2 Corinthians 1:1-2 Greetings Again

Paul is writing to the church at Corinth again. This is not a happy letter but another one that had to be sent. He starts out with his customary greeting but even it has a slight bite to it.
Paul sent Timothy with his last letter to this body of believers instead of coming himself. He was hoping to visit them when they were in a better place. Timothy apparently came back with a less than glowing report. Many of the believers accepted Paul’s instructions and repented but there was a group that didn’t. Timothy brought word of this to Paul and now he has to address this group.
The greeting Paul gives specifically identifies the fact that Timothy’s report has reached Paul. BUT Paul still calls for grace and peace from God for this body. Paul is NOT giving up on them, no matter how hard they push back from him.
God doesn’t give up on us either, no matter how hard we push. I have been experiencing that the last two days to some degree. I have been discouraged with the lack of interaction here. I’ve been feeling like maybe no one really is interested any more. Since we left the gospels there haven’t been opportunities to “walk the streets” any more. I feel like our time together is dry.
I have also been feeling less confident in understanding what God has in store for us each day. I read the whole letter we are studying now two days ago. I honestly felt lost when reading it. I don’t know if it was because I’m used to taking things a little at a time or if this letter is over my head. Whatever the reason, I was reluctant to get going on our study.
The first night I felt physically and emotionally drained just thinking about what lies ahead. Yesterday I chose to count my time listening to my husband’s audio bible with him as my “bible study time.” Another excuse to delay digging in. But if Paul can confront the tough stuff, I guess I should too. I’m NOT comparing myself to Paul by ANY means. But I am saying that God was able to sustain him so I know He can sustain me too.
So, greetings fellow travelers. We are on our way again to see where God leads us on this journey. Please share with me your thoughts along the way. I crave your insight!
Father God, please forgive me for almost giving up. I know that NO time spent with You is wasted. Even if no one else ever writes back to me, You still hear me and that matters more to me than anything else. Forgive me for being selfish. Thank You for bringing me this lesson today. Thank You for allowing me to be honest with my feelings too. Please bless our time together and continue to speak to me through Your word. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.