Genesis 29 & 30 Progeny Pt.1

We meet Jacob’s progeny. His children that were born to him in the Land of Haran while in Laban’s house and employee.
In most of the bible stories we come across, having children is considered a show of God’s favor. Those who couldn’t have children were thought to be cursed or being punished by God for something in their lives. Those who had many children were thought to be especially blessed by God. Jacob had both extremes in his ‘family’. Rachel and Leah were on opposite ends of the ‘fertility blessing’ spectrum. And God had good reason for His choices.
Rachel and Leah were rivals for Jacob’s affection and for being mothers to his children. One thing I want to point out is the words used to described Jacob’s relationship with each. In the first comparison of their relationship with Jacob we are told that “Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah” (Genesis 29:30b). This to me, said there was ‘some love’ for Leah; just not as much as what Rachel received. But our text today tells us that “The Lord saw that Leah was hated” (Genesis 29:31a). NOT ‘loved less’ but HATED. Jacob did NOT choose her and he did NOT want her; yet. He would never love her as he loved Rachel, but she would find her ‘place’ in the family. Let’s join this family as the rivalry rages within it.
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Both wedding weeks are completed. Now it is time for Jacob to ‘pay’ for his favored wife. He will spend seven more years in service to Laban; the man who has cheated him. These years will not pass in joy and excitement of what is to come. They will not pass quickly. They could be filled with bitterness and resentment. They could also be times of deceit and ‘payback’, IF Jacob chose to hold a grudge against Laban. But Jacob chose to continue to serve faithfully. He would continue to do his BEST in every aspect of service to Laban. He has built for himself and his family a home near Laban. This is the home where he, his wives, their maids, and any other servants will live. They would live in tents as his Abba does in Canaan.
When it came to his wives though, there would be a distinct difference in how he treated them. He loved Rachel with all his heart. And he resented being stuck with Leah. He hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. He would fulfill his duty to provide for her because she was his wife; his responsibility. But that was his limit. She was nothing to him.
The relationship between the sisters mirrored Jacob’s feelings on the matter. Rachel KNEW that she was FIRST in Jacob’s heart. She didn’t miss an opportunity to show Leah the gifts Jacob gives her or tell of the time spent alone with him. Rachel rubbed her sister’s nose in Jacob’s love for her.
It has been a month and a half since Leah’s wedding night. Her spirits are sagging but she suspects there is something that may lift them. Something that she is waiting for confirmation about. The ‘time of women’ has been absent from Leah this month. She knows what that may mean. But she also knows that its absence could be related to the stress she is under. She has resolved to wait for a second absence before she concludes that she is with child. Even then, she is not certain if she will inform Jacob yet. She has heard too many stories of women proclaiming their pregnancies early and then losing the child soon after. She hopes she can hold onto her secret until the third month, just in case.
Rachel has noticed Leah walking around with a slight smile on her face. Most wouldn’t have noticed, but Rachel knows her sister well! “She is up to something” thinks Rachel, but she has no idea what it could be. Rachel is curious to the point of snooping but not curious enough to confront her sister. Whether she wants to admit it or not, Rachel is afraid of what Leah might say.
Leah is certain now! She is carrying Jacob’s child. Her heart soars. “He will love me now” she thinks. She will hold off telling him until she feels it move within her. Once she feels its life, she believes she will be beyond the greatest danger of losing this precious gift.
The day comes at last. “It’s time to tell Jacob”, sings Leah to herself as she dresses for the day. She will tell him as she serves his breakfast. She runs her hands over her middle, trying to feel a bulge in her stomach. It’s not there yet, but it will come in time. Before dropping her hands, she holds them in place for a moment and speaks to the child beneath them. “You will be most loved my little one.” After a few seconds she adds, “And I hope to share in that love.”
Leah serves Jacob his meal as usual. Her tasks don’t bring her in direct contact with him. Those duties are reserved for Rachel. She is the one whose hands he touches tenderly and whose face he smiles into. “This changes today” she tells herself. Rachel reaches for the bowl of portage Leah has just prepared for Jacob. Leah expertly steps past her sister and places the bowl on the table in front of Jacob. Instead of scurrying away, which would be her normal reaction while in his presence, she waits for him to turn his eyes on her.
Rachel is confused at first by her sister’s behavior. She begins to suspect something when Leah doesn’t immediately leave the table.
Jacob feels Leah’s eyes on him. He looks up at her. There is no trace of a smile on his face. He simply stares at her with a blank expression.
“I have something to tell you, my husband” Leah announces in a soft voice.
“Speak then. I haven’t much time before I have to be in the fields. And I need time to eat in peace.”
Leah’s face paled at Jacob’s rebuke. Instead of scurrying away, she squares her shoulders. “He will be happy once he knows” she thinks. “I am with child, my husband.”
Jacob sits back. His eyes wide in surprise. Then a scowl of suspicion transforms his face. He hasn’t been with Leah since their wedding week. “Are you certain” Jacob asks.
“I am my husband” Leah proudly speaks.
“This is good news. Thank you for telling me.” With that, Jacob returns to his meal.
Leah’s heart feels as if it now rests in the pit of her stomach. “Is that all you have to say; ‘Thank you for telling me’” she scolds him in her mind.
Rachel has watched the exchange with mixed emotions. She is happy that her husband will soon have a child, but she wanted to be the one to provide it to him. Her sister is, once again, first. As jealous as she feels, she also feels joy for her sister. She is doing the thing woman were created for; to bring life.
Leah is still standing by the table when Jacob looks up again. “Was there anything else” he asks in a dismissive tone.
Leah shakes her head and quickly leaves. This is NOT how she imagined this moment happening. Tears flow freely down Leah’s face as she returns to her tent. She lays down on her pallet and curls herself into a ball and quietly weeps. When she feels the child within her move, she places her hand on her middle and speaks softly to it. “I will love you. I’m certain your Abba will love you too. He just doesn’t know how to show it yet. He will when the time is right.” To her own heart she says; “Be patient. He will love you too; someday.”
After Leah leaves, Jacob turns to Rachel. “Did you know about this?”
“No, my husband. We learned of it together.”
Jacob nods his head. “Make certain she protects the child. Modify her work if needed and ensure she eats properly.”
Rachel is chilled by the knowledge that she is now tasked with ensuring that Leah’s child enters the world healthy. “And how should I do this?”
“I’m sure you will think of a way. You are cleaver and resourceful” says Jacob with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.
Rachel sees the joy he hid so well from Leah. He truly wants this child. Again, her heart hurts that she is not the one to provide it to him.
Leah’s pregnancy progresses without any physical problems. Rachel has secretly ensured that she eats the best of the foods. Rachel has also taken on some of the more physically demanding of Leah’s tasks. It was so subtle that Leah didn’t even notice. Rachel was supportive to Leah and was truly happy for her. Yet at the same time, envy never left her spirit. Jacob continued to maintain his distance and aloofness with Leah.
The emotional toll on Leah was a different story. Every morning, she would rise with the hopes that her husband would show some interest in the child growing within her. That he would put his hand on her stomach to feel it kick. That he would discuss names with her. That he would even ask how she was feeling. ANY of these little things that would demonstrate that he cared for her. That he at least loved their child.
Jacob did show interest, but not to Leah. He asked his questions of Rachel. She was his eyes and ears. He already loved the child, but he resented its mother. He believed she was a weight around his neck. One that he would never be free of.
The day came for the first child of Jacob to be born. Leah’s maid had summoned the midwife. Labor and delivery were so smooth that the midwife was astounded. “I have only seen such ease with women who have birthed many children!”
Leah was grateful for the relative ease, but she didn’t consider it easy. The speed with which her child emerged didn’t give her body time to adjust and stretch. She would spend days healing from the tearing that resulted. But she had a beautiful son. And she felt certain that Jacob would love her now for providing him with this miracle.
Jacob came to the tent door during Leah’s labor. He heard her cries of pain. Even his heart was touched by that pain. When the midwife emerged with his son, Jacob was overjoyed. He gazed into the eyes of his child and lost his heart to him. “So this is what it feels like” he mused. “To be an Abba.”
Jacob returned the baby to the midwife after a few minutes. It was then returned to Leah to nurse. As soon as the midwife disappeared through the door, Jacob left. He did not see his son again until the day he is circumcised. Jacob would perform the ceremony and he would introduce his son to his company. Leah would name his son and raise him until he was weaned.
Leah is excited about the upcoming ceremony. She has already picked their son’s name. She expects that Jacob will show her some kind of affection during the ceremony as he presents their son. She will take anything, even if it is only an acknowledgment of the life they created together.
Leah entered the tent for the ceremony alone, except for their son. Jacob did not walk with her but met her as she entered. He took their son from her arms without a word. Jacob easily performs the ritual of circumcision of his son. Then he turns to Leah and speaks the first words to her that he has uttered since her announcement of her pregnancy. “What is the name of my son?”
“His name is Reuben” answers Leah. She named their son this as a testament to his being presented to his Abba. ‘Behold a son’ is the meaning of his name. “Look what I did for YOU” is the sentiment she is hoping to convey.
Jacob holds his son up for all to see. Present were Laban, his sons and daughters, and several friends from Haran. “Please, bid welcome my son Reuben.” Jacob then turns Reuben back to face him and whispers “Grow strong my boy” before handing him back to Leah.
A great feast followed Reuben’s circumcision. Leah waited with baited breath for Jacob to show her some recognition or love. “Surely he will have some special words to honor me” thinks Leah. But those words never come. Leah did receive congratulations from her Ima and Abba. They are proud of her for bringing this honor to her husband, but they are not the least bit interested in hearing Leah’s woes.
When Leah had come to her Ima before, she was told that it was her job to please her husband; not the other way around. Lea’s Abba had never protected her in anything so she didn’t even bother to bring her concerns to him. He was, after all, the one who doomed her to this existence. Today, though, she gladly drank in the praises of her parents.
“And when do you expect to bring honor to your husband” asked Rachel’s Ima of her.
Rachel’s cheeks colored in shame. “I am trying Ima. I don’t know what more I can do.”
Rachels Ima shared several remedies she had heard of and Rachel vowed to try them all.
After the birth of Reuben, life returned to a new normal. Rachel tried every remedy she could think of to become pregnant, but nothing worked. And Jacob’s desire for children grew with each failed remedy. Rachel was still not with child by the time Reuben was six months old. Jacob came to Leah one afternoon.
“I desire to increase my household. Rachel is still unable to bear me a child.”
Leah knew what Jacob was asking of her without him having to actually say the words. “I am your wife. Come into me and I will fill your tent with children.”
Jacob spent the night the in Leah’s tent for the next week. Rachel cried herself to sleep each of these nights, knowing he was seeking from her sister something she was unable to provide to him.
Jacob was rewarded for his efforts when Leah informed him again that she was with child. She didn’t wait for the child to move within her this time. She told Jacob as soon as she had missed her second cycle.
Leah told Jacob of her condition while he was washing from his day in the field. She approached him at a time when she was sure Rachel would not be listening in. She wanted this time to herself. “I am again carrying your child” Leah announces to Jacob’s back.
Jacob stopped what he was doing and turned to give Leah his attention. “Thank you” Jacob said. Then he returned to his task.
Leah wasn’t certain if Jacob was thanking her for becoming pregnant, telling him about their child, or for being a receptacle for his needs. Again, it was not the reaction she was expecting. She could not see the smile that covered his face. He was pleased about having another child. He only wished it was Rachel who bore it.
Leah had Reuben to care for during this pregnancy. He was still nursing and required much of her time. He would barely be a year old when this child was born. Leah needed help from her maid for many of the household care tasks.
Rachel tried to be supportive of her sister. She understood Jacob’s need for children. And she was glad that he had some way of filling that deep longing. But seeing her sister pregnant again hurt in ways she never though possible. Rachel offered to help Leah with Reuben on several occasions, but Leah claimed that she didn’t need any help. Truthfully, Leah was receiving from her son the love that she lacked from her husband. But she still longed for even a scrap of love from Jacob.
Jacob treated Leah no different than he did during her first pregnancy. As hard as the tried, Leah could not gain his attention or his praise. He interacted with her only when he desired to see his child. These instances were few and far between, as Reuben had little to offer back to a man he barely knew.
When Leah gave birth to her second son, she was certain that Jacob would love her. “Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, He has given me this son also” she told the midwife as her son was returned to her after Jacob had looked at him. The midwife nodded her head in agreement with Leah.
“He is a beautiful boy. Strong and healthy. A son any man would be proud to call his own” reassured the midwife.
Again, Leah arrived alone at her son’s circumcision. When Jacob was ready to introduce his second son to those in attendance, he turned to Leah for the child’s name.
“His name is Simeon” she said.
“Please welcome my son Simeon” invited Jacob to all those present. Leah beams as the company welcomes hers and Jacob’s son. Her heart nearly breaks though when Jacob hands Simeon back without even making eye contact with her.
Simeon is barely two months old when Jacob comes again to Leah. Leah is happy to receive him into her bed for several days. Their two young children also benefit from a little time with their father. Only while interacting with them did Leah see Jacob smile.
Leah wasn’t the least bit surprised to find that she was again pregnant. The Lord surely blessed her time with Jacob. She only wished He blessed her with her husband’s love. Leah was convinced that this time would bring that love. She was carrying his third child. And she knew she was pregnant when her first cycle was absent. She informed Jacob as soon as she was two weeks late.
“I am carrying our third child” she told Jacob. Her face was glowing, certain that this revelation would be received with joy.
“Are your certain? It hasn’t been long enough for you to be certain” Jacob replied.
“I am certain. As I have experience in this matter, I recognize the signs earlier.”
Jacob nods his head and then turns back to the task Leah had interrupted.
Leah’s shoulders drop and her face dims at Jacob’s response. “Give him time to absorb it” Leah consoles herself. “Then he will finally show me love.”
Leah had two children to care for, including nursing, while pregnant again. She is tired most of the time, but she still found time to give each of Jacob’s children special attention and to shower them with her love.
In her eighth month of pregnancy, she decided it was time to wean Reuben. There is no way that her body would support nursing three children. He was a little more than two years old and had stopped turning to her for his main source of nourishment. He had pretty much weaned himself by now anyway. This was a milestone that every child would pass and one that would be celebrated by the whole family.
Leah approached Jacob the morning after Reuben had successfully slept through the night without nursing. “Reuben has been weaned” she announced without preamble.
Jacob looked up and Leah saw the first smile she had received in so long that she couldn’t remember when. Her heart latched onto that smile and held it fast.
“A ceremony is in order” replied Jacob. “Have my son ready this evening and we will celebrate his success of moving from a nursing infant into childhood.”
Leah breathless at the number of words spoken to her and the tone in which they were conveyed in this exchange. And Jacob’s smile never dimmed. This was a moment that she would cling to in her loneliness. Not that she was ever alone, but in the times when her heart cried out for the love of her husband.
Reuben was excited when Leah told him of his special ceremony. “There will be music, and grand Abba will come, and you will be the guest of honor!”
“I’m big now” asked Reuben.
“Yes. You are my wonderful son.”
Reuben’s weaning ceremony was almost everything Leah hoped it would be. Reuben was swept up in the festivities and honored for his accomplishment. Leah was even given congratulations for her hard work in bringing him to this stage of development. Jacob carried or brought Reuben with him as he visited with their guests. Jacob was the perfect doting Abba. But even now, Jacob had few words for Leah. If not for the company of her parents, Leah believed she and Simeon would have been invisible. “This is Reuben’s night” was the solace she kept reminding herself of. When Simeon fell asleep in her arms, she decided that her presence was better served in her own tent, attending to him.
“If you will pardon me, I must put Simeon to bed” Leah told her guests.
In an uncharacteristic display of concern, Rachel offered to help. “Let me take him in for you. You can rest and enjoy Reuben’s special night.”
Leah is shocked at Rachel’s kind offer, but she is also suspicious at the same time. She is also weary and longs for her own bed. “Thank you, but no. I need to get up and move anyway. I can manage.”
Leah turns for her tent before she can see the longing in Rachel’s eyes. “I would be a wonderful mother” thinks Rachel. “If only God would give me the honor.”
Jacob brings Reuben to Leah’s tent late in the evening. He has fallen asleep on his Abba’s shoulder. Jacob quietly calls out to her from the door. “Leah.”
Leah has been resting on her pallet but rises to answer Jacob’s call.
Jacob offers her another smile as Leah reaches out to accept their sleeping child. “Thank you for this evening and for your hard work with my son” Jacob whispers.
Leah’s smile could light up the whole world in response to Jacob’s praise. THIS was a moment she had been longing for. She accepts the weight of their son and turns back into her tent to take him to his pallet. Before Jacob departs, he gives her another treat.
“I will be by in the morning to get Reuben. It is time we got better acquainted.”
Morning came and Jacob arrived as promised. Reuben and Simeon are both up, fed and dressed by the time their Abba arrives. Both boys are excited when their Abba makes his entrance. Leah had been preparing them for his arrival all morning.
“Abba” they cry out in unison. Reuben runs to him as he enters their tent. Simeon is still learning to walk, but his squeals of joy are enough to melt anyone’s heart. Jacob bends down and tussles Simeon’s hair before speaking to Leah.
“Reuben will spend his mornings with me now. I have much to teach him. He is still young enough that he will require rest, so I will return him at the noon day meal.”
The smiles from Jacob are clearly for Reuben and no one else. Leah watches as the two of them leave her tent. Simeon tries to follow them but his steps betray him and he falls to the floor. When Jacob and Reuben disappear from his sight he begins to cry. He has never been without his brother. Leah brings him to her breast to console and quiet him. She softly coos to him until he quiets.
Reuben and Jacob hear Simeon’s cries. Reuben tries to pull away from his Abba’s hand, but Jacob holds him fast. “You brother will be fine. You will see him again in a while. This is our time now.”
Jacob continues on his way with Reuben casting occasional glances back in his brother and mother’s direction. Simeon is completely forgotten when Jacob reaches their destination; the sheep fold. Reuben has seen the animals from afar but never up close. They are intimidating at first, until his Abba shows him that they are safe to touch.
“She won’t bite you” Jacob reassures as he reaches out and pets a young lamb.
Reuben’s eyes go wide at his Abba’s boldness. Then he puts out his little hand and touches the lamb’s developing coat. Jacob laughs as Reuben steps in closer and rubs his face on the lamb’s wool. Jacob carefully watches as Reuben begins exploring the rest of the lambs. Jacob had carefully arranged this time for his son by having the gentlest lambs brought together for this visit. He has little fear of one of the animals hurting Reuben. Jacob will wait until Reuben displays that he is ready for something else before taking him from the lambs. There are many more experiences he wants to share with his son, but there is plenty of time. There is no need to rush.
Half the day has passed. Jacob sees that his son is tiring. He lifts him into his arms. “It’s time we went back to your Ima. She will have something good for you to eat.”
Reuben nods his head and then lays his head on Jacob’s shoulder. By the time they reach Leah’s tent, Reuben is asleep. Jacob wakes him with a gentle nudge. “We are here. You go and fill your belly and have a good rest. I will see you again tomorrow.”
Reuben wipes his eyes with the backs of his hands, as if trying to scrub the sleep from them. He gives his Abba a hug then runs to his Ima who is waiting just inside the door.
Jacob looks up from watching Reuben to meet Leah’s eyes. “I will send someone to collect him each morning” Jacob announces.
Leah doesn’t say a word. She simply nods in understanding. Jacob will not personally be picking up Reuben any longer. She would not be viewing his smiles each morning, even if they were only for their children.
Leah fed Reuben as best as she could, as he kept falling asleep during his meal. She finally gave up and woke him enough that he could walk to his pallet. Simeon was already asleep for his midday nap. She knew if he had been awake, he would have clamored for Reuben’s attention. Leah had a moment to rest while both their children slept.
Simeon awoke before Reuben and was so excited to see him that he began crawling all over him. Reuben woke quickly and the two boys engaged in rough and tumble play. When their energy had been spent, Leah separated them by pressing snacks into their hands to distract them.
“How was your day” she asked Reuben.
“I kissed a lamb” exclaimed Reuben.
Leah laughed. “Did the lamb kiss you?”
“It DID!” Reuben pointed to his ear before announcing “Right here.”
Reuben then launched into telling his brother and Ima all about the lambs and his day with his Abba.
Simeon cried out, “Kiss lamb.” Leah wasn’t certain if Simeon was commenting on his brother’s experience or if he was asking to kiss a lamb too. This phrase would be Simeon’s new ‘sing-song’ throughout the rest of the day.
“Yes. Kiss a lamb” Leah cooed as she nursed him to sleep for the night.
Reuben was ready and waiting when Jacob’s servant arrived to take him for the morning. As the two of them were leaving, Simeon tried again to follow, without any more success than the day before. He dissolved into wails of “Kiss lamb” as he watched them go.
“Well that answers that question” thought Leah. Simeon definitely wanted to kiss a lamb himself. She picked up Simoen and consoled him. “You will some day my little man. For now, we will play our own games.” Leah realized that she would have to find new things for Simeon to experience while Reuben was away, so as not to foster jealousy. The new baby would be here soon. Maybe she could get Simeon interested in the baby.
Leah had no idea how right her predictions were. She would go into labor that very night. The midwife was summoned in the middle of the night and by morning, Jacob had another son. Jacob came himself to pick up Reuben that morning so he could also see his third son. After a short look at his latest child, Jacob and Reuben depart for another day of excitement. Simeon watched from the arms of Leah’s nurse. He was too tired from the excitement in his own tent to try following his brother.
On the day of his circumcision, Leah named her son Levi. To her, this child symbolized a strong joining between her and her husband. Leah had learned by now not to expect anything more than that. She had resolved herself to the fact that she was not loved by Jacob. She was a vessel for his children only. But she also knew that he did love their children. Reuben’s time with him was proof of that.
Life settled into a new routine with Reuben spending his mornings with Jacob and Leah folding in the caring for her new baby while finding special things for her and Simeon to do while Reuben was away. Leah’s days were long and tiring, but they were also filled with love. The love of her children.
Rachel became bitter, watching her sister. “She has three children and I have none! What have I done to deserve this?”
When Levi was two months old, Leah had another visit from Jacob. She was expecting this. And she welcomed him gladly into her bed again. She knew her place in his life. She was the mother to his children. The personal results of this role were enough to fill her empty heart. Her children were her purpose. They filled her heart.
Before even missing her cycle, Leah knew she was pregnant again. She waited for that confirmation though before telling Jacob. This time, she sent word by his servant who picked up Reuben each morning. She didn’t even look for his approval any more.
Jacob brought Reuben home himself that day. “Why did you not tell me yourself of the new babe” he asked Leah.
Leah shrugged her shoulders. “Would it have made any difference?”
“I suppose not. Thank you for letting me know.”
When Rachel learned that her sister was pregnant for the fourth time, she could take it on longer! When Jacob returned to their tent that evening, Rachel was beside herself with jealousy. Before he even had time to remove his outer tunic, Rachel grabbed him by the arm.
“Give me children, or I shall die” (Genesis 30:1b).
Jacob looked down at his arm and into Rachel’s face. It was filled with sorrow and fury. She was determined that Jacob do this for her.
This angered Jacob more than he would care to admit. Had he not spent more nights with her than he could number? Their only time apart was when he went into Leah for the purpose of having another child or when her cycle appeared.
Jacob’s face was firm as he addressed Rachel. “Am in in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?” (Genesis 30:2b).
Rachel withdrew her hands as if they were scalded by fire. She clasped them to her chest in protection. She then looked around and saw her servant Bilhah preparing the table. Rachel rushed over to her and grabbed her by her arm. She dragged Bilhah over to Jacob and pushed her towards him.
“Here is my servant Bilhah; go in to her, so that she may give birth on my behalf, that even I may have children through her” (Genesis 30:3).
Jacob married Bilhah the next day. As a servant, there was no ceremony required. Only the bridal week in the bridal tent. Jacob had no love for Bilhah. His love for Rachel was the reason he agreed to this. That, and the fact that he longed for even more children. This one would be Rachels’ to raise, so he could spend time with it from an early age.
It was two months before Jacob received news that Bilhah was carrying his child. Rachel was beside herself with joy at the news. She would finally have a child. She couldn’t wait to tell Leah.
“Bilhah is carrying a child for me” she proudly shared.
“I am truly happy for you” Leah replied. Leah was still lord over her sister. It took her sister giving Jacob a substitute to bring her children. Leah knew in her heart the joys of motherhood and that they couldn’t truly be experienced through another.
Leah’s days were full, caring for her sons. Her concern about Bilhah took up little of her energy. Reuben’s time with his Abba became longer as time went on. By the time Leah was in her seventh month, Reuben was out with Jacob or his servants for most of the day. Leah had also decided it was time to wean Simeon.
Simeon was a little harder to wean. He wasn’t quite two years old yet, but it had to be done. Leah knew her body would be unable to support three nursing infants. And, with Simeon weaned, his Abba would take an interest in him like he had done with Reuben. This promise is what tipped Simeon over into accepting the process. He so wanted to be like Reuben.
The morning after Simeon successfully made the transition, Leah sent word to Jacob of this milestone. That word was carried by Reuben.
As soon as Reuben reached Jacob, he burst out with the news. “Simeon is weaned Abba!”
Jacob smiled at Reuben. “Is he now?”
Reuben’s head bobbed up and down in rapid motion which made Jacob laugh.
“Then it is time for his special ceremony. We will tell your Ima of it when you go home.”
“Can’t we tell her now Abba” pleaded Reuben.
“We have much work to do today. There will be time to tell her later. Today, you will try your hand at milking a goat!”
Reuben’s eyes go wide and a grin splits his face from ear to ear. His Abba had shown him how this worked and he had asked to try it himself. His Abba had said that he would try it “later.”
“Is this ‘later’” asks Reuben.
“For this task, I suppose it is” replied Jacob with a smile to match his son’s.
Reuben didn’t have a lot of success his first time as his hands were still not strong enough to express the milk from the udders, but he did enjoy the task. Jacob picked him and his bucket up in triumph when it became clear that he had done all he could.
“Look at all that milk” exclaimed Jacob. “What should we do with this?” Jacob pretended to be thinking over the issue. Then he brightened. “I know. We should drink it!”
Reuben was so proud of his accomplishment. He wanted to share it with his Ima. “Can Ima drink it?”
Jacob didn’t say anything for a minute. He had wanted to share this victory with his son. But it was right that his son cared for his mother. “That is a very sweet thing you want to do. We will put this milk away in a skin and take it to her when we see her this evening.”
“And tell her about Simeon’s ceremony” reminded Reuben.
“Yes. And tell her about Simeon’s ceremony.”
Jacob motioned with his head for one of the servants to finish milking the goat that Reuben had tended to. The servant gave a knowing smile and took the goat away so Reuben would not be the wiser. Jacob put Reuben down on the ground and the two of them went in search of a skin for the goat’s milk.
Reuben carried the skin with the goat’s milk in it for his Ima himself. He nearly glowed with pride as he greeted her. “This is for you Ima. I made it myself.”
Leah took the skin and looked it over. It didn’t look new. She turned it over in her hands.
Reuben, exasperated with how long it was taking his Ima to appreciate her gift, spoke up. “Not outside. Inside!”
“Oh, inside” replied Leah. She pulled the cork from the neck of the skin. She sniffed the neck.
Reuben rushed over to get a cup and brought it back to his Ima. “Put it in here” he instructed.
Leah nods and pours the content of the skin into the cup. It is enough to fill it a little over half-way.
“I made it!” exclaimed Reuben.
Leah looked up at Jacob who had been silently watching the exchange. “He milked a goat for the first time today. This is the work of his hands” Jacob said proudly.
Leah bent down to be on eye level with Reuben. Holding up her cup she praised his hard work. “You did an amazing job my son. May I drink this with our dinner” asked Leah.
Reuben straightened up to his fullest height and proclaimed, “It is for you Ima. You can drink it.”
“I will cherish it” Leah replied as she held the cup to her breast.
“I almost forgot” said Reuben. “Abba said that we need to have a ceremony for Simeon. He is weaned now.”
“Yes, he is. Thank you for telling your Abba for me.” Leah smiled at Reuben.
“We will have a feast tomorrow evening” Jacob informed both of them.
Simeon had been watching over his little brother Levi. He heard his parent’s exchange but would not leave his ‘job’ until his Ima came back to them. Levi had a tendency to get into things that made his Ima angry. His ears pricked up at the mention of his name though. His Ima had told him that there would be a special ceremony for him no that he was weaned. And that meant that his Abba would take him to kiss the sheep too!
Leah looked back at Simeon. He was such a faithful child. She smiled at him and motioned with her hand for him to join her. “Simeon will be ready tomorrow” she proudly announced once he was standing beside her.
There was a crash behind them and Leah turned in time to see Levi pulling up on the water vases. One of them had already been knocked over. “Oh Levi” she said as she rushed over to remove him from danger.
Simeon looked at his Abba and said, “Levi gets into a lot of ‘Oh Levi’s.”
Jacob laughed but that laugh became impossible to stop when watching Simeon’s stern face.
“It’s my job to take care of him so Ima doesn’t have to say ‘Oh Levi.’”
When Jacob finally stopped laughing, he bent down and looked Simeon right in the eyes. “You do such a good job helping your Ima. After tomorrow, you will help your Abba as well. Just like Reuben does.”
“Will I get to kiss a sheep?”
“That will be our first job!”
Simeon jumped up and down with joy. It would be hard getting him to sleep this night.
Reuben left with Jacob’s servant as usual the next morning. Simeon gave Levi all his attention so that his Ima could prepare her special cakes for his ceremony. This was his own special request. He made it before he would go to sleep and waited for her answer.
“You will have to watch Levi so he doesn’t get into trouble” she warned.
“I am good at watching Levi.”
“Yes. You certainly are. And you deserve your special cakes. Together, you watching Levi, and me baking, we will make your celebration perfect!”
After this, Simeon settled down onto his pallet next to Reuben. Leah kissed them both goodnight and then carried Levi to her pallet so she could nurse him in the night if he woke.
Jacob sent Reuben home at midday so he could rest before the evening’s festivities. When the hour came, Jacob came to gather Simeon and Reuben. Leah followed behind carrying Levi.
Simeon’s celebration was just as joyous as Reuben’s was. And Leah occupied a ‘back row seat’ throughout it, just as before. It was her son’s day, so she refused to be morose. She saw Rachel with Bilhah sitting together near Jacob’s seat. Bilhah looked quite large and uncomfortable, even though she was at most six months pregnant. Rachel was positively glowing with pride as their Ima and Abba fawned over Bilhah and congratulated Rachel. Even this, Leah would not permit to dampen her enthusiasm for Simeon.
Levi was squirming on Leah’s lap so she let him down. She turned her eyes from him for just a minute to accept warm wishes from one of the guests, when she heard a loud crash. She turned toward the source of the sound and found that Levi had pulled down several dishes from the table. “Oh Levi” Leah exclaimed. And from a short way off, she heard Simeon’s voice join hers.
“Oh Levi!” Simeon almost beat Leah to Levi to move him out of trouble. When Leah picked up Levi, Simeon watched closely to ensure that his baby brother was unharmed.
“He is fine” announced Leah. “I’m sorry he interrupted your celebration Simeon” Leah said with sincerity.
“Who will help you when I go with Abba tomorrow? There will be too many ‘Oh Levi’s when I’m gone. He might get hurt.”
Leah bent down and put her hand under Simeon’s chin. “You will go with your Abba as promised. Levi and I will work things out. And if I need help, Zilpah will be there.”
Simeon grabbed his Ima and Levi in a hug. “Ok Ima. I will go. But if Levi needs me, I will come back.”
Jacob watched the exchange in awe of his son. Simeon was such a caring boy. Not even two years old and carrying the weight of responsibility with more ability than some men ten times his age.
Jacob came himself for his two sons the next morning. Leah and Levi bid them farewell from the door of the tent. It wasn’t long into the day when Leah realized just how much she had come to depend on Simeon to keep his brother occupied. Levi was into EVERYTHING! And Leah was exhausted being so near to the birth of her fourth child. Zilpah was called in to help.
Zilpah watched over Levi while Leah went about her morning tasks, but they were tiring her out.
“Why don’t you entertain Levi while I do that mistress” offered Zilpah.
Leah readily agreed to the exchange. By the time Simeon came home for the noon day meal, Leah had tired Levi out and he was sleeping. She was in desperate need of a nap herself but she would not miss welcoming her son home on his first day with his Abba.
Simeon came bounding into the tent, a bundle of excitement over the day’s activities. Leah hated to do it, but she had to quiet him before he woke Levi.
“Come and tell me of your adventures, but do so quietly. Levi is sleeping.”
Simeon nods his head in understanding then quickly goes to his Ima. She has prepared a meal for him and he gladly begins eating. Between mouthfuls, he tells his Ima of his day.
“I kissed a sheep” he says with a twinkle in his eye.
“Did you now? Was it as much fun as you imagined it would be?”
Simeon thought for a moment. “It was fun, but I like kissing your more. You don’t lick me back. And I don’t want to kiss like sheep do” said Simeon scrunching up his nose at the thought of licking a sheep.
“I think I will stick to kissing instead of licking too” replied Leah with a smile. After Simeon finished his meal, he was ready for a nap. This day had certainly used all his energy. But he refused to go to sleep until he looked at Levi to know that he hadn’t suffered during his absence.
“See. Your little brother is safe and sound.”
With that, Simeon settled into his special place on his pallet. Reuben wouldn’t be home until the evening.
Simeon had been going each morning with his Abba for three weeks before he became a big brother again. The morning that his Abba came to see the new son and gather him and Reuben, Simeon made an unexpected request.
“Ima may need me to help with Levi. Ima
is tired and I don’t want her to have to say ‘Oh Levi’.”
“Your Ima will be fine. Zilpah is here to help her. She can watch over Levi. And if she needs help, she can call for one of the other women.”
“But how will she call if she is asleep? Levi is FAST!”
“We will call for someone to help her before we go. Will that be good enough?”
Simeon nods his head in acceptance of his Abba’s plan. On the way to the stables, Jacob sends one of the servants to find someone to help Leah.
This birth had been harder than any of her previous ones. Leah nearly weeps when Zilpah tells her that she can rest. “I have plenty of help, thanks to young Simeon’s insistence. Levi will be just fine. All you need do is care for yourself and your new son.”
The eighth day arrives and it is time to circumcise and name their latest son. Reuben, Simeon and Levi all stand by their Ima as their Abba takes the baby. Leah has to put a restraining hand on Simeon after Jacob expertly removed the foreskin from his son.
“Abba made him cry!” said Simeon with fire in his eyes.
“He will be fine in a minute” Leah whispers to Simeon. “You just watch Levi.”
Simeon gives his Abba a final withering look and turns his attention to Levi.
Jacob turns to Leah for the naming of his son. “His name is Judah” announces Leah with a brilliant smile.
Jacob presents his son to those gathered and then hands him back to his Ima. Simeon watches while holding onto Levi’s hand. When he is sure his brother is safe, Simeon breathes a sigh of relief.
When the celebration of Judah’s circumcision ends, Leah takes her children to her tent. They are the joy of her life. She didn’t realize that until Judah. She stopped looking for love and acceptance from Jacob. She would praise God for the love He showed her by allowing her to nurture her sons.
(to be continued)
We are going to break here before this story gets so long that it will take days to read.
Leah has stopped looking for love from Jacob and finds it in her children instead. I can certainly identify with her in this. My ex-husband was not as aloof as Jacob, but he treated me shabbily in our last years together. My spirit had been so trampled that I barely felt anything anymore. A few weeks after he had announced, “I don’t love you like I used to. Nothing you can do about it. I want a divorce”, I was watching my children play. All at once, a bubble of pure love pushed itself past the scars and burst. It filled me with such love that I started crying. My children filled me and brought me back to life.
There would be many more times in my life when I would struggle with one thing or another. The unfailing love of my children, and my love for them, is the MAIN reason I am still alive today. Whenever I would sink so low that I wished my life would end, God heard my pain and reminded me of the love He had lavished on me through my children. That love sustained me. And it was truly a gift of God.
Father God, I want to praise You for EACH of my children. For the love You placed in them. For the talents, and caring spirits You created. I KNOW with every fiber of my being, that You are NOT done with them. They are wandering right now, but YOU created them and placed them in my care. You gave me them to enrich my life, to teach me what love is, and to teach them of You. I have to leave them in Your hands now. I have done all I know how. The rest is up to You. Bring them back to You. I love them enough to leave them in Your care. There is NO better or safer place for them to be.