1 Chronicles 25:1-31 Organized 3

David continues organizing those serving in the Temple that is to be built. Today he gets the musicians in order for their service.
David set aside 4,000 of the tribe of Levi to serve as musicians. This is where his heart lies. Praise and worship is how he relates best to God. And he wants this area to be set up well. David doesn’t work alone on this task though. He enlists the service of the “chiefs of the service” for this job.
Of the 4,000 a core group is created of 288 men. These were the cream of the crop. They were trained in various areas. All were trained in singing to the Lord but some also in prophecy and playing instruments. They came from three family clans; Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman. They were all under the order of the king. These were David’s musicians. Asaph wrote many of the Psalms too.
These 288 men were broken down into 24 groups of 12 each. They rotated their services along with the priests. There were an equal number of divisions of priests and musicians. I wonder if each group of musicians was assigned to a specific group of priests. Service rotation would be about once every two years with the same caveat of the 13th month addition seven out of every 19 years.
With these identified groups as their center, the musicians would be available to the new Temple night and day. There would be praise and prophecy before the Lord at all times. A ‘prequel’ to Heaven in my mind. Heaven is filled with angels singing praises to the Lord. Jesus even talks of the rejoicing in Heaven and Revelation tells us the angels sing in conjunction with the 144,000 who come to Him in the end. That’s one concert I’m looking forward to attending.
Father God, THANK YOU for music! Thank You for creating music and for pouring it into my soul. I am empty without it. I’m SO looking forward to joining the angels in Heaven singing Your praise. Thank You for returning it to me when I was in the darkest places. It probably wasn’t gone, my sorrows were just too loud and drowning it out. Thank You for ‘cranking up the volume’ for me. Keep me centered Lord in the center of Your love!