome. The midwife gave Ruth an evil stare that she did not understand. Then the midwife began massaging Orpah’s abdomen to help engage the baby’s head for delivery.
Orpah labored for 14 hours with her child. Neither the midwife nor Ruth said a word of what they were fearing. With one great final push, Orpah delivered her baby. There wasn’t a sound in the room. Silence reigned for a moment before Orpah realized something was wrong.
“Where is my baby? Why isn’t it crying?”
Ruth dropped down beside Orpah’s head and wept bitterly.
“It’s YOUR FAULT!” the midwife spit at Ruth. “You angered the gods by marrying out of your station. I should have known better! Because of you Orpah’s baby was born dead!”
Orpah let out a heart wrenching scream of anguish. She wanted to run from the room screaming, but she hadn’t the strength to even move, and the midwife was not done with her yet. “You have to deliver the birth products or you will blead to death” the midwife told her.
While Orpah gave her final push and the birth products slipped easily from her womb, she looked the midwife directly in the eye. “It is NOT Ruth’s fault. MY God would not be so cruel to her.”
The midwife said no more to anyone in the room. She finished her job and packed to go.
When all was sone, Orpah asked to see her baby. Ruth took her from where the midwife had lain. Ruth took a moment to wiper her clean and to tie off the useless cord of life. Then Ruth placed her in Orpah’s arms.
Orpah looked down at the baby she had know for nine months. Her face was ash white, but she looked perfect otherwise. If it wasn’t for her chest’s failure to rise and fall, one could almost believe she was sleeping. Orpah brought her to her own face and laid a kiss on her forehead. She asked Ruth to bring Chilion to her.
When the midwife had left the room, she announced to all that the gods were punishing them. “You have angered the gods and they have taken the breath from Orpah’s baby’s mouth! You should NEVER have taken Ruth from her station.”
Naomi and Chilion both looked at one another. It took a moment for the news to sink in. Orpah’s baby had been born dead. Chilion fell to his knees weeping. Naomi went to comfort him. “This was NOT God’s hand. He does not punish us for loving one another. Besides, He is the one who called my heart to acceptance of Ruth. HE spoke on her behalf. He would not have done that if He didn’t approve of the marriage. Ruth is NOT the cause of your baby’s death.”
Mahlon heard these same words. His heart ached for Orpah and Chilion and Ruth. He was certain the midwife had spilled her vitriol onto Ruth. And Ruth had learned to accept her mistresses’ words from an early age.
Ruth emerged from the room where Orpah still lay. “Chilion, Orpah is calling for you” she quietly said.
Chilion walked straight to where Orpah lay. She still held their child in her arms. Chilion bent down beside Orpah and wiped tears from her eyes. He had to wipe her cheek from where his landed as well.
“Our daughter, Chilion. She sleeps with the angels.”
“She looks like one also” said Chilion. He took the lifeless babe from her arms and pressed her to his face as well. She received the love of her parents, even though she would never feel it. They prayed her spirit would somehow know.
Naomi quietly crept into the room and laid a hand on Orpah’s shoulder. “I’m sorry my daughter. I would give anything…”
“It’s not Ruth’s fault Ima. Nor yours.”
“I know daughter. And I am most grateful that the Lord has shown this to you today. Bitterness could have come from this day. I pray that healing will flow instead” Naomi said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
The baby was wrapped in a purple linen shroud and placed in a cave at the base of the mountain. She joined her grandfather in death. Orpah had insisted on purple for her daughter as she was royalty in their eyes. Orpah’s parents, absent until this moment, had come to mourn their grandchild.
It took months for the sadness to lift fully from Chilion and Orpah. And their sadness spilt over onto the rest of the family for a time. Ruth began to sing praises to the Lord; the God that Orpah had introduced her to so many years ago. Mahlon was able to fill in the missing pieces of what Orpah hadn’t known.
Each morning, Ruth made it a point to sing, even if it was only for a few moments. She found that this lifted her spirits. She prayed that it lifted Orpah’s too. With songs and time, the family returned to normal. Chilion and Mahlon continued to work the land and reap great returns.
As the nineth year’s harvest was put into bags on the threshing floor, Chilion and Mahlon rejoiced with their workers. The landowner came to them that night and paid them for their work. “This was an abundant year! Many more like this and we can all retire rich men.”
“That would be something in deed! The harvests have been good. Thank you for giving our Abba your confidence and us as well” Chilion said.
“I have never made a better investment in my life than the day I gave your father those five bags of grain and the house” said the landowner as he shook his head in wonder.
Mahlon and Chilion both agreed that they wanted to sleep in their own beds tonight instead of on the threshing floor. It was a custom for many to get drunk in celebration of the harvest. The brothers didn’t share in this kind of celebration of their own free will. As they left the threshing floor, with the money they had been paid for the season, they did not notice that they were being followed.
Three men fell on the brothers as soon as they were out of sight of the threshing floor. The brothers fought with all their strength. Mahlon’s cries for help were heard by the men on the threshing floor and they came to their rescue, but not before Chilion was killed. Mahlon was seriously wounded but he had been able to hold onto the money they were paid.
The would-be thieves and murders were chased down and beaten into submission. They would face the wrath of the town the following morning; likely being killed for their crimes. Chilion and Mahlon were carefully put onto a cart and brought to their home.
Naomi heard shouts coming towards the home. She moved the shutter from the window and saw lanterns and a cart approaching. Quickly wrapping a shawl around her shoulders, she hurried from the house. When she met the men the asked her to hold fast. The landowner was with those who had brought the brothers home. He stepped before Naomi.
“Naomi, I am sorry to tell you this, but your sons were attacked this evening as they were on their way home to you.” He paused for a moment to allow Naomi to take in what he was saying. “Chilion was killed. Mahlon is in bad shape. I have sent for a doctor and he will be here soon.”
Naomi fell to her knees. She didn’t make a sound. She was too stunned to utter a word or even cry out. The landowner sent one of the men to rouse Orpah and Ruth. By the time he reached the house, Naomi’s silence had broken. She uttered a cry that shook the hills!
Orpah and Ruth were instantly awakened by it and they rushed from the home. Naomi’s cries continued, long and loud and mournful. Her daughters-in-law fell on her to give her comfort.
Orpah looked up and saw the company of men standing before them. She stood up to address them. “What happened here” she demanded.
“Orpah…” the landowner started but Naomi’s wails turned to words.
“Chilion is dead! And Mahlon is near death” she wailed.
Orpah had turned to Naomi when she began to speak. After hearing the words, Orpah turned back to the landowner and asked; “Is this true?”
He nodded his head. “I’m sorry. We are waiting for the doctor, but you can come and see the brothers for yourselves.”
Orpah followed the landowner to the back of the cart. There lay Chilion, blood soaking his tunic where a large rip was. His color immediately reminded her of their daughter’s. Mahlon lay beside him, beaten so badly his face was barely recognizable. She could see the rise and fall of his chest. If not for that, she would have thought him dead also. Orpah sagged against the side of the cart and began to weep. She didn’t know how a heart could stand this much pain. She expected to die beside Chilion at any moment.
The doctor arrived and Mahlon was moved into the house. After an hour with Mahlon, the doctor emerged from the room where Mahlon lay. “There is nothing more I can do for him. He will either live or die. My potions cannot undo this much damage.”
Chilion’s body was brought into the house too and laid on the kitchen table. Naomi had pointed there when asked where to put him. Before leaving the women to their grief, the landowner put the purse that Mahlon had so valiantly struggled to protect.
“This is their wages for the year. Mahlon was still holding fast to them when help arrived. If he had not cried out for help, they both would be dead and their wages gone.” Before leaving, he turned one last time to look at Chilion. “I am so sorry Naomi. Their attackers have been caught and will be severely punished.” With that, the women were left alone.
Naomi went to Orpah and drew her into the kitchen. Ruth was at Mahlon’s side.
“Help me wash Chilion for burial” Naomi said with a voice devoid of all emotion.
The women set about the task without a word. When Chilion had been washed, Naomi brought two of her dresses and began tearing them into strips. Orpah realized what she was doing and brought one of her own. With the strips, they wrapped Chilion for burial. Once he was completely wrapped, Orpah stayed with his body while Naomi went to check on Ruth and Mahlon.
Ruth looked up. Tears filled her eyes. She shook her head, indicating that there was no change. Naomi went to her side and put her hand on her back. “He is in the Lord’s hands.” Then she touched Mahlon’s cheek.
The three women walked around as if in a dream for the next three days. The landowner had come the next day to help take Chilion’s body for burial. Naomi and Orpah went with him to the cave where Elimelek and the baby lay. Chilion was laid beside them. Naomi and Orpah didn’t even have the strength to do the customary mourning. They walked home in silence feet shuffling all the way.
As they crossed the threshold, they heard a piercing cry from Ruth. They hurried to the room and found Ruth doubled over Mahlon. He had just breathed his last. The three women fell into one another’s arms and wept bitter tears. They stayed like that for nearly an hour.
When there were no more tears to shed, Naomi brought a basin of water into the room and began to wash Mahlon for burial. She had no more dresses to donate for wrapping Mahlon. Orpah knew what she was thinking as Naomi gazes at Mahlon’s body. Orpah quickly got her other remaining dress and began tearing it into strips. Ruth grabbed her dresses and did likewise.
The three women wrapped Mahlon for burial. Just as they finished, the doctor knocked on the door. Ruth went to answer it.
“I have come to check on Mahlon.”
“He is dead” Ruth said in a flat tone.
“I’m so sorry. When did he die? Do you need help with the burial?”
“He died a few hours ago. We need help transporting him to the cave for burial with his brother and father” Ruth robotically replied.
“When would you want to bury him?”
“Tomorrow. We will sit with him tonight” said Naomi over Ruth’s shoulder.
The doctor bowed his head in respect. “I will have someone here early tomorrow morning to assist you. I truly am sorry for your loss.”
Mahlon was buried the next morning. The women accepted a ride back to their home afterwards.
For weeks, the shutters remained unopened and the women moved around as if in a trance. They wept until their bodies could produce no more tears. Ruth had to force each of them to at least eat something. But food tasted like sand. They ran out of water, forcing Ruth to venture outside the house. When she opened the door, she saw two full jars of water just outside the door. On it was a note; “When you are ready to talk, send word to me.” It was from Orpah’s mother.
Ruth burst into sobs. They had shut the world out, but the world had not shut them out. They were given space to grieve, but support was still there for the asking. Ruth struggled to bring the jars in the house, so Orpah rose to help her. She saw the note as well.
“It seems as though my mother only comes around in times of mourning. I wish she would have shared some of the joys too.”
“Are you going to reach out to her” Ruth asked.
“I don’t know. It’s been so long…”
Ruth hugged Orpah fiercely.
The landowner had someone watching the house. “When they emerge, let me know.” He received a message the day Ruth opened the door and found the water. It’s missing was proof enough to the watcher that they had emerged.
The landowner knocked on the door that afternoon. When Ruth opened it, he looked like he would rather be anywhere but here. But he stood firm on the threshold. “May I come in?”
“Please” answered Ruth and she stepped aside to allow him in.
He looked around at the house and saw the cobwebs in the corners. He knew they were still hurting, but he had to do this. “Is Naomi about?”
“She is. Do you want me to get her” asked Orpah.
“Yes please.” He waited silently until Naomi came out of her room. Her drawn frame nearly broke him in two. He walked over to her instead and silently held her hands. She didn’t recoil from his over familiar touch. This also spoke volumes to him. He turned her hands loose.
“Can we walk together?”
Naomi nodded. She walked towards the door. The landowner opened it for her and the two of them walked out into the sunshine.
“I know why you are here” Naomi said as soon as the door closed. “You need the land and the house.”
“I’m sorry, but I do. I can’t afford to leave it fallow. And I don’t imagine the three of you could work it.”
“No. We can’t. No matter how much we might want to.”
“Do you want to?”
“No. I’m through.”
“Do your still have the money I paid your sons? It would take care of you nicely for some time in town. Your daughters-in-law could look for work or take in laundry.”
“Yes. We could.”
“Do you need help with moving? I would be glad to be of any assistance I can.”
“Do you know of a place we could move to.”
“I actually have a friend who has a house that is empty. His tenant moved two weeks ago. I asked him to hold it for you.”
“That was kind of you. Let me know where it is and how we would contact him.”
“Can I have him stop by tomorrow. He could take you to see the home. You could make up your mind after that.”
“That will be fine.”
The entire time the two of them talked, Naomi’s voice was as flat as the surface of a quiet lake. The landowner suspected there was as much beneath that flat tone as there was in the ocean.
The next morning, when the landowner’s friend showed up to take the women to see the house, they were packed and ready to go. There would be no looking. They were taking sight unseen.
They paid the first month’s rent and moved in with their meager possessions. Ruth was glad it was furnished at least. They wouldn’t have to spend for that. They would need to buy chickens for eggs and a goat for milk. This money would have to last, so they had to be frugal. One thing that they couldn’t go without was a second set of clothes for each of them. Theirs had been used in wrapping the dead. Ruth would find material and they could make dresses. “At least this place doesn’t have memories of pain and forgotten joys in every crack” thought Ruth.
Orpah put away the cooking pots and dishes while Ruth got Naomi settled. This was their new home. They would have to make the best of it. Ruth vowed they would. And she vowed that she would sing again; someday, but not yet. “One step at a time” she told herself.
(to be continued)
My heart breaks for Naomi and Ruth. I didn’t even think about Orpah’s parents until the death of the baby. I don’t know why. They are not mentioned in scripture. I don’t know if it was the Spirit or laziness, but I felt compelled to leave it as it was. In truth, if the daughter-in-law’s families would have come to their aid, Naomi wouldn’t have had to urge the women to return to their families. That actually came to my spirit just now.
Father God, Your plans are amazing! You had a purpose waiting ahead for this little group. They didn’t know what was to come and how their story would weave into Your own. Hold on a little bit longer.
I can hear You telling me that at times too. Right now I’m in one of those seasons. I need Your hand to hold me as I walk in it. I KNOW that, no matter what happens, I am safe in Your arms and so is my husband!
Thank You Holy Spirit for weaving this story for me and for weaving mine as well. I am anticipating looking at the tapestry You have weaved out of my life from Your side of it. I look up and all I see is knots and strings going everywhere. You are weaving a masterpiece. I don’t deserve it, but I KNOW that is the work You are doing now in my life.